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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Bleed For This (SPN, Sam)


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I know that it’s been a while since I’ve written a SPN story. Life has just been so chaotic recently and I haven’t been able to take time to write anything. However, with the weather being like it is I was able to start this story. I’m just going to warn you that there is A TON of mention of blood as in nosebleeds so if that’s not your thing then DON’T READ THIS STORY. That’s kind of the entire premise so there is sneezing in it, but it’s mixed with a nosebleed. I hope you enjoy!




Prompt- For Sam, with winter come colds. With colds come sinus issues. With sinus issues come obnoxiously huge sneezes. With obnoxiously huge sneezes come obnoxiously frequent nosebleeds. Which isn't usually a problem.

Except for when a nosebleed won't stop.

(Note: there are lots of reasons nosebleeds can go on for a lot longer than they're supposed to and thus require medical attention, but one of the most common ones is being on a drug like aspirin, which you can take if you've got a cold...)




    Winter. It was Sam's least favorite season and it wasn't just because hunting in the snow sucked. 




    It was because with Winter brought horrible chest colds and that's exactly where he was right now. He sat on the bed of the latest motel, sniffling like a Coke addict and struggling to breathe at all through his nose.




    Then there was the sneezing. Sam had rather large sneezes to begin with, but with a cold and with a possible sinus infection the sneezes turned obnoxiously loud. 


    It was rather embarrassing for Sam. He would've liked to pretend that they weren't his sneezes. He had tried to stifle or quiet them, but that never really worked and Dean would always scold him when he tried. So, this was what he was stuck with and it sucked either way.


    Sam moaned as he sat on the bed of the latest motel of the week. He was trying to relax as much as possible while Dean was out on a supply run, trying to get tissues and other things that Sam might need during the duration of this illness. Also it was no surprise that Dean became rather annoyed with Sam's obnoxiously loud sneezes rather quickly so he knew that it would probably be best to let Dean go. The less time that he spent with Dean the better.


    Sam was about to reach for the water on the nightstand when he felt his nostrils start to flare. His breath began to hitch and Sam let out a low moan. He was so tired of sneezing and he just wished it would all end, yet the illness had just begun. It would be a while before he got any relief.


    Suddenly, Sam pitched forward to sneeze an impressive triple into his hands. "Huh'ITcHSHSSHShSh! Huh'TcsHsHSSHS! Huh'TcsHsHsHSSH!"


    Sam suddenly felt wetness on his hands, but not a normal type of wetness. He reluctantly looked down to his hands and saw speckles of bright crimson blood on his hands. He held his breath in fear as he clamped one hand over his nose and swung his legs off the side of the bed.


    He stood and it seemed like all the blood from his head just rushed to his nose. His nose flooded with blood and it started to pour onto his hands and seep between his fingers. He looked around frantically and felt his heart leap into his throat when he noticed that the blood had fallen on the pure white comforter of the motel. He knew that he was going to be chewed out later about that by Dean. 


    Sam made his way to the bathroom and lowered his hand from his face. The blood splattered the sink and Sam struggled to wash his hands as quick as possible. His nose was still running and bleeding and it was very annoying and uncomfortable. It was one thing for his nose to run. It was another for his nose to bleed.


    Sam had been prone to nosebleeds since he had been little. He remembered Dean telling him stories of him having nosebleeds for minutes, especially when he sneezed or the air was dry, and it would always scare Dean to death. Even now it would scare him when Sam got a little nosebleed. This, however, was no little nosebleed. This was quite massive.




    Sam tried to reach his hand up to stifle the sneeze, but he wasn't in time. That caused even more blood to pour from his nose like a waterfall. Sam pulled his hand away so that he could bleed freely into the sink. He immediately started to feel lightheaded and he had no idea what to do about it.


    The door suddenly opened and Sam clutched the edge of the sink as he felt his legs go weak. "DEAN!"


    Sam wasn't sure if he had ever screamed this loud before. He wailed as loud as he possibly could, but in retrospect it couldn't have been very loud thanks to the lightheadedness that he was feeling. He slumped dangerously sideway as his hands released the sink. His head hit the floor and he heard footsteps running.


    "Sam," Dean called back as he tried to open the bathroom door. "Sam, are you in here?"


    "De'," Sam called.


    Dean pushed open the door and his eyes nearly popped from his head when he saw his little brother laying on the floor with blood absolutely everywhere. It appeared as if Sam had been shot with the amount of blood that was everywhere in the bathroom.


    "Okay, Sammy. Okay," Dean gulped as he felt his stomach twisted inside of him. "Is this all from your nose? Oh boy."


    Sam lifted blindly and weakly for his brother and slapped his face ever so slightly. "De'," he repeated as he started to see stars.


    Dean slapped Sam's face hard. Sam yelped before Dean grabbed Sam's shoulders and pulled him upright. "Okay, I'm going to pinch your nose, okay? We'll see if that works." 


    Dean was used to helping Sam with his bloody noses, but that didn't mean that it still didn't freak him out every time. He clamped his thumb and forefinger around Sam's still gushing nose. Sam drew in a heavy breath and felt blood seep into his mouth. He coughed heavily as blood trickled from the inside of his mouth.


    "Calm down," he chided as he continued to clamp at Sam's nose. "Lean forward a little more. See if that's okay, okay, kiddo? You're okay. You're okay."


    Sam nodded as he felt the impending pressure in his nose. "Feels fuddy," he told his brother.


    Dean nodded slowly as he continued to apply pressure to Sam's nose. "It's alright. It's going to feel probably like that for a bit until we can stop the bleeding."


    Sam sighed heavily the felt the tickle rush through the back of his sinuses. He whimpered as he tried to meet his brother's gaze. "D-Dean," he stammered.


    "Sammy, it'll be best if you don't talk. I don't want you harming yourself," he chided as he shifted so that he was taking the brunt of Sam's weight so that he didn't need to hold himself up.


    Sam started to blink his eyes madly as he shook his head madly. "Budt, Deadn," he tried again with a small hiccup.


    Dean sook his head once more. "Sam, stop talking. I think that the blood is almost stopped."


    Sam suddenly sucked in a heavy breath as he tried to ward off the feeling for a moment, but it was inevitable and he couldn't stop himself for buckling forward with Dean still clutching at his nose.


    "Huh'TCSHshsSHSxx! Huh'TcshsSHSHSSHXX!"


    It was a harsh stifling against Dean's fingers and Dean let out a hiss of anger. He looked down to Sam as more blood started to seep from Dean's grasp. Dean sighed loudly. "Damnit, Sammy!"


    "Sorry, I couldn't helb id," he answered as he coughed heavily as he felt the blood started to seep down his throat. It was beyond uncomfortable and he really didn't want to swallow the blood since he knew that he wasn't supposed to, but he really didn't have a choice. 


    Dean knew that he wasn't angry with his brother. After all, he knew that Sam couldn't help it. Probably sneezing made it absolutely worse and it was probably painful for Sam a lot more than it was for Dean. Besides, it was just blood through the nose. It would’ve been a heck of a lot worse and that's what Dean kept telling himself.


    "Yeah, I know," chided Dean gently as he looked over to his brother. "Do you think that you can keep it clamped now so that I can get an icepack or at least something cool?"


    Sam was about to nod before he realized that that was probably a bad idea. Instead, he lifted his hand to replace his brothers as he slightly leaned forward and breathed through his mouth loudly so that the blood didn't drip down his throat. He spat it a bit on the floor before he sighed heavily and watched Dean head back into the motel room and rummage around for the cooler for some icepacks or anything cool that they could use.


    Dean rushed back and smiled at Sam. "You doing okay?"


    "Fide," answered Sam as he tried not to sniff back the blood. "Jusdt uncomfordable."


    "Yeah, I can understand that," he replied as he kneeled down once more and shoved the icepack against the bridge of Sam's nose. Sam drew back a bit in surprise before he forced himself to lean into Dean's touch. Dean pushed even harder against the bridge of Sam's nose and just clamped it there.


    "We'll just stay here for a little bit and see what happens, alright," chided Dean as he helped Sam lean back against him. Sam's head tried to rest on his shoulder, but Dean shook his head. "Hey, Sammy. Keep your head up. You can't go to sleep yet, alright?"


    "Dean," Sam sighed as the cloudiness to his vision returned with a vengeance and he couldn't seem to focus on much. He wasn't sure why but his body felt heavy and he couldn't feel anything anymore.


    "Sam! Sam!"


    Dean tried to catch his brother as he collapsed and he knew that he had to get Sam to the ER. Now.


To Be Continued.....

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Yay! You’re back!!

This is sooo good :) made me a little sad tho...poor sammy. :heart:

I’m so glad you decided to post again :)

Edited by jensdw
apparently I can’t type
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/13/2018 at 7:48 AM, jensdw said:

Yay! You’re back!!

This is sooo good :) made me a little sad tho...poor sammy. :heart:

I’m so glad you decided to post again :)

I know that it’s been a little bit but I’m so glad that I’m back! I’ve been trying to get so many things in order, but I finally think that I’m heading in the right direction. I’m so happy that you like this story and I hope that you like the rest of the parts that go along with it.


On 10/14/2018 at 3:58 PM, sneezy_frnk said:

Yaaay! Didn't see much spn stuff lately. I NEED IT! Sick Sammy is my favorite! I looove this! 

I noticed that too that it seems not to be a lot, but it does tend to come in waves. Usually when I don’t see anything to read I end up writing things myself.😂 I’m just glad that you’re enjoying it so far!



Once again, if you’re not into blood then this is NOT a story for you. It deals with massive nosebleeds. Anyway, I hope that you enjoy it and I appreciate all of your wonderful comments! 😊




    Dean immediately freaked out when Sam's body went completely lax against him. He knew that he was out cold and he swore loudly. He started to slap at Sam's face before he noticed that it wasn't working. Whatever was going on wasn't going to be solved by Dean forcing Sam awake. They needed a hospital.


    "Alright, Sammy. Let's see if we can get you to the ER."


    Dean knew that Sam couldn't hear him, but that didn't matter too much to Dean. He was saying it to himself so that he could force himself to be calm. He just knew that he had to get Sam some help. After all, he had never known a nosebleed to be this bad so that Sam actually lost consciousness. This was extremely alarming to Dean.


    Dean hauled Sam to his feet and practically dragged him outside. He threw him into the passenger side of the Impala. He climbed into the other side and noticed that Sam's nose was still bleeding without any sign of stopping. He almost thought that something supernatural was going on here.


    Dean found the nearest hospital a few miles away and thanked God that it was so close. He slammed on the gas and pulled out a little quicker than he meant. He nearly collided with the car behind him before he rocketed forward. He looked over at Sam and forced himself to look back to the road or he knew that they would both be in trouble.


    Dean finally pulled up at the ER just as Sam was starting to stir. Sam lifted a hand lazily to his nose and tried to clamp over it. Instead he narrowed his eyes as he looked over to his brother.


    "Deadn," Sam stammered in fear. "Whadts....Huh'TChsSHSSHSH!"


    More blood sputtered on the dash in front of him. He looked over to his brother. "Come on, let's get you in," Dean ordered as he parked the car and immediately headed to the other side of the Impala and reached in to help his brother. 


    Dean immediately flinched when he saw how much blood had been sneezed out on the dash. "Really, dude? That's just gross."


    "Sorry," Sam croaked in embarrassment. The last thing that he wanted to do was sneeze all over Dean's car. He knew how much he cared about it for whatever reason.


    Dean pushed down any anger and gripped his brother's arm firmly. "Alright, it's fine, Sammy. It's not that big of a deal. I'll just make you clean it up. That sounds fair."


    Dean guided his brother forward as Sam tried to keep one hand over his nose to clamp it shut. He was loosing energy and it was hardly working. Unfortunately, Dean was too preoccupied on what he was doing to help his brother. He just wanted to get Sam inside the hospital so that they could help him.


    He practically dragged Sam forward and through the automatic doors. "Help," Dean cried out in anger. "My brother needs help!"


    A nurse came forward with a panicked expression on her face. "What happened," she asked as she examined the blood on all the front of Sam's shirt as well as Dean's.


    "Nosebleed and it won't stop," Dean told her, suddenly feeling foolish. Nosebleeds were supposed to be an annoyance, but not a medical emergency. Yet, now Sam was bleeding more now than he did from a bullet wound and that was more than concerning. Dean felt like he was slowly loosing control of the situation.


    The nurse nodded as she motioned to another nurse for a gurney. She rushed over and handed it to the first nurse. "Is he taking any medication? Any blood thinners?"


    "Not that I know of," answered Dean as he sat Sam down and helped swing his legs over the side of the bed. Sam struggled to sit up and he tried to rub at his nose.


    Dean leaned forward and clamped a hand over Sam's. "Easy, Sammy. Just relax."


    Sam looked panicked as he looked over to his brother pleadingly. He sucked in a heavy breath before he slightly pitched forward. "Huh'TCSHsHSSHS! Huh'TCSHsHSSHS!"


    Dean knew that that was coming. Sam was a fairly frequent sneezer without him actually being sick. Now that he had a sinus infection and a chest cold it was quite common for Sam's loud and uncontrollable sneezes to make an entrance. However, it seemed to scare the nurse out of her mind as she jumped as blood flowed from Sam's nose even more than before.


    "Dabit," Sam snapped as he spat blood onto his jeans.


    Dean rested a hand on his brother's shoulder as the nurse grabbed the back of the gurney. "We need to get him back and have that vessel cauterized. Morgan, call Dr. Lance! We need her in room 103."


    Dean was about to follow when another nurse came out of nowhere and rested a hand on his shoulder. She was fairly tall and sturdy women with Hello Kitty scrubs. "I'm sorry, sir. You're going to have to wait here," she told him.


    Dean shook his head madly. "That's my brother."


    "I know, but you'll just get in the way. They'll come and get you as soon as he's up for visitors. Now, can you tell me his name," the women asked. 


    Dean gulped. It felt like everything was spiraling out of control and he wasn't sure how to stop it. "Er, Sam Whitin. I'm Dean," Dean croaked.


    The nurse smiled as she patted his shoulder. "I'm Debbie. Now, how about you get something to drink, maybe something to eat, and I promise that I'll come and get you as son as he's ready. Either myself or Toni will come and get you."


    Dean assumed that was the name of the other nurse, although he had never heard Toni for a girl's name. He shook away the thought before he aimlessly stumbled over to one of the chairs. He couldn't eat. He couldn't just wait. 


    However, he didn't have much of a choice.


    He just prayed everything was alright. After all, no one died of a nosebleed, right?


To Be Continued.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here’s another part. Sorry it’s been so long. I’m going to try to do more regular updates if I can. In the meantime I hope you like it. There will be one more part after this one. Hope you enjoy!




    Sam saw his brother disappearing into the distance and he knew that he wasn't going to be allowed back with him. He tried not to feel panicked at what was going on. He knew that these doctors knew what to do. A nosebleed wasn't that big of a deal, unless it hadn't stopped and Sam's hadn't.


    They brought him to another room and Sam felt the blood still surging from his nose. He looked at the nurse who brought him back as she pulled out a needle and started an IV. He barely felt the pinch and it did feel a lot better now that his head wasn't spinning like a top. His eyes were focused on what was in front of him and he was trying his best to relax.


    "Alright, Sam. Can you tell me how long this has been going on for," the nurse asked and it took Sam a minute to read the sign in front of him that stated that his nurse would be Peyton, so he knew that had to be her name. 


    Sam thought hard even though his mind was like a giant fog. He groaned a bit. "Half and hour baybe," he replied as he tried to sniff, but that just caused fire to punctuate his sinuses. He couldn't help but let out a tiny yelp.


    "Okay, Sam. I need you to just breathe through your mouth for me. We're going to try and cauterize the blood vessels and it's not going to be pleasant, but I'm guessing that's your problem," she told him as she reached into one of the drawers and pulled out a small syringe. It did not look pleasant to Sam in the slightest. He just hoped that they weren't going to stick it up his nose.


    Peyton saw the terrified look in Sam's eyes and he smiled. "Don't worry. This is just to numb the area inside. It's not comfortable, but it doesn't hurt. Besides, this isn't Dr. Lance's first rodeo."


    Sam was about to ask when that meant when a middle aged women in white lab coat walked forward. She smiled as she passed behind Peyton. "You must be Sam with the most incredible nosebleed that most of my nurses have ever seen," she chided as she placed some gloves onto her petite hands. 


    "Will this hurt," Sam asked in fear.


    Dr. Lance took the syringe and shook her head. "This is just to numb the area. It'll probably tickle, but it'll be done in a moment. Just hold your breathe and try counting to ten. That's the best advice that I can give you."


    Sam hated this. This wasn't like a bullet or knife wound injury. Instead this was something that was supposed to be natural and it wasn't. Then again, when would Sam Winchester ever have anything normal actually happen to him. That just wasn't possible.


    "Okay, Sam, I need you to tip your head up a bit and just try and relax as much as possible, alright," Dr. Lance chided while Peyton came on Sam's other side and gripped his shoulders to keep him from bucking once the needle struck the soft part of his nostrils.


    Sam held his breath as Dr. Lance drove the syringe into his right nostrils. He gasped in surprise as he felt a rush of what felt like liquid before nothing. But, it did itch and tickle like hell. Sam immediately ducked his head aside and wrinkled his nose before he moved it around his face. He let out a strange sound in the back of his throat before he lifted a hand to his nose immediately. 




    Embarrassment and pain shot through Sam like a dagger to the skull. He withdrew before he looked around to Dr. Lance and Peyton. "Sorry. Sorry," he sputtered as he felt yet more blood running down his face.


    Peyton smiled as she grasped his shoulder, just like Dean would've. It made Sam immediately relax. "It's alright. You can't help it. Let's just try this again and see if we can do it a bit quicker.”


    Sam couldn't have agreed more. He blinked his eyes a few more times before he noticed that Dr. Lance was coming at him again. This time he couldn't really tell what it was since she acted so swiftly. He just felt a tiny prick and then nothing and he prayed that that was the end of it.


    "We'll see if that does the trick. I'm going to put some packing up there to try and collect the rest of that blood. I know it's not going to be pleasant, but you shouldn't touch your nose for the time being," Dr. Lance assessed as Peyton started to grab the supplies that he would need.


    Worry showed in Sam's gaze. "I'm sick," he confessed timidly as his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "What if I have to sneeze?"


    "Well, you're going to have to do it as much through your mouth as possible. It'll make it louder and probably aggravate your throat, but it's the best option. We don't want that nose to start bleeding again," pointed out Dr. Lance as she smiled comfortingly. "Now, would you like to see your brother? I can practically hear his worry from here."


    That was Dean. Sam knew that he would be worried. Dean always worried about him and a trip to the hospital was not something to brush off. He just nodded slowly when he thought about his brother actually waiting in a waiting room instead of right beside him. It must have been one tough nurse who was with him now to actually get him to obey them.


    "Yes, please," he answered weakly.


    Dr. Lance nodded as she headed out of the room and Sam leaned back in the bed. He just hoped that it was all over.


To Be Continued....

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I didn't comment? My bad! Here we go, cause Sick Sam + me = 😍❤️❤️

On 11/4/2018 at 5:47 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

Sam saw his brother disappearing into the distance and he knew that he wasn't going to be allowed back with him. He tried not to feel panicked at what was going on. He knew that these doctors knew what to do. 

Aw! Need big brother!

On 11/4/2018 at 5:47 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

    Sam held his breath as Dr. Lance drove the syringe into his right nostrils. He gasped in surprise as he felt a rush of what felt like liquid before nothing. But, it did itch and tickle like hell. Sam immediately ducked his head aside and wrinkled his nose before he moved it around his face. He let out a strange sound in the back of his throat before he lifted a hand to his nose immediately. 




    Embarrassment and pain shot through Sam like a dagger to the skull. He withdrew before he looked around to Dr. Lance and Peyton. "Sorry. Sorry," he sputtered as he felt yet more blood running down his face.

I liked this bit a lot

On 11/4/2018 at 5:47 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

Worry showed in Sam's gaze. "I'm sick," he confessed timidly as his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "What if I have to sneeze?"

I like this bit! Poor Sam!

On 11/4/2018 at 5:47 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

He just nodded slowly when he thought about his brother actually waiting in a waiting room instead of right beside him. It must have been one tough nurse who was with him now to actually get him to obey them.


On 11/4/2018 at 5:47 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

    "Yes, please," he answered weakly.

Aw yes get big brother 😍

I love your stuff 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/6/2018 at 5:25 PM, ReidSeeker said:

I didn't comment? My bad! Here we go, cause Sick Sam + me = 😍❤️❤️

Aw! Need big brother!

I liked this bit a lot

I like this bit! Poor Sam!


Aw yes get big brother 😍

I love your stuff 

Awe that’s so sweet! I’m so glad that you’re liking this!


On 11/6/2018 at 5:37 PM, jensdw said:


thank you for this! I can’t wait for more. :heart:

More is on the wa!


Here is another part. There will be one more after this to complete the story. Thanks for being patient with me and I hopefully will be able to post another story over my Thanksgiving break. Hope you enjoy!




    As soon as they told Dean that his brother was ready to see him, Dean was on his feet in a minute. He rushed forward and almost pushed Dr. Lance out of the way as he rushed forward. He headed into the area where Sam was since he could hear his loud breathing. Clearly this nosebleed had done absolutely nothing for his sinus infection.


    He threw back the covers to the room and smiled when he saw his brother. "Sam," Dean gasped in relief. "How are you doing?"


    "Beed bedder," replied Sam with a shrug of his shoulders, but at least the color was coming back to his face. He had what looked to be white cotton stuff up his nose and the dried blood coated half of his face. He looked like he had just been beat up. Dean thought about teasing him, but he wasn't sure what good that would do. 


    "At least you look pretty good, Sammy. At least you're not combusting again," Dean chided as he sat down on the edge of Sam's bed and ran his fingers through his hair. "You okay? What happened?"


    "Well between the aspirin in his system and a ruptured blood vessel, I think that we have everything under control," answered Peyton as she handed Dean a small pamphlet on nosebleeds and the proper procedure for ones, such as the one that Sam had had. "Isn't that right, Sam?"


    Sam nodded slowly. "I hope so."


    "Yeah, me too. Just follow the instructions that the doctor has for you and come back immediately if you have anymore symptoms. You should be okay to go," Peyton told them as she crossed her arms over her chest. "But, my goodness do you not have good luck."


    "You're telling me," Sam croaked even though Dean was the only one who truly got that joke. Sure enough, Dean chuckled in amusement and shook his head.


    "Take care of yourselves, boys," Peyton told them as Dean reached around Sam's back and helped him straighten. He still was a little woozy on his feet, but at least he wasn't about to loose consciousness again as far as Dean knew.


    Dean sighed as he held his brother tightly. "Let's get you home."




    When they arrived back at the motel Dean sentenced Sam to bedrest almost immediately. There was no hunt that they had at the moment and Sam was sick anyway. In Dean's eyes Sam should've already been resting instead of doing whatever it was that Sam always did.


    "Work with me, Sammy," chided Dean as he helped his little brother sit up in bed as he brought over a bottle of water. "You need to drink this. I don't even want to think of the amount of blood in your throat and stomach."


    Sam shuddered. "I don't either," he agreed as gave his head a tiny shake, but nothing too rigorous to send him into another bleed.


    "Right, then drink," urged Dean as he pushed the bottle of water back toward his brother. Sam took in his hands, but pushed it back to Dean. "Sam, what?"


    "My throat hurts," complained Sam as he lifted a hand and rubbed it against his throat. 


    Dean stifled a sigh as he turned and made his way over to the small kitchen area. He immediately heated up some water and quickly made some hot chocolate for his brother. He brought it back and handed it over. "Here. Small sips. It'll help with the pain, I'm sure."


    This time it made Sam seem a little more eager. Once he was finished he started to cough from drinking so fast. Dean started to pound gingerly on Sam's back. He did not need him rupturing another blood vessel in the other nostril. He would not look forward to a second trip to the emergency room in one day.


    "Easy, easy," chided Dean as he rubbed at Sam's head to try and ease the headache he knew that he had to have.


    Sam nodded as he gulped. "I'm okay," he rasped with his chest heaving heavily. "Just tired and sore. This cold is a little worse than I thought."


    Dean laughed as he nudged his brother's shoulder. "Sam, you have a sinus infection and a chest cold. It's more than you think it is, which is why you're going to be resting for the rest of the day and tomorrow unless you're 100% better."


    "Dean," Sam moaned with a whine in his eyes. "I'm not going to be 100% in two days. It takes almost a week for full recovery."


    "Then you'll be stuck here for a week, Einstein," Dean glowered as he took the cup of hot chocolate from his brother's hands and set it aside.


    Sam sniffled gently before he started to rub at his nose madly. Dean stretched out a hand to stop him, but Sam was too late. He started to pick at the crusting blood around his nostrils and Sam's eyes watered.


    "Sam," Dean snapped as he swatted his hands away. "What did Dr. Lance and Peyton tell you? No picking at that crusty blood."


    Sam rolled his eyes. "It itches, Dean! It itches," he repeated as he wiggled his nose around as if that would help.


    "Tomorrow if you have no more blood you can wash it off. Picking at it could start another bleed," Dean warned matter-of-factly.


    Sam raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Did you actually do research on this? You didn't did you," Sam complained as he saw the bashful glance that appeared on Dean's face. "Dean!"


    "What?! I was bored and you weren't doing so hot. Besides, I thought that one of us should actually read that pamphlet thing," Dean replied as he flicked his hand lightly. "So, you're mad at me for helping you. Right."


    Sam opened his mouth to retort before a faraway glance crept into Sam's face. He sucked in a heavy breath before he buckled forward suddenly. "Huh'TCSHSHSSHS!"


    "Through your mouth, Sammy," Dean told him as he rested a hand on Sam's shoulder. The size of those sneezes could possibly set him into another bleed. Dean would need to keep a close eye on his brother. 


    Sam looked to his brother with one eye open and the other blinking partially. "Cahh....nnh't!"


    "It's not that hard, kiddo. Just open your mouth and try to sneeze that way," Dean told him, although he had never done it himself. It seemed horribly unnatural, but that was just what they were going to have to do. 




    Dean still jumped at the sound of it all. He drew backwards and looked over to his brother. "See, was that so hard," he asked as he winked at his brother.


    Sam shook his head as he reached blindly for the tissues. Dean pulled them away. "Sam, you can't blow your nose," he told him with a frown.


    "Budt, I have to," Sam whined.


    "I know, but you can't. You can just dab at it for now and if you're not bleeding by tomorrow then you can blow your nose, alright," Dean chided as he grasped Sam's shoulder and gave it a small squeeze.


    Sam reluctantly nodded as Dean handed him the tissues. He took them gingerly and started to wipe at his nose. Once he was finished, he leaned back and closed his eyes. "Can I go to sleep now?"


    "I think that's a good idea. You've had an exciting day. Just wake me up if you need anything," Dean told his brother as he jumped into the next bed and started to kick his shoes off. It was nice to actually be able to relax for more than five seconds.


    Sam grinned. "Yeah, whatever," he called as he turned over in bed so that he was laying on his side. His nose was itchy, covered in dry blood, and running like a tap, but at least it wasn't bleeding anymore. Sam just dreamed of the day that he could blow his nose.


To Be Continued......

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7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

    "Beed bedder," replied Sam with a shrug of his shoulders, but at least the color was coming back to his face. He had what looked to be white cotton stuff up his nose and the dried blood coated half of his face. He looked like he had just been beat up. Dean thought about teasing him, but he wasn't sure what good that would do. 

Ah congestion speech, I love it. Also, good big brother! These boys, they kill me

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

    "My throat hurts," complained Sam as he lifted a hand and rubbed it against his throat.

Poor baby

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

He immediately heated up some water and quickly made some hot chocolate for his brother.

Dean is the best big brother ❤️

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

    Sam nodded as he gulped. "I'm okay," he rasped with his chest heaving heavily. "Just tired and sore. This cold is a little worse than I thought."


    Dean laughed as he nudged his brother's shoulder. "Sam, you have a sinus infection and a chest cold. It's more than you think it is, which is why you're going to be resting for the rest of the day and tomorrow unless you're 100% better."

Oh, boys. So cute.

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

    "Dean," Sam moaned with a whine in his eyes. "I'm not going to be 100% in two days. It takes almost a week for full recovery."


    "Then you'll be stuck here for a week, Einstein," Dean glowered as he took the cup of hot chocolate from his brother's hands and set it aside.

Haha Sam did that to himself! Bed rest for you! 

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

    "Through your mouth, Sammy," Dean told him as he rested a hand on Sam's shoulder. The size of those sneezes could possibly set him into another bleed. Dean would need to keep a close eye on his brother. 


    Sam looked to his brother with one eye open and the other blinking partially. "Cahh....nnh't!"


    "It's not that hard, kiddo. Just open your mouth and try to sneeze that way," Dean told him, although he had never done it himself. It seemed horribly unnatural, but that was just what they were going to have to do. 

I honestly can't figure that out but I haven't tried either 🤔

Gosh I love these boys. Can't wait for the next part! 

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22 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

    "It's not that hard, kiddo. Just open your mouth and try to sneeze that way," Dean told him, although he had never done it himself. It seemed horribly unnatural, but that was just what they were going to have to do. 




    Dean still jumped at the sound of it all. He drew backwards and looked over to his brother. "See, was that so hard," he asked as he winked at his brother.

I like this part a lot :) 

Super excited to see the final bit!

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/16/2018 at 12:21 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Ah congestion speech, I love it. Also, good big brother! These boys, they kill me

Poor baby

Dean is the best big brother ❤️

Oh, boys. So cute.

Haha Sam did that to himself! Bed rest for you! 

I honestly can't figure that out but I haven't tried either 🤔

Gosh I love these boys. Can't wait for the next part! 

I’m so glad that you’re liking it! I hope you enjoy the ending!


On 11/16/2018 at 3:44 PM, jensdw said:

I like this part a lot :) 

Super excited to see the final bit!

I’m so pleased! Sorry for it taking a little bit, but I promise that there will be more Supernatural stories to come soon, especially now that I’m on a break from school!





    Dean jumped at the sound and smacked his elbow off the side of the bed. He hissed in pain before he sat up, rubbing small circles in his elbow. "What the hell," he muttered as he looked around.


    It took him a moment before he realized that it was Sam sneezing from the bathroom. Dean swung his legs over the side of the bed and forced himself forward. "Sammy?"




    "I swear if your nose is bleeding it's your own dumb fault," Dean called into the slightly ajar door.


    Sam pushed it open the rest of the way with a roll of toilet paper pressed against his nose. Dean held his breath before Sam pulled it away and smiled. It reveled no more blood, just dripping snot from his nose. Sam seemed awfully proud of himself as he puffed out his chest.


    "You're like a snot volcano, you know that," Dean chided with a small shudder. It was disgusting!


    Sam rolled his eyes. "And who's fault is that? Who won't let me blow my nose," Sam flashed as he continued to almost shove the toiler paper up his nose.


    Dean swatted his hand away as he forced himself to get a closer look. "Any blood? Anything that shouldn't be there," Dean asked cryptically.


    "Unless you count green snot, I don't think so," Sam answered as he pulled away from his brother with a few more quick daps under his chapped nostrils. They were even more red thanks to the dried blood. It made Sam look like he had just gotten into a fight and lost pretty badly.


    Dean shook hi head. "Okay, well, I guess we're in the clear. Blow your nose as much as you want and get that damn crust off of there. You look like I beat the snot out of you."


    "Don't say snot," Sam chided before he grabbed another few pieces of toilet paper and started to blow his nose. Once he was finished he threw it away and let out a small breath of relief. He lifted a finger and started to peel the blood caked around his nostrils and that's when Dean cut out.


    "I don't need to see that," Dean called as he turned and headed back to his bed. He heard small whimpers coming from the bathroom as Sam ripped the dried blood. 


    Dean was just pleased that it was all over. Sam was still sick and miserable, but at least he wasn't bleeding like he had just been shot. Dean smiled to himself as he leaped back onto his bed and stared at the ceiling. This was going to be one story that he wouldn't be able to keep to himself.


    The End


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1 hour ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Dean held his breath before Sam pulled it away and smiled. It reveled no more blood, just dripping snot from his nose. Sam seemed awfully proud of himself as he puffed out his chest.

Haha, that's adorable!

1 hour ago, Wolfwings22 said:

"I don't need to see that," Dean called as he turned and headed back to his bed. He heard small whimpers coming from the bathroom as Sam ripped the dried blood.

Ouch and ew, I'm hiding in the bedroom with Dean! 😅 certainly not a bad thing, when I think about it 

Your story was lovely; it's always a win when I see you as the author!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/26/2018 at 12:20 PM, ReidSeeker said:

Haha, that's adorable!

Ouch and ew, I'm hiding in the bedroom with Dean! 😅 certainly not a bad thing, when I think about it 

Your story was lovely; it's always a win when I see you as the author!

Thanks so much! I’m glad that you enjoyed it and thank you for your kind words!

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