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Sounds you love

Kaze Wo Hiku

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And no I'm not talking sneezing. ;) or music I mean other sounds, ones that make you happy or calm you or just fill you with something.

I love the sound of rain definitely, throw in some thunder (not horribly loud) but just the relaxing rain sound.

I also notice in the past year I like the sound of a train in the distance. I live near some tracks and usually middle of the night I'll hear the whistle, it's a nice sound.

What about you all?

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Very interesting topic! :)

I also love the sound of rain, as well as the sound of flowing water and wind. Nature sounds in general are very soothing to me - the sound of leaves rustling in a soft breeze, bees humming along, those kinds of things... And a purring cat can relax me within seconds!

Something I also love is the distant sound of someone preparing breakfast. This probably sounds weirdly specific, but that sound when someone takes the time to prepare a meal for you, the soft murmur of the coffee machine, the chinking of plates and cups being arranged on the table, the opening and closing of the fridge, and the footsteps of the other person going to and fro from one place to the other, putting things on the table, pouring beaverages etc.. These are all very specific breakfast sounds and it doesn't work as well with other meals (lunch and dinner just don't come with those soothing coffee-making noises :D ). That being said, the sounds of coffee shops are great, too and I love those sounds as white noise in the background for reading or working on some writing.

There's also something about the sound of book pages being turned that I can't get enough of.

ASMR nail-tapping noises are fun, too.

And then there are these very specific sounds of certain places I love and am very familiar with. The sound of my home's front door snapping shut, the sound of the neighbour's wind chime (which drove me mad when they originally bought it :D) and so on. Also: the distant sound of a lawn mower.

Hmm... the more I think of it, the more things come to mind, so I'll stop myself right here for the moment, but I might be back later listing more strange sounds I love :lol:


Edited to add two links:

The first is purrli, a page that creates cat purring noises which you can modify according to your taste: https://purrli.com/

The second one is coffitivity which offers sounds from various coffee shop atmospheres: https://coffitivity.com/

Edited by Selene
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Throw me in there as another pluviophile, I absolutely love the sound of rain tapping against windows and the roof. I also love the sound of waves crashing on the beach. Also the sound of water fountains and objects entering water like rocks sinking into lakes, etc. I like the sound of sliding doors too or leaves rustling in the wind. I like the sound my mouth and others' mouths make when they bite down on carrots and chop them with their teeth. The sound of ice hitting against a glass. The sound of electric guitar feedback or the sound of plucking the strings of a guitar, the sound my head and hair make against pillows. 

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Oh man I absolutely adore:

- Rain

- Birds chirping

- Cicadas

- Cat purring

- Computer keys tapping

- Pencils on paper

- Soft TV static

- My parakeet tweeting

- Machinery humming

- Thunder

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I love sounds honestly. I think i'm a very aural person in some ways? Sounds I really love include

  • the sounds of people cooking (chopping, water running, stirring/whisking sounds, something sizzling in a pan, bowls and pots clunking against the stove/countertop/etc, eggs cracking, so on),
  • the sounds of people typing,
  • the sound of someone snoring quietly,
  • the sound of a dog walking across tile,
  • that noise a cat makes when you put your hand on them and they "activate",
  • the sound of boots/heels clicking along a linoleum floor,
  • the sound of autumn leaves rasping against each other when the wind blows,
  • the sound of heavy rain against any surface,
  • the gentle scratch of someone writing or drawing quietly,
  • the soft crunch when you step through a patch of fresh snow and the top has a lil ice on it,
  • that sound that a whole BUNCH of leaves make on the forest floor when you walk through em
  • the sound a cat makes when they're cleaning themselves and lick/chew on their own fur 

that last actually gives me the ASMR lol

Edited by •.*°•☆. Q .☆•°*.•
forgot one!
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They're so many that bring me joy but i'll name a few

Children, talking singing living its just i don't even know but its just good

Like everything Q listed

sand the sounds of digging or running on sand

GRAVEL IRL AND MC (don;t know but ooof ITS GOOD

And finally my favorite two 

My friend's and SO's? laugh its JUST THE BEST

My last one HEARTBEATS!!!!!! JUST GOOD SAFE mmmmmmmmm YES

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46 minutes ago, Bandit said:

They're so many that bring me joy but i'll name a few

Children, talking singing living its just i don't even know but its just good

Like everything Q listed

sand the sounds of digging or running on sand

GRAVEL IRL AND MC (don;t know but ooof ITS GOOD

And finally my favorite two 

My friend's and SO's? laugh its JUST THE BEST

My last one HEARTBEATS!!!!!! JUST GOOD SAFE mmmmmmmmm YES

For some reason I found all of what you wrote adorable :') 

Anyway, a good harmonic guitar riff, the sound of steps on a creaky wood floor and finally the "beep" from old casio watches 🤩

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I'm quite traditional, I guess? I love the sound of constantly falling rain - not too slowly, not too fast; especially when it's dark outside, and I'm sitting in a warm room, maybe with some candles around and reading something. I love the sound of waves rolling to the coast. No matter in which weather, which season, which strength - I will always love it. And I don't know if that counts, but I also love deep, hoarse voices (not only if it's a sick voice). A voice like this reading something or giving a speech - hmmm. :)

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-I LOVE the sound of clicking a keyboard, I don't know why but it's so calming to me... 

- I like rain, but normal and pacific rain because a storm with lightning and everything just gets me really nervous.

 - Meowing. I love that little sound cats make ❤️

- Someone drawing with a pencil.

- Basically everything that's ASMR, especially tapping, whispering or visual.

- Bells.

- This type of songs and instrumentals:

  I think that's about it, maybe there are a lot of sounds that I'm missing, but this is what I could remember at the moment :lol:

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1 hour ago, Hedgehog said:

I love the sound of waves rolling to the coast.

oh yes! i like this one too

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19 hours ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

I also notice in the past year I like the sound of a train in the distance. I live near some tracks and usually middle of the night I'll hear the whistle, it's a nice sound.

That's funny, I've lived near train tracks my whole life, so I don't even notice anymore. In fact, I didn't even think I could hear the trains from my apartment, because I never notice them. I realised last year that yes, I do hear them, and I realised because I DIDN'T hear them. All train traffic was cut off for an entire day, and I walked around all day thinking that something was off, but I couldn't pinpoint what it was. At 11 in the evening, the first train passed, and I was like... "ooooh, okay, I DO hear the trains from here." :lol: I can't say I like it though, but apparently I need to hear it or I feel unsettled. :lol: 


I love water sounds in general, like the majority. Rain, waves, the babbling of a brook in the woods… :heart: 

Thunder. If it's in the distance, it's relaxing, if it's close, it's energising (and, um… a turn-on. :blushing: )

Uncorking a wine bottle. 

Opening a soda can.

The sound my cat makes when he asks if I want to cuddle. It's a very specific, rich, warm sound that hits me straight in the heart. I love cat sounds in general, but this is something even more special. (The funny thing is that I have somehow developed a similar sound that I use on him for the same purpose. 😻 :inlove: )

Horses chewing hay. 

The sound of glass shattering. 

High heels against stone/marble floor. 

That sound when you rip worn fabric to shreds.  

Does anyone remember way back when they stamped library books when you checked them out? That sound. Oooh yes…!! 

Horses walking on asphalt. 

The sound leather makes, particularly when you sit in a saddle, or a leather jacket when you wear it and move around. 

Ice cubes in a glass.

Walking on gravel. 

Dry leaves blowing across a hard surface. 

Creaking floorboards.

The sound when a lot of people applaud. (BTW, is there a reason we decided that the best way to show our appreciation over something is to slap our hands together?)

That stock sound of sword fights in movies. 

I guess this ties in with sneezing, but you know that wettish sound when someone rubs a very itchy nose? Yeah. That. 

Wind. Everything from a light breeze to howling storm. 


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@Chanel_no5  I'm the same way with trains, I lived near them, got used to the sound but it was also mixed with the sounds of suburban living. When I moved out to a more rural area I started hearing them again and then when I got used it realized how pleasant I found them.

A few more adds since I forgot some of the ASMR stuff I like.

The crackling and pop of a campfire.

The white noise generated by a fan.

A dryer turning.

The subtle softness of an air conditioner.

Someone's finger nails scratching paper.

A sharp pen on paper.

Waves crashing on rocks.

Leaves on trees rustling in wind.

A bobber plopping into water.

And Q reminded me of the stepping on fresh snow. That lovely crunch.

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5 minutes ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

@Chanel_no5  I'm the same way with trains, I lived near them, got used to the sound but it was also mixed with the sounds of suburban living. When I moved out to a more rural area I started hearing them again and then when I got used it realized how pleasant I found them.

A few more adds since I forgot some of the ASMR stuff I like.

The crackling and pop of a campfire.

The white noise generated by a fan.

A dryer turning.

The subtle softness of an air conditioner.

Someone's finger nails scratching paper.

A sharp pen on paper.

Waves crashing on rocks.

Leaves on trees rustling in wind.

A bobber plopping into water.

And Q reminded me of the stepping on fresh snow. That lovely crunch.

Oh yes, so many of those that I love. I live in the desert practically and for me, the sound of turning on the fan and hearing the white noise just signals to me the end of the cold and the start of warm weather and the relief that comes with the air from the fan. 

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The sound of skis on PVC rails! Sometimes I'll put on a ski movie and not even watch it, just leave it there for the background noise. 

21 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Does anyone remember way back when they stamped library books when you checked them out? That sound. Oooh yes…!! 

Dude I work in a library and we still stamp newspapers and magazines when they first come in the mail. I always volunteer to get the mail so that I can be the one to stamp them, the sound is too good

Edited by skater
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57 minutes ago, skater said:

Dude I work in a library and we still stamp newspapers and magazines when they first come in the mail. I always volunteer to get the mail so that I can be the one to stamp them, the sound is too good

:cryhappy: I would totally do the same thing!! :D 


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I like the sound of the dishwasher. I think it's because my parents always turned it on before they went to bed and it still makes me feel like the house is sealed up for the night.


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On 9/27/2018 at 8:56 PM, Bandit said:

They're so many that bring me joy but i'll name a few

Children, talking singing living its just i don't even know but its just good

Like everything Q listed

sand the sounds of digging or running on sand

GRAVEL IRL AND MC (don;t know but ooof ITS GOOD

And finally my favorite two 

My friend's and SO's? laugh its JUST THE BEST

My last one HEARTBEATS!!!!!! JUST GOOD SAFE mmmmmmmmm YES

Yesss, all of this (except the children one), same (though I’m forever alone so replace S/O with celebrity crushes lmao)! Plus rain (LOVE), thunder, trees rustling in the wind, waves crashing (however gently or not) against the beach, birds chirping, pencils against paper in drawing or writing, fire crackling, and definitely the crunch of snow. It’s interesting to see that a lot of us like the same sounds, though I guess it makes sense since a lot of them are associated with good/comforting things.

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PurrRRRrrrRRRRrrrrRRRRrrrr - best sound in the world, hands down.

Rain.  Rain falling on leaves.  Rain being blasted up against the window.  Gentle rain.  Heavy rain.

Storm related sounds-thunder, heavy wind, even the sound of a mystery object being blown around by the wind outside!

Fire related sounds-crackling wood, rushing flames, popping coal

The ocean.  A running river.

Any sort of soft brushing sounds-actual hair brushing, a brush being dragged over fabric or similar, even a pencil on paper.  I have a serious major ASMR response to stuff like that.

The very specific sound of a train moving off from standing still and building speed.  How the clack-clack starts slow and then speeds up more and more and more.  I have recently discovered I can replicate this sound with a trolley in a certain supermarket that has tiled floors.  I've been having a lot of fun with this!

The noise of large machinery-whirring and whining and droning.  Shouldn't be remotely relaxing but there ya go! :laugh: But only at certain tones.  If the tone is very low it makes me feel dread instead.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

* Rain, waterfalls, waves crashing, fountains, rivers, pretty much any water sounds at all.

* Thunder

* Soft snoring

* Leaves rustling in the wind

* Cracking fire

* Cat’s purring

* Baby laughter

* Horse’s hooves on dirt or asphalt

* Whispering

* Tapping on a keyboard

* The beeping sound of a forklift

* An axe chopping wood

* Someone talking to me in a sleepy voice. Like when we stay up too late talking on the phone, or in person.

* Listening to someone’s heartbeat with my head on their chest.

* The sound of a fan

* When the furnace kicks in and the heat comes on in my house

* I live near train tracks, so the sound of the trains and even their horns is somewhat soothing

* Voices and accents

* Spooky and eerie music and sounds for Halloween. I have a CD which is just instrumental music and wind and howling sounds made for Halloween and I love that.

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Waves crashing

Fire crackling

Horses eating in a quiet barn 

Hockey, skates on ice, the puck gliding, the stick hitting the puck, players crashing into the walls

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