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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Fetish going into overdrive??


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                My fetish started out as just enjoying watching/listening to women blowing their noses back in high school.  Over the years, it has evolved greatly into sneezing, tissues, tissue boxes and even being “excited” about my own snot and nose blowing!  Every time after I blow my nose, I have to look at the amount of snot that comes out....which is usually ALOT!

                I am at the tail end of a cold, and as I sit here and type this, I keep glancing over at the large white box of Puffs Ultra Soft white tissues that I opened yesterday.  I have been blowing my nose so much that I am about a quarter of the way through the box already.  When I see a box of tissues (especially a large box of Puffs, for some reason), it excites me.  I think about everything from watching the woman who has that box of tissues in her car, house, etc. blow her nose (wondering if she honks or has snotty blows).  I also think about how she would react if I grabbed a tissue, folded it over and blew my nose or if I asked her for a tissue and blew my nose in front of her.

                Usually, my nose blows are really soggy and wet; especially early in the morning.  I probably blow my nose an average of 10-15 times per day, so as you can imagine, I have a large box of Puffs tissues in both of my bathrooms and my office.  My first blow of the morning didn’t produce too much snot, but did honk a bit.  My last blow was quite soggy and wet; especially after 5 sneezes in about 3 minutes!  I almost always audio record my nose blowing, because I know that they are going to be wet.  I play them back later in the day.  I have been trying to work on blowing my nose softer and honking less, just because it hurts my nose if I blow it hard and with as much as I blow my nose because of my bad allergies.  My nose blowing starts of soft, then when I switch nostrils, one side usually gives that REALLY gurgly, snotty blow; which drives me nuts!

                Yesterday, I was talking with a friend and I noticed that she had a large box of Puffs basic tissues in her car.  I felt like I really had to blow my nose and I almost asked her for a tissue, but I would’ve been embarrassed if my nose blow sounded snotty and the Puffs Basic tissue cannot hold my snot; which would’ve been embarrassing if snot got into my hand. 

                I have almost made videos of me blowing my nose, which I have watched over and over, which drives me nuts, just listening to the snotty blowing, looking at the box of tissues and imagining a pretty woman grab a tissue, fold it over, put it to my nose and let out a soft and gurgly blow.  After my blow, she would make a comment about how productive it sounded or just rub my back or something like that.

                I know that we all have our fetishes in here, but has anyone else noticed that their fetish has gone into “overdrive”?  Looking forward to everyone’s responses and maybe even talk in PM/IM, if you want!!

Have a great day!!


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Oh gosh I'm like that as well but  the main one that'll drive me crazy is my nose fetish. I literally just waited for this guy to turn to the side and the face forward to see the shape of his nose. I try to pretend I'm not staring at them and  then stare right back at them! 

I try to contain my self but I have no self restraint.

I couldn't help but watch this guy blow his runny nose, and it was pretty snotty sounding, so I just face away and pretend no to notice.


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I've noticed that I tend to have peaks and valleys when I'm interested in fetishy things.

Sometimes I can go for weeks without checking anything out, other weeks I'm looking up stuff and trying to find stuff I've never seen CONSTANTLY.  I don't really know why...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can definitely relate to Jeff, love to watch guys blow but also like to do it myself, either in real life or vids. I have stopped resisting this, it is how it is...

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This happens to me on some mornings or in some weeks- where I just want to masturbate thinking of sneezes.

I wouldn't give it up though, I love having the fetish.

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I'm probably the same as Heathcliff really, but in the way of masturbating thinking of nose blowing

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On 10/21/2018 at 3:29 PM, cjblo said:

Can definitely relate to Jeff, love to watch guys blow but also like to do it myself, either in real life or vids. I have stopped resisting this, it is how it is...

By the way, thinking it over, like in Jeff's story, what makes it hot is that someone else would see me do it and react... In real life this is what I dread, but in fantasy it is what I look for. I can still think it is (a little) weird, but there is not much I seem to be able to do about it.

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