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Male or female sneezing


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I'm into ladies sneezing & I'm a big lesbian. I used to think I was straight, though. 

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I am straight and im only! into female sneezes , i dont even slightly enjoy male sneezes for some reason . 

I dont know why , but it feels like female sneezes have a little smth that triggers me .

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I'm bi but like sneezes from any gender. Lately though I've been more into female.

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4 hours ago, Natural Sneezes Paradise said:

I am straight and im only! into female sneezes , i dont even slightly enjoy male sneezes for some reason . 

I dont know why , but it feels like female sneezes have a little smth that triggers me .

That's how I feel! Do you have discord

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Im bi and atm I prefer female sneezes, but Im interested in both. Females tend to have that breathy hitching buildup though that gets me every time. 😍

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5 minutes ago, MzMental said:

Im bi and atm I prefer female sneezes, but Im interested in both. Females tend to have that breathy hitching buildup though that gets me every time. 😍

Me as well😊 Wanna talk

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10 minutes ago, kkkat said:

Me as well😊 Wanna talk

I don't have the ability to chat on here yet, sadly! Is there a way to share contact info on here without being able to chat?

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I'm only really interested in female sneezes and I'm a straight male.  Probably because of the vulnerability or something.

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I'm a bisexual male, and I prefer male sneezes right now, but I have preferred female sneezes in the past and overall like them both

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3 hours ago, Hizzoner duh Mare said:

How about a gay man who likes female sneezes? How weird is that?:watsup:

That's super interesting!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m a straight female and over the years I’ve come to only like male sneezes, although a few years ago I would’ve said that I enjoyed both male and female sneezes equally. And for some reason, female sneezes that are especially “cute” or “kittenish” tend to annoy me, but I love male sneezes that are like this, so go figure. Usually though, I don’t really tend to notice when a girl around me sneezes, but I always notice when a male does.

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I consider myself heterosexual and have had only male partners, but I think female sneezing is my favorite. But here’s the catch: I find female sneezing substantially hotter than male sneezing in fiction, but in real life, males (that I find attractive) are pretty much on equal ground 

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I'm NB and find myself attracted mainly just men(or masculinity), though I do have the ability to appreciate the beauty of women(femininity) from an aesthetic standpoint. Oddly enough, I find myself much less picky when appreciating the beauty of women than men, even though I'm usually not attracted to women in that way.

When it comes to sneezing, I kind of go both ways. For fics I usually prefer male sneezing, but might read something with female sneezing if it's allergy related. When it comes to wavs, I think I prefer male sneezing, but find myself listening to female sneezing much more often because just like when appreciating aesthetic beauty, I'm much less picky about the sound of female sneezing than I am with male sneezing and it's hard to find male sneezing that's just right for my tastes.

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Now I discovered (by the age of 19) that the only thing that turns me on is male sneezing. It has been so for 7 years I think. But any sexual thoughts just turn me off. So I am asexual homoromantic (I like  guys who are in their middle-late 20's-early 30's who would cuddle with me or give me a cup of tea). That's it. But yes, the sneezing is hella hot!

Edited by ukrsneeze
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I am a female, heterosexual, and love male sneezes. But I can definitely appreciate a good ol sneezing fit from a female, especially if it is harsh, wet and all together powerful. 

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I honestly am not sure! I’m definitely bi-curious! 33 y/o F .... and I would say I like both types but have a lot of fantasies involving women ..... perhaps that’s bc I’ve played with sneezy guys before? And not women? Not entirely sure just trying to go with the flow!

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