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Paradise? (Torchwood, Jack and Ianto)


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This is the sequel to Mile High. I felt bad for ruining their vacation so needed to give them a second try. (Not bad enough to give them a free pass though...) Also, being weirdly obsessed with factual settings, as I mapped out this story at this location, I have decided if I ever get married, this will be my honeymoon. LOL.


It was a couple of months after the plane crash incident when Ianto set a tray of tea and biscuits on Jack’s desk and settled in the chair across from him. Jack picked up his mug and studied Ianto. Ianto raised his eyebrows questioningly. “Our last vacation didn’t go quite the way I planned. How would you like to try again?”


“Well, it was eventful. We seem to have made it through alright. I’d be willing to try again.” Ianto smiled.


Jack breathed a sigh of relief. “Great. You should go home and pack. We leave in the morning.”


Ianto laughed. “So, you just assumed I’d go?”


Jack looked sheepish. “Well, I hoped.”


“Alright. Where are we going?” When Jack balked, he added, “I have to know what to pack.”


“Spoilsport. Pack for warm weather. Fiji. I thought it would be a change from around here lately. Nice little tropical getaway. I’ll pick you up early.”


In the morning Ianto questioned Jack as they left Cardiff. “We’re heading to London. Our flight leaves from Heathrow.”


“What? No private jet?” Ianto smirked.


Jack looked mournful. “UNIT wouldn’t let me use it after last time. So we’re flying commercial.”


Once they settled into their seats on the plane, Ianto turned to Jack. “First class? Impressive.”


Jack shrugged. “Give me some credit. It’s a 25 hour flight. If I couldn’t get us our own jet, we might as well be as comfortable as possible.”


They both breathed sighs of relief when they finally walked out of the airport on Viti Levu. “I’m not claustrophobic, but it sure feels good to breathe in fresh air,” Jack exclaimed, hailing a cab. “We just have a short boat ride over to Savusavu where we’re staying in a private bure at Namale Resort.”


As Jack checked them in, Ianto did his best not to look like an overwhelmed schoolboy, wide-eyed and slack-jawed at the beauty and luxuriousness surrounding him. Soon they were being delivered to their accommodations across the island by golf cart. Jack led the way up the steps. From the porch they had a perfect view of the ocean. The bure was surrounded by rich vegetation, palm trees, a plethora of ferns, and a variety of flora. “Jack, this is amazing!” Ianto exclaimed.


“Shall we check out the inside?” Jack asked, ushering him through the wide doors. The main room contained a king size bed and a sitting area. The space was surrounded by open windows which let in a light breeze. Checking out the bathroom they found a jacuzzi tub and a 2 person shower with a sliding door that allowed it to open to the outside deck.


Pointing out across the back deck, Ianto asked, “Where does that bridge lead?”


“That would be our private pool.” Jack grinned. When Ianto couldn’t seem to find anything to say, Jack led him back inside. “Come on. I saw they put out some food for us. I’m starving. Then I definitely wouldn’t mind stretching out on that big, comfy looking bed.” After a meal of fresh baked bread and tropical salad, they sank wearily into bed.    


The next morning Ianto was jerked from a peaceful dream by two harsh sneezes from the other side of the bed. “Haaachsh! Haaachshoo!” Jack looked over as Ianto stirred. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you. It’s a beautiful morning though.”


Ianto eyed him closely. “Bless you. And good morning. You ok?”


Jack waved him off, climbing from the bed and heading into the bathroom. “I’m fine. There’s juice and fresh fruit, and I think some pastries in the fridge for breakfast.” He called. “Then I was thinking we could take a walk down on the beach.”


Ianto sat up, stretching. “That sounds great.” He called back. He rubbed at his nose which was suddenly itchy, before giving in to a small fit. “Heiiisshh! Heiiisssshh! Heh...Eh...Hehiiiiissshhhsshh!”


Jack popped his head back out of the bathroom. “Bless you. Are you ok?”


Ianto sniffed. “Fine. Just an itch.”


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Ooo, picture! Pretty! That place sounds AMAZING and I'm super jealous of these boys. But it seems they are both in for some trouble here 😈 I can't wait for more 


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Paradise, really? For them or... for us? :rolleyes: Everything seems a bit "too" fine to be true... Those two are ridiculously cute together and I can't wait to see what they'll have to deal with. Thanks for sharing (now that I can see who the characters are and what their relation is, it's much easier to comment!) !

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On 10/23/2018 at 12:29 AM, ReidSeeker said:

But it seems they are both in for some trouble here

Thanks! I do foresee some trouble...


On 10/23/2018 at 4:21 PM, Aliena H. said:

Paradise, really? For them or... for us?

Definitely for us. For them, it's a mixed bag!


On 10/23/2018 at 4:21 PM, Aliena H. said:

now that I can see who the characters are and what their relation is, it's much easier to comment!

I am SOOO excited you are watching it, and loving it as much as we do!!! And so glad you enjoy my stories!!!


On 10/25/2018 at 8:48 AM, Jelloicious said:

What a lovely get away! 

Well, mostly! :devil3:


They ate a quick breakfast and headed down to the beach. They left their shoes on the steps of their bure and sank their toes in the sand. As the sand heated up their feet they made a run for the water. Jack made it there first and continued in up to his waist before turning around and enthusiastically splashing Ianto. Laughing, Ianto charged in after him and a vigorous water fight ensued. Finally they struggled to the shore, collapsing in a heap, breathing hard. Ianto looked over at Jack. “I think this is more sun then we had all summer in Cardiff.”


Jack coughed harshly before answering, “That’s why I brought us here. I thought we could use a change.”


Ianto helped him sit up as he started coughing again. “Are you ok?” He asked with concern when he caught his breath.


“Sorry. My throat’s just dry. Let’s walk down to the restaurant and get something to drink and some lunch.” Agreeing, they headed down the beach to the public areas of the resort where they found a table out on the restaurant’s deck.


Jack ordered fish kebobs and Ianto had the grilled prawn salad. Ianto closed his eyes in bliss. “Is there anything here that isn’t perfect?”


Jack took his own bite, humming in approval. “Just wait until you see what I’ve got planned for tonight. What do you say we check out our pool this afternoon?”


They ate their meal at a leisurely pace before wandering back to their bure, where they stripped off their clothes and headed for the pool. They were playing around, wrestling and dunking each other, when Jack turned around and sneezed wetly. “Haaachsh! Haaachshoo!”


Ianto paused. “Bless you.”


Jack raised a hand and sneezed again. “Haaachshhh! Haaachssshhhh! Haachhsshhhooo!”


“And again. You ok?” Ianto asked with concern.


Jack sniffed. “Yeah, got water up my nose.”


“Maybe we should take a break?”


“Sounds good. You grab a chair on the deck and I’ll make us some drinks.” Jack headed inside. Ianto’s concern rose when he heard two more sneezes followed by a fit of coughing from inside their bure. He appeared to be his usual bright self when he returned with a pair of tropical drinks, and Ianto didn’t want to start an argument, so he let the subject drop for the time being.


Edited by AngelEyes
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This vacation sounds soooo nice. Still jealous of the boys OMG and such a beautiful picture.

4 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Jack raised a hand and sneezed again. “Haaachshhh! Haaachssshhhh! Haachhsshhhooo!”

This was beautiful, too 😈

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...at least you are letting them have some fun in the sun before you wreck their vacation.  We shouldn't have all the fun....(Just, you know...a lot of it.)

Waiting anxiously for the next part!

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On 10/28/2018 at 7:58 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Still jealous of the boys

So am I!!! And not only because you sent them in a beautiful place, but for the sneezes as well! :laugh:

On 10/28/2018 at 3:08 AM, AngelEyes said:

“Yeah, got water up my nose.”

Yeah, that's soooooo convincing... :rolleyes:

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On 10/28/2018 at 1:58 AM, ReidSeeker said:

This was beautiful, too



On 10/29/2018 at 8:38 AM, Jelloicious said:

..at least you are letting them have some fun in the sun before you wreck their vacation. 

I'm not Totally cruel! (Just mostly! :devil3:)


On 10/29/2018 at 11:01 PM, 2SHY222 said:

This is wonderful



7 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Yeah, that's soooooo convincing...

Well, he tries...


That evening Jack led Ianto along a path through the rainforest towards the interior of the island. After a short walk they came to wooden staircase leading down to a deck overlooking a natural pool with a waterfall emptying into it. On the deck was a table set for two, complete with candles and champagne. “Wow,” was all Ianto could manage to say. They made their way down and took their seats. Seemingly out of nowhere a waiter appeared to serve the first of what turned out to be a 5 course meal. They were working on their main courses, New Zealand t-bone steak and macadamia nut crusted Walu, when Ianto paused, breath hitching. He turned to the side sneezing several times. “Heh heh Hiiissh! Hiiissh! Heiiissshhhsh! Hehiiissshhhsshh!”


“Bless you! Are you ready for dessert?” Jack asked.


“It would be rude to refuse.” Ianto grinned. “Hang on, I Heh...have...Heh...to...Hehiiisshh! sneeze….Hehiiiissshh! Heiiisshh! Heiiisssshh! Heh...Eh...Hehiiiiissshhhsshh!”


“Bless you again!” Jack exclaimed.


“Sorry, my nose is just really tickly.” Ianto apologized.


“Do you want to go back to our bure?”


“No, I’m fine. Besides, we were about to have dessert!”


Almost like magic, dishes of dark chocolate mousse appeared before them. Jack leered at him. “Mmmm. That’s good, because you know what they say about dark chocolate…”


“You are incorrigible,” Ianto laughed as Jack dipped a finger in the mousse and held it out to him. They teasingly shared the rest of the dessert before stumbling their way back to their bure. They just made it through the door when clothes began hitting the floor. The next few hours were spent in creative and athletic displays of affection.



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9 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

The next few hours were spent in creative and athletic displays of affection.


And there's Jack Harkness, pushing the boundaries on what you can do just this side of the Adult Board.  Love this description!!  BTW I like the little illustrations that accompany your fics!


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On 11/1/2018 at 8:22 AM, Jelloicious said:

And there's Jack Harkness, pushing the boundaries on what you can do just this side of the Adult Board.  Love this description!!  BTW I like the little illustrations that accompany your fics!


Jack is always pushing boundaries! I'm glad you like the pictures, I have fun with them.


Ianto woke slowly the next morning. When he looked over at Jack he saw the man staring blankly across the room, eyes half closed, breathing shallowly. “Jack?” He questioned.


Jack glanced over, breaking his concentration, and sneezed violently. “Haaachsh! Haaachshhh! Haaachssshhhh! Haachhsshhhooo!” Shaking his head as if to clear it, he looked back at Ianto. “Sorry. I’ve been holding that back for ages. Didn’t want to wake you.”


“Bless you, Jack!” Ianto reached over to brush his hair back, pausing to feel his forehead. “How are you feeling? You’re a bit warm.”


“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it,” Jack waved him off. Unfortunately he contradicted himself by sneezing again. “Haaachsh! Haaachsh! Haachhsshhhooo!”


Ianto gave him a serious look. “Jack. You’ve been coughing and sneezing since yesterday. Which frankly doesn’t surprise me, considering the guy behind you on the plane was coughing and sneezing practically the whole flight.”


Jack sighed. “Alright, but it’s not a big deal. Just a little cold. I’m fine, really.”


“Fine, but I’m keeping an eye on you. Do we have plans today?”


“I was thinking we’d hike through the rainforest to a lagoon with a waterfall. We can take a picnic lunch, climb the waterfall, go swimming.”


“That sounds great.” An hour later they were walking down a secluded path away from the resort. “So how far is this waterfall?” Ianto asked Jack curiously.


“Not far. Only about three and half kilometers.” As they walked, Jack pointed out various plants, flowers, and birds. Suddenly he stopped and pointed up into a nearby tree. “Look, parrots.”


Ianto looked up to see a pair of large red and green birds. They watched them for a few minutes before continuing on. As they walked, Ianto noticed his nose beginning to itch. He scrubbed at it with a knuckle and tried to ignore it. They had just reached a wide stream when the itch returned and he sneezed fitfully. “Heiisshh! Heiisshh! Hehiiiisshh! Hehiiiissshhh! Heh HehShiiissshhh!”


“Bless you! You ok?”


“Fine. Just itchy,” Ianto answered before sneezing again. “Hiiissh! Hiiissh! Heiiissshhhsh!”


“Bless you! Do your eyes itch? They’re kind of red,” Jack said, studying him.


“Yeah. I think it’s allergies,” he answered, rubbing at his eyes.


Jack pulled his hands away. “Don’t touch them, it’ll just make it worse. Do you want to go back?”


“I’m alright. We’ve got to be almost there. No point in going back now.”


“If you’re sure. I think I can hear the waterfall.” They followed the stream around a bend and were presented with a beautiful scene of a sunlit waterfall streaming in a curtain over a rocky precipice covered in lush vines and ferns into a crystal clear blue/green pool.


Ianto took in the scene. “This was definitely worth the walk.” He smiled over at Jack before sneezing again. “Heiiiishh! Heiiisshh! Sorry.”


“Bless you,” Jack said sympathetically. “Why don’t we go for a swim? The water should help,” he suggested.


They found the water in the shaded pool chillier than the sunny ocean, and Ianto worried it might not be the best idea for Jack’s cold, but he had to admit it felt blissfully soothing to his irritated eyes and nose. They swam underneath the waterfall, letting the pounding water massage muscles tight from the hike, before settling down to float lazily.


Ianto was zoned out, enjoying the calming effect of the gentle motion of the water and the steady crash of the waterfall, when he felt a disturbance next to him. He looked up to see Jack sneezing followed by a rough coughing fit. He righted himself as Jack gave into a final vicious sneeze. “Haacchhsshhooo!”


Ianto brushed aside the wet hair that was dripping down into Jack’s eyes and could have sworn he felt a little warmer than he had that morning despite the cool water. “Maybe we should get out. It’s a bit chilly in here.” Ianto saw the stubborn look come into his eyes as he replied that he was perfectly fine, so he decided to take a different tact. “Actually, I’m quite hungry. We could set up our picnic over there in the sun.”


Instantly Jack gave in. “That sounds like a great idea.” He led the way up to grab their lunch and headed over to the clearing and found a comfortable space among the soft moss and sun-warmed rocks. He opened the bag prepared for them by the resort. He found fish tacos with mango salsa and fried taro chips. He passed some over to Ianto and they dug in enthusiastically. When they had finished, Jack packed the remains back up and asked, “Should we head back?” With a wink he added, “We could take a little nap, or other things, before dinner.”


Ianto laughed. “Is that all you ever think about?”


“It’s hard not to with you sitting there without a shirt on.”


Ianto shook his head. “Well, I’m putting it back on now for the walk, so you’ll just have to wait.”


Jack pretended to pout. “Spoilsport.”



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Awww...this is so sweet!  Jack with a cold and Ianto with his allergies!  

17 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

“Sorry. I’ve been holding that back for ages. Didn’t want to wake you.”

That's very considerate, Jack!


17 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Unfortunately he contradicted himself by sneezing again.

Unfortunate for who, again, were you saying?

17 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

“Is that all you ever think about?”


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This story is just making fall in love with these boys and their relationship all over again. Like a second honeymoon of fandom if that makes sense 

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On 11/9/2018 at 12:14 PM, Jelloicious said:

That's very considerate, Jack!

He tries!


On 11/9/2018 at 2:50 PM, ReidSeeker said:

This story is just making fall in love with these boys and their relationship all over again. Like a second honeymoon of fandom if that makes sense 

Yay!!! That makes me happy!!!


It wasn’t long into their walk when Ianto felt the itchiness creep back. After he had paused for the third inexorable sneezing fit, Jack looked at him apologetically. “Bless you again. I’m sorry I didn’t think about your allergies when I set this up. I wish you weren’t feeling so bad. I promise to make it up to you.”


Sneezing again, Ianto smiled sheepishly at him. “Heh heh Hiiissh! Hiiissh! Heiiissshhhsh! Sorry. It’s not your fault you didn’t think of it. I didn’t even know since I’ve never been out of the UK. Besides, I’ve had worse. Remember, Llanover Garden? And as I recall, even that wasn’t All bad…”


Jack looked thoughtful for a moment and grinned, eyes twinkling. “You have a point there. I seem to remember having a bit of fun.”


“Well then, why don’t we get back to the bure where we can take a nap, or other things, as you suggested,” he said giving Jack an inviting look. They had just entered the resort grounds when they passed another couple going the way they had come from. Ianto tried to hold back the current round of sneezes but only succeeded in a poorly stifled fit.


The couple exclaimed blessings looking at him with concern. Knowing how he must look, Ianto blushed with embarrassment. Seeing this, Jack jumped in. “Thanks. Allergies,” he explained succinctly, waving the couple on and ushering Ianto towards their bure. Once inside he began to strip Ianto’s clothes off. He took the opportunity to pull him into a deep kiss. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long before the younger man was pulling away to sneeze.


“Heh Heiiiishh! Heiiisshh! Sorry.” He grabbed a handful of tissues from the table and blew his nose.


“It’s alright. Let’s get you into the shower.” He gave him a gentle shove in the direction of the bathroom before removing his own clothes. When he entered the bathroom he found Ianto standing under the dual showerheads with steamy water cascading down. He stepped in and hugged him from behind. He grabbed the shampoo and worked it into his scalp. Ianto moaned with pleasure, leaning into him. A short time later, freshly clean and de-pollinated, they moved to the bed. Brushing damp hair from Ianto’s forehead, Jack asked, “How are you feeling now? Any better?”


Ianto sniffled. “Well, my face isn’t on fire anymore. But I’m afraid I might keep sneezing for a while.” He proved this by immediately sneezing twice.


“Bless you. It’s a good thing I don’t mind. In fact, I think you’re pretty cute when you sneeze.” He then proceeded to show him exactly how cute he found him.



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7 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

But I’m afraid I might keep sneezing for a while.” He proved this by immediately sneezing twice.

Well, I certainly hope so!!

This is just so super sweet!

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Oooooh poor Ianto! I'm so, so, so NOT sorry for him. :twisted1:

On 11/9/2018 at 1:24 AM, AngelEyes said:

Ianto saw the stubborn look come into his eyes as he replied that he was perfectly fine, so he decided to take a different tact.

I don't know the character very well yet, but that seems completely in character!!!

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On 11/14/2018 at 8:49 AM, Jelloicious said:

Well, I certainly hope so!!

No worries there!


On 11/15/2018 at 1:40 PM, Aliena H. said:

I'm so, so, so NOT sorry for him. :twisted1:



The next morning Ianto woke feeling recovered. He turned to observe Jack, still asleep, mouth open, snoring congestedly. That didn’t bode well, he thought to himself. He watched as Jack slowly swam into consciousness. “Hey there. Good morning.”


“Good mbordig.” He sniffed hard which didn’t seem to do much good. He groaned. “Ugh. I cad’t breathe.


Ianto passed him some tissues from the box next to his side of the bed. “I’d say that cold of yours has finally hit hard,” he said with sympathy. “I think we’ll be spending the day in.”


Jack blew his nose which seemed to shift something, causing a spasm of sneezes. “Haaachsh! Haaachshhh! Haaachssshhhh! Haachhsshhhooo!” Blowing his nose again he said stuffily, “This is ndot how I mbeadt for thigs to go.”


He looked so dejected Ianto had to laugh. “It’s ok. As long as I’m spending time with you I’m happy.” They spent the day with Ianto plying him with tissues and hot drinks, and of course their own personal brand of care and comfort, because Jack wasn’t feeling That bad after all. Ianto protested that evening when Jack got up and began dressing. “Where are you going? I thought you agreed to stay in bed.”


“That was fine for the day, well, more than fine… But it’s our last night here and the resort is having a Lovo dinner and Meke performance. We don’t want to miss that. Besides, I’m feeling much better, thanks to you!”


Ianto looked perplexed. “A what dinner and performance?”


Jack looked amused. “A Lovo dinner. It’s where they wrap chicken and fish and vegetables in palm fronds and bury them in a pit with hot stones to cook all day. It’s delicious. The Meke is their cultural singing and dance performance. We have to go. So get dressed. You’ll love it!”


They soon found themselves mingling amongst the other guests around a warm pit with food set out on tables buffet style. They grabbed plates and helped themselves. The food was smoky and tender and Ianto had to admit it was worth coming out for. The only downside was that every surface seemed to be decked out in brightly colored flowers, which were definitely starting to have an effect on him. He was determined however to not let Jack, who seemed to be in his element with the fun and drama of the evening, catch him rubbing at a prickling nose or wiping at a watery eye. He took the opportunity when Jack went to fetch them another round of drinks, to let out a string of itchy sneezes that had been threatening all evening. By the time Jack got back he had recovered his control to pretend everything was normal.


As darkness fell the crowd was ushered into seats surrounding a stage adorned with more flowers and palm fronds and lit with torches. A hush fell as a group of tanned and muscular men wearing grass skirts, and women wearing brightly colored costumes entered the stage. Then came the sound of a drumbeat, and the performance started in earnest, with chanting and clapping and intricate dance movements. It was beautiful and mesmerizing. Unfortunately, Ianto found himself increasingly distracted by the burning in his sinuses. He managed to silently stifle a pair of sneezes but knew that was just the beginning. He tried breathing through his mouth, pressing his tongue to the roof his mouth. He finally resorted to pinching the bridge of his nose, which worked for a brief time before he caught Jack looking at him questioningly and he felt he had to drop it. He knew he was losing the battle as his breath began to hitch. “Heh hehh Heh Hnxt! Hnxt! Hxsht!”


Jack leaned over to whisper with concern, “Bless you! Are you alright?”


Seeming to have found a momentary relief, Ianto reassured him, “I’m fine. Just an itch.” The men performed a stunning fire dance waving and juggling burning torches. Then the women began a traditional fan dance, which turned out to be Ianto’s downfall, as it seemed to stir up the scent and pollen of all the flowers surrounding the area. He was able to stifle the first few sneezes but that clearly didn’t offer relief as they kept coming. “Heh eh hehh Hnxt! Hnxt! Hxsht! Hxxshht! Heh! Hiiish! Hiiiish! Heiiishh!” Unable to stem the onslaught, he quickly rose and fled the area.


A moment later Jack followed. He found his young lover a ways down the path caught in the merciless throes of an acute allergy attack. He put an arm around him and guided him to a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              nearby bench. He pressed a handkerchief into his hands as he pitched forward with sneeze after inexorable sneeze. Eventually the deluge slowed enough for him to catch his breath. “Bless you! Do you think you can make it back to the bure?” Jack asked worriedly.


Ianto blew his nose wetly. “I’m kind of woozy,” he admitted with another sneeze.


“Bless you,” Jack said, brushing his hair back and wiping the allergic tears that had streamed down his face. “Come on. Lean on me. Let’s get you back.” He helped Ianto to his feet and they made their way slowly towards their bure, pausing frequently for him to sneeze. After a brief shower Jack tucked him into bed, still sniffling and occasionally sneezing. Laying down next to him, he pulled him close. “Why didn’t you tell me you what was going on?”


Ianto sighed wearily. “I had it under control. And it’s our last night. And you were having so much fun.”


Jack laughed, ruffling his hair. “I’m not sure I would call that under control. Besides, you know you mean more to me than any party.”


Ianto sneezed before replying. “Heiiiishh! Heiiisshh! You may have a point.”


“Bless you,” Jack said, handing him a tissue just as his own breath hitched. “Haaachssshhhh! Haachhsshhhooo!”


“Bless you back,” Ianto answered. “We’re a pair aren’t we?”


“That we are. You must be exhausted after all that. Should we see who can stop sneezing long enough to get to sleep first?”


It was a while before they both managed to drift off and morning came much too quickly. As they loaded their luggage on the golf cart to be taken to the main lodge to catch the shuttle to the airport, Ianto looked back at the bure wistfully. “I’ll miss this place.”


Jack stared at him. “Despite everything that went wrong?”


Ianto looked at him bewildered. “Of course. It’s amazing, and I was with you. What could be better?”


When the plane finally touched down in London, Jack groaned. “Never fly with a headcold.”


Ianto studied him. “Not good?”


“I think my head is going to explode.”


“I’ll drive,” Ianto offered. “We’ll stop and see if Owen can give you anything before we go home.”


“You can drive but we’re not stopping to see Owen,” Jack answered.


Knowing he probably had a ridiculous reason behind it, Ianto asked, “Why aren’t we stopping to see Owen?”


“Because he’ll never let me live it down that I messed up this vacation too,” he replied stubbornly.


Ianto rolled his eyes. “First of all, you didn’t mess it up, it was wonderful. Second of all, it’s a cold, it’s not your fault.”


“He’ll still laugh about it. Let’s just go home and you can make me some of your perfect tea. I’m sure I’ll feel better in no time.” He flashed him his best puppy dog eyes.


Unable to resist, Ianto gave in. “Alright, let’s go home.”




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11 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

"Good mbordig.” He sniffed hard which didn’t seem to do much good. He groaned. “Ugh. I cad’t breathe.

Mmm, yep, it is now. 

11 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

He looked so dejected Ianto had to laugh. “It’s ok. As long as I’m spending time with you I’m happy.” 

Aw, they're so cute 

11 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

He took the opportunity when Jack went to fetch them another round of drinks, to let out a string of itchy sneezes that had been threatening all evening.

Something about this sentence... I don't know if it's the "itchy sneezes" or finally letting them out but...yes! 

11 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Ianto blew his nose wetly. “I’m kind of woozy,” he admitted with another sneeze.

Aw poor baby 

11 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

"Bless you back,” Ianto answered. “We’re a pair aren’t we?

Oh yes. A most excellent pair

11 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

"You can drive but we’re not stopping to see Owen,” Jack answered.


11 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

“He’ll still laugh about it. Let’s just go home and you can make me some of your perfect tea. I’m sure I’ll feel better in no time.” He flashed him his best puppy dog eyes.

Haha! He's not wrong. And, oh, puppy eyes! I bet he could pull that off quite well, especially with the little sickness edge. OMG you make me love these boys more!


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Awww....what a sweet little vacation!  Nothing wrong with having fun, and having the chance to take care of each other a bit!  Shame, though...Ianto has spent so much time with that guy with a head cold....something tells me Ianto won't escape the sneezing by leaving that tropical paradise!


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On 11/17/2018 at 1:21 AM, AngelEyes said:

“I’d say that cold of yours has finally hit hard,”

Me, reading that: happy sigh and devious smile. 😄 Yes, Jack is my favorite.

On 11/17/2018 at 1:21 AM, AngelEyes said:

“We’re a pair aren’t we?”

Yeah, totally. Very astute observation Jack.

On 11/17/2018 at 1:21 AM, AngelEyes said:

“Why aren’t we stopping to see Owen?”

“Because he’ll never let me live it down that I messed up this vacation too,”

... Mwahaha. Yes, he'll probably do that. I can't help to like Owen even when he's being a jerk.

Thanks for that piece of sneezing Jack (I like Ianto, but... well, you know, in case you hadn't understood, I prefer Jack :rolleyes:)...

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@Aliena H. I'm so happy you liked it! It's great having another fan of the series, especially that likes my writing! And yes, you can't help but like Owen, even though he can a total ass sometimes!

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@2SHY222 Have you seen this story I did a while back? I don't mind a little Owen torture, any particular ideas?


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