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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My little cold

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This is my first self-obs on the forum so I hope it's good enough. I have a little bit of a cold atm and thought maybe someone would be interested in reading about it. Unfortunately for you guys it isn't the sneeziest cold ever, but it comes with the occasional sneeze though. I cover the sneeze in my elbow. It has quite a lot of spray and is quite powerful. It has only been singles. It's more of the sore throat type of cold. I cough a little which hurt my throat and I'm a little hoarse. Yesterday my voice gave out a little.

Hope this was OK!

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hello Feo, as I already told you.. please take your time to rest and sleep. I hope your throat doesn't hurt too much - you could try some warm milk and honey? It should get better soon.

Get well soon and bless you - it was a good observation, don't worry 🙂


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8 hours ago, beijoseternura said:

hello Feo, as I already told you.. please take your time to rest and sleep. I hope your throat doesn't hurt too much - you could try some warm milk and honey? It should get better soon.

Get well soon and bless you - it was a good observation, don't worry 🙂


Thank you @beijoseternura

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