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Amazon reviews for colds


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So I just did an observation for the cold I have, and I had the idea of doing Amazon reviews for the colds that we catch. Cold viruses all have such different effects! Here's my review for my current cold:

"This is an awesome little cold, great for its mildness and contagiousness (sorry honey!), its lack of unpleasant symptoms like sore throat, and it's emphasis on sniffling and sneezing. My only complaint is there could have been MORE sneezes and congestion. My nose isn't even getting red! Overall though, a great little virus especially if you don't have time to really be sick. Would definitely catch again. 4 stars."

Anyone out there got a cold or allergen to review?

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Sinusitis flare-up 

1 star out of 5: 

"An annoying flare-up that keeps coming and going in the form of pain that stings right between the eyes, making it especially uncomfortable to have conversations with others. It keeps threatening me with sneezes that never come. An annoyance that puts a bit of a blemish on an otherwise okay day." 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Head Cold Review

2 out of 5 stars

"This particular virus has been nothing but a pain, with little to no sneezing, but an abundance of agonizing sinus pressure, dizziness, and a sore throat. Low grade fever is inconstistant, but still present. Would not like to experience again. Poor Quailty. Would like to return to sender, but can't find the shipping label."

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3 out of 5

Good first impression when it arrived,  plenty of sneezing without any 'really sick' feeling. However, the shelf life of this virus too long.  Three weeks on the irritating cough is still here along with a croaky voice, even though the sneezing parts pretty much ended a week ago. 

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Nice ones, all!!  This one made me lol:

On 10/12/2018 at 1:18 PM, MzMental said:

Poor Quailty. Would like to return to sender, but can't find the shipping label."


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5 out of 5

I was "gifted" this product by a friend of mine.  She seemed to highly "recommend" it when I visited her and could not stop going on and on about it while talking to me.  She must have used up three tissues herself, just sneezing and blowing into them, during our conversation alone and I noticed a few used ones lying around already.  She seemed rather desperate to share her discovery with me, as there were even a few times she didn't cover herself in time.  She's always nosing in on other people's business, insisting they try the new things she's "discovered", but this time I'm glad she did.  

It arrived quickly, only two days after I talked to my friend, and I couldn't be happier with it.  First of all, it's a VERY effective product.  I've been a sneezy mess all week.  My nose has turned a rather attractive shade of rose,  by boice soungs ligk thigs, and I think my sneezes are wetter than they've ever been.  If you're a fan of wet sneezes this is the product for you.  There have been a few times where the wetness and strength of my sneezes have blown straight through my tissue and right onto someone.  And that's where the second best part of this product comes in, people really take notice of me now.  I've had people commenting on my cold and wishing me well all week. I know I should be at home resting, but I'm just a people person.   I guess I just can't help show myself off now.  My voice has even helped me become a better speaker, as conversations have taken longer and I usually have to repeat myself a few times before my friends can understand what I'm saying.  And thirdly, this cold spreads so easily.  I've tried other colds before, but usually they can be pretty hit or miss when it comes to contagion, varying by the person.  But I've "gifted" a few other of my friends with this product and they seem to be "enjoying" themselves as much as I did.  I've even seen a few other people around town sporting the same "product".  I guess it's become fashionable this season, I think this product will really catch on.

Long story short 5 out of 5, would catch again.  I will say, if you decide to "gift" this product to someone else, you might want to bundle it with a few packages of tissues, since I've gone through two boxes in just a week.  They'll be sure to thank you for it later.

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1 out of 5

I'm going to be one of those assholes who reviews stuff before it's even released, or in this case, without having even gotten it at the time of this writing.

Cold going around the workplace is nothing but coughing, sore throat, chest stuff, and other nastiness that I don't want anything to do with, at least according to the trailers. Think I'm going to try and avoid this one, thank you very much. 

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On 10/18/2018 at 5:22 PM, Bondi said:

1 out of 5

I'm going to be one of those assholes who reviews stuff before it's even released, or in this case, without having even gotten it at the time of this writing.


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4 out of 5 stars

This cold was one of the first ones of the season, starting with a sore throat but quickly moving into my nose and sinuses. What started as a stuffy congestion just got worse (or better?) with enough nose blowing to turn my poor nose a deep shade of red. The sneezes were more frequent than normal, coming in groups of three and giving me no choice but to sneeze full force into tissues, my elbow, or whatever else I could manage. Then the coughing came with the sinus drainage, and I couldn't cough or clear my throat without a shift in congestion and needing to sneeze or blow my nose again.  The constant tickle and buzzing never really left my head and made me feel like I was always on the verge of something...if the urge was satisfied, this would get 5 out of 5! 


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5/5 for now but I might come back after a couple of days if the product worsens.

Very mild cold. Sneezing, half blocked nose that allows me to still speak without congestion, no sore throat after the first half day, and no fever. 

I would still like to return it 😭

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