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Cold that starts in the nose - a rarity?


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My colds almost always start with a sore throat, which I think is typical for most people. Sometimes for me congestion and sneezing doesn’t come for days, if at all. But two specific times I’ve had a cold that started in my nose. Both times it progressed pretty quickly from “why on earth am I sneezing so much?”  to a full blown head cold. And both times it was genuinely perplexing because it’s just not how I usually get sick. Yet I think this type of onset is much more typical in fiction - both sneezefics and mainstream movies, tv, etc. is it because it is just more portrayable? Like you can show a sneezing fit but not a sore throat? And do some people usually start with sneezing? Curious what other people’s experience is.

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For me, my colds always start in the back of my throat/nose area. It always feels like it's raw and tender, and then within 12 hours (depending on if it hits be right before I go to bed or during the day), it moves directly to my nose, making me congested and stuffy. For the portray-able aspect, I would think that whatever is easiest to show--i.e. the sneezing fit--would be the first indicator for a character or someone getting sick because it's harder to portray a sore throat 🙂

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Yeah, it seems my colds almost always start with a sore throat, too.  Maybe I will feel a slight "dryness" in my sinuses right before some of the more serious symptoms start, but the first real symptom would probably be a sore throat.  I'm not sure I can think of a time where a cold started in my nose...

And sometimes they portray a sore throat first in fiction.  Sometimes a person will act like they're thirsty or have something stuck in their throat.  Or claim that the dry weather or allergies is affecting them.  I think a sneeze is just more dramatic.  It's something that only takes a second to show and it tells the audience that the character is getting sick right away.  It takes a little more time to set up a sore throat, by comparison.  A sneeze is easier.

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16 hours ago, superimmunegirl said:

My colds almost always start with a sore throat

Same for me.

I hate that feeling of knowing for a day or two that a cold is on the way :glare:


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6 hours ago, Joal 555 said:

Same for me.

I hate that feeling of knowing for a day or two that a cold is on the way :glare:


Yeah, it mostly starts as a sore throat for me too.  And when I'm sick, I don't sneeze any more than I normally would.  But my nose starts running and my throat hurts like a b!tch

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My colds almost always start in the throat as well. I also seem to get colds with the change of seasons. it'll usually start off with a slightly sore throat and mild congestion and every time i think to myself "this is it, we have allergy now" but then the rest of the cold symptoms come rushing in a few days later. I also seem to have a "sneezy" day whenever i get sick typically day 2 or 3 where 95 percent of the fun part of being sick is and it makes inducing a breeze lol. 

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tbh i usually get 1 or 2 days when i'm just more sneezy like, generally, than other days, before i even start feeling unwell & i don't usually even connect it until i start getting the fatigue, fever, throat, etc. but then as soon as the actual cold or whatever kicks in i'm just not sneezy at all

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My colds are almost always throat issues and sinus congestion. It rarely affects my nose at all. It's really no fun at all. I don't even get the sniffles. It always makes me really wonder if I actually have a cold, and then I start to feel like I've been hit by a train and I'm like yep, definitely sick. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

A friend of mine always gets colds really suddenly... Like one day she will just start sneezing every ten minutes, by the end of the day have sore throat and sniffles from all the sneezing and next morning wake up with a full blown head cold

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For me, it usually starts with a sore throat, like most. I’m usually not very sneezy when sick but the last time I had a cold was different. I was pretty congested and if anything — a decent gust of air for example — upset that congestion, it would take 5-15 seconds to kick in but I would end up sneezing for sure (usually a double instead of my normal singles). This only lasted for one day of it in the middle though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Strange.  Mine always start in my nose.  It starts to feel uncharacteristically dry/tingly and I get these one-off sneezes that bring no relief.  Accompanying the sneezes there's usually a sense of malaise or a slight chill that I can't shake.  The sore throat, congestion, and coughing usually develop after a night of sleep although I'll sometimes get a light cough accompanying the initial sneezing.

In fact nowadays when I start feeling a bit tired and sneezing several one-offs within a few hours, that's when I know to break out the Vitamin C.  Often I'm able to stave it off with vitamins and sleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although mine usually start with the sore throat and "dryness" in my nose, I got a cold recently that went straight from the sore throat to the coughing, and a week later, it moved completely into my nose and the sneezes began 😅

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  • 2 months later...
On 12/12/2018 at 11:34 PM, beatlelover22 said:

Although mine usually start with the sore throat and "dryness" in my nose, I got a cold recently that went straight from the sore throat to the coughing, and a week later, it moved completely into my nose and the sneezes began 😅

Ahhhhhhh I love that Chris Evans clip!!!!!! Looking it up now for the audio....

I also had that kind of cold recently - sore throat for days then suddenly and satisfyingly went into my head with lots of sneezing and totally stuffed up nose!

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11 hours ago, superimmunegirl said:

Ahhhhhhh I love that Chris Evans clip!!!!!! Looking it up now for the audio....

Wait, what Chris Evans clip?!?!?!?!

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6 hours ago, MyOwnPrivateSFC said:

Wait, what Chris Evans clip?!?!?!?!

it's in beatleover's signature 

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omg haha.... funny I saw this topic! A cold actually started in my nose today! I was sneezing a bunch and my nose was super itchy and tonight it moved to my throat 😩

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1 hour ago, •.*°•☆. Q .☆•°*.• said:

it's in beatleover's signature 

OH! Thanks! Sigs don’t show on mobile, so I thought you were talking about something they wrote.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My favorite teacher at school gets colds quite a bit, and they always seem to start in her nose. She’ll be very sniffly one day, and then surprise! The next day she’s sniffly and congested and coughing a ton. That’s how pretty much all her colds have gone from what I’ve seen

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