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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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I have a fairly bad head cold right now, super congested and itchy with constant stuck sneezes alternating with desperate fits of 5-10 or occasionally more. I took today off work because yesterday I was barely functional from my cold, but my condition hasn’t improved enough to go back tomorrow so I called my boss to ask if it would be okay for me to stay home one more day. We hadn’t been speaking very long when a sharp tickle shot through my nose and I had no choice but to sneeze not once, not twice, but six times. I angled away from the phone and tried to cover with my hand, but I don’t know how much that succeeded in hiding the sound. I can only hope the messiness wasn’t audible over the phone. When I was done I was even more congested than before and really needed to blow my nose. Thankfully the conversation didn’t go on much longer. My boss said “wow, bless you” and told me to “get lots of rest” because I “sound pretty rough still” (he’d seen me the day before) and said that he’d find someone to cover my shift. I thanked him and hung up, then of course tended to my nose. Hopefully things ease up tomorrow.

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Thanks for your observations. I like that you bring in what your boss says! Would you mind telling us something from the day before at work? How was your cold and did you get any comments? Is it coughing with it as well? Hope you feel better soon!

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20 hours ago, Feo said:

Thanks for your observations. I like that you bring in what your boss says! Would you mind telling us something from the day before at work? How was your cold and did you get any comments? Is it coughing with it as well? Hope you feel better soon!

there hasn’t been much coughing. my throat’s been sore and a bit scratchy sounding but I think that’s just from a mix of breathing through my mouth all the time (because of congestion) and the sneezing.

my cold was pretty bad at work. I was very audibly congested and sniffling frequently, also blowing frequently. my nose was very itchy and gave me lots of false starts. I had a couple small sneezing fits (like 4-6 sneezes) that were very messy, thankfully I could catch them in tissues, they weren’t too quick for that until later. a few people told me to get well soon, no one asked if I was sick because it was obvious.

4 hours ago, BananaTree said:

Awww hope you get better soon~

thanks :) I was super sneezy today but the congestion and tiredness is clearing up so I’ll be back at work tomorrow, though with extra tissues and hankies for the sneezes in case they don’t die down

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