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Sneeze Fetish Forum

University colds


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So, this is my first posting on here at all, so sorry if it’s bad.

So, cold season is hitting my university so hard right now and it becomes harder and harder to tune it out. 

Today in my English class, there was this guy and he was just sniffling the whole time! He didn’t end up sneezing, but I watched him hitch a bunch and he just had so many false starts and I just felt so bad for him.

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Seeing it in mine too, noticing a lot of people coughing or clearing their throats, or having the sniffles. It's not that cold yet, but we've gotten a bit of a cold air hit the last couple of mornings so I think people may be affected by that. 

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It’s gotten pretty cold here, but I think people are trying to ignore it because I still see people wearing shorts, which I think is contributing to everyone getting sick.

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7 minutes ago, snzlovrr said:

It’s gotten pretty cold here, but I think people are trying to ignore it because I still see people wearing shorts, which I think is contributing to everyone getting sick.

lol. Classic. Yeah, people are doing the same here but it's a bit more warranted since the days can still get pretty hot. I've started to carry a sport's jacket since it does get pretty cold inside. 

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4 minutes ago, Travel said:

lol. Classic. Yeah, people are doing the same here but it's a bit more warranted since the days can still get pretty hot. I've started to carry a sport's jacket since it does get pretty cold inside. 

It stopped getting warm here like at all. Like the highest temperatures we get anymore are like 11. People just don’t care lol.


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10 minutes ago, snzlovrr said:

It stopped getting warm here like at all. Like the highest temperatures we get anymore are like 11. People just don’t care lol.


Without getting too specific (since I don't think it's allowed) where in the world are you? 

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Just now, Travel said:

Without getting too specific (since I don't think it's allowed) where in the world are you? 

I’m from Canada

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I think somethings starting to go around here, too. Its gotten very cold in the mornings, and people's clothing and shoes haven't caught up. I saw a girl in class today sniffling a bit who was still wearing a shortish skirt..wonder if ill get to see her sneeze soon!

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My classes this week have all been so distracting because they're mostly large lectures with a constant background nose of coughing, with the occasional sneeze.... Can be fun, but not when you're trying to concentrate on the professor 😭 the struggle...

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