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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I Fall out of This Kink All the Time


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Okay, so. I made this account a year or two ago (I think???). Six months ago I was a frequent participant here, and then, I don't know. I had a like, kink dry spell. I read this thread about "feeding the kink", and some members describe how the more content they consume, the more sensitive they become in regards to the fetish. Am I the only person who just loses and regains interest every few months? 

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P.S: I use the word "frequent" tentatively, because looking at my current post count, I really didn't comment all that often. I just spent more time on here. 

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I have ups and downs when it comes to the actual fetish, but I still visit the forum every day because I have plenty of friends here that I want to talk to, and sometimes there are other, non-fetish discussions that I like to read as well. To be honest, I don't use the forum much to get my kink satisfied, since there isn't much content that really interests me - most of THAT content, I have to create myself :lol: - but I still like to check in, and once in a while there's something that piques my interest. I wouldn't want to miss out on that... or on the opportunities to meet any of my forum friends. ^_^ 


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ditto that.

when i was younger & still discovering what i liked & that others liked it too & the concept of having any content at all was a huge and thrilling novelty, i came to the forum routinely to ask questions and consume media in as great a volume as i could.

but like everything else, that's changed as i've grown older & more fully into myself 

i'm rlly particular about content and find that fantasizing about Good concepts is more my speed than watching vids or reading fic for the most part.

i still snoop the art section for good content and occasionally i read a fic tho most of the good fic to my tastes is on tumblr these days

but more often than not i'm happiest just imagining my own scenarios, & with that i don't rlly monitor how often or infrequent it is bc no one else is paying attention to it and time is a flat circle, but i can tell u it does come and go

but yeah all that being said i still come on the forum pretty often to see what people are up to, answer any questions on anything i actlly happen to know about, etc. 

the only times i rlly leave the forum for long is when i get fed up with a particular situation or set of people but that never lasts long & i usually come back to see what's goin on in these parts within a few months

that's part of what i like about the forum tbh? i'm a kind of flakey person sometimes, it's just one of those character flaws i am trying to learn to change but haven't conquered yet, and the forum allows me to come and go, engage and evaporate as i please 😅


Edited by spooky scary sQueletons 🎃
typo fix
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I think it's a fairly normal thing, not just for people in this forum, but for anyone anywhere. I suppose it depends on one's sex drive. You just can't be on that "on" mode all the time, you wouldn't get anything done : p  

facet - What you're saying is very interesting! You're making me think something very interesting about my case; I think I can say it's more of a kink, and has to do more with care-taking. But I think it's largely connected to my personality, I'm a very empathetic person. If I see anyone hurt or up-set, I want to help them immediately. But you put it in a fictional context with someone of the opposite sex, and that's when it becomes attractive to me, obviously more so when it's someone I like. 

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I think this is entire normal-- I'm always in the mood for my sneeze fetish, but I certainly have ups and downs with my other fetishes in terms of how much I'm craving them. Being bisexual, I have also noticed ups and downs in terms of my cravings for men vs women, and also the sneezes of men vs women :) 

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This is an interesting topic (the difference between "fetish" and "kink" is something I had never thought about before)! I can't say that I have complete dry spells regarding the fetish, but I can be less active sexually to a certain extent and I'm certainly less interested in sneezing during those periods.

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On 10/24/2018 at 3:46 AM, Chanel_no5 said:

I have ups and downs when it comes to the actual fetish, but I still visit the forum every day because I have plenty of friends here that I want to talk to, and sometimes there are other, non-fetish discussions that I like to read as well. 


Dude, okay, yeah. I think this forum is so fucking surreal.  For exactly that reason. This is the most personal and emotionally raw, unfiltered fetish site I have ever visited. Like, people don't even interact like they're on a fetish forum. This barely a fetish forum. This is a forum-forum with fetish content. Which isn't a bad thing! It's just this site definitely has a more unique dynamic than others. 

On 10/24/2018 at 6:10 AM, facet said:

I don't share in this experience, but I do find it interesting to hear about. I mean, I have dry spells more just in general, but never specifically in reference to this. Of course, this is a full-blown fetish (it is needed for sexual experiences), not just a kink (which can just be fun add-ins, but not ultimately necessary) for me so that could be the stem of the difference right there.

The fetish also goes beyond sexual related things and kind of colors my whole perception of the world, especially in regards to how I care about people and in more subtle ways that I'm not generally even aware of until I stop to think about it later. And I've had that for as long as I can remember, way way way before it ever became a sexual basis in nature. So even if I'm having a sexual dry spell, I'm never actually falling out of the fetish. 

On 10/24/2018 at 3:45 PM, Aliena H. said:

This is an interesting topic (the difference between "fetish" and "kink" is something I had never thought about before)!

It's super interesting from my perspective too because, I read a lot about people who this is a full-blown, 100%, I-need-this-to-enjoy-myself-fetish, but most of my positive experiences and fantasies have nothing to do with this kink whatsoever. (Do not get me wrong, if my partner is interested in entertaining, I'm usually very excited to incorporate it), but I have dry spells for this kink all the time, even when I'm not having sexual dry spells. I don't know if that's just a manifestation of my repression for this kink. But honestly, I don't think it's that lol. I think it's just something I lose interest in every once in a while.

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1 hour ago, Kicker said:

Dude, okay, yeah. I think this forum is so fucking surreal.  For exactly that reason. This is the most personal and emotionally raw, unfiltered fetish site I have ever visited. Like, people don't even interact like they're on a fetish forum. This barely a fetish forum. This is a forum-forum with fetish content. Which isn't a bad thing! It's just this site definitely has a more unique dynamic than others. 

I've found it to be this way at all. Personally, I like that very much. I've been having a great time here especially because of that, it just makes everyone more approachable. 

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1 hour ago, Kicker said:

Dude, okay, yeah. I think this forum is so fucking surreal.  For exactly that reason. This is the most personal and emotionally raw, unfiltered fetish site I have ever visited. Like, people don't even interact like they're on a fetish forum. This barely a fetish forum. This is a forum-forum with fetish content. Which isn't a bad thing! It's just this site definitely has a more unique dynamic than others. 

Hahaha, well, I've never visited any other fetish forum, so I wouldn't know. I personally like it this way, though. I don't think I would be interested in being involved here at all if it was, like, a place of uninhibited nasal orgies. :rofl:  The moment you log on, someone shoves a Q-tip up your nose. Nnnnnot really my thing. :lol: 

But with or without the community, I'd still have the fetish. It's always present, but it's more and less interesting, depending on... well, life, basically. ^_^ 


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For me, the fetish seems to come in waves. Sometimes I visit the forum every day, watch videos and reads fics. But I have the feeling that I grow less sensitive when I do that, need more content to be satisfied. Most of the time, I'm only semi-aware of the fetish, but if I then witness a cute sneeze, I enjoy it a lot more. 

So, basically, the fetish itself is always there, but the intensity changes. Also my preference regarding sneeze types and scenarios... I'll always notice a sneeze and I'll like it (or cringe when it was a family member...) to varying degree. And I always check the forum from time to time (as you said, it's also perfectly fine to come here without wanting to see fetish content, it is fun to read anyway :)).

I also found that I tend to write my own sneeze fiction mainly when the fetish is "weaker". Which is strange. How can writing sneeze fiction weaken one's interest in the fetish? :confused:

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  • 1 month later...

Chiming in to say...

Day to day I'm almost immune to sneezes and the topic thereof anymore -- since I do not want to be turned on by most people, it just doesn't happen.  Every so often I get "hit" with a particularly nice one in public and have a few dreamy minutes before sobering up and then I barely think of it.  I've tried to distance myself from the kink because none of my boyfriends have shared it, and I started to feel guilty/anti-social if I got pleasure from their misery.  I didn't want to be that person, so I put it out of my mind.

But I have noticed a pattern which is that the kink tends to come back up when I want to turn off my brain and have a form of emotional comfort on a primal level.  It's probably some form of psychological regression.  I feel like a kid again, in the sense that I have something I truly enjoy without thinking too hard about it.  It's just viscerally good on all levels (heart, mind, and body) in a way that my "normal" sexual experiences have not been. 

To sum up, as I suggested, I think the kink waxes and wanes for me because I'm consciously trying not to make it a focus with people who aren't wired the same way.  I received a very negative reaction from my last bf when I told him how dreamy his nose looked when it was runny (he was disappointed in me).  Now I'm (thankfully) single again and can enjoy my little comforts without guilt.

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