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Sneeze Fetish Forum

"It's either allergies in the Summer or the cold air in the Winter, I can't win."


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My friend told me that during the Winter, she always has a ‘wet’ nose and she sneezes all the time. I’ll refer to her as S, she is in her mid-20's. S is short and skinny with long, dark brown hair, a roman nose with small nostrils and gorgeous green eyes.

S came to visit and throughout our time together, she stifle sneezed into her shirt and wiped at her nose with either paper towel or a tissue. The sneezes either sounded like “Atch-cheeew!” or “Kuh-cheeew!” It was quite an unintentional show! 😂  

At one point, in the middle of a conversation, she got up, grabbed two tissues and said “Sorry, I gotta blow my nose”. There was no honk, just a extremely wet, but stuffy sound. She gave about two to three blows, becoming less wet with each blow and put the tissues in the garbage.

What I found really funny was the fact that she actually apologized for having to blow her nose, despite the fact I have known her for a long time and I am not a modest person at all, she should also know that I am not bothered by that sort of thing.

Okay, maybe she doesn't need to know exactly how 'not bothered' I am. 😉

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Those sneezes (and her) sound absolutely adorable! Thank you for the observation! About how many times did she sneeze during your visit? Im curious O.O

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1 hour ago, MzMental said:

Those sneezes (and her) sound absolutely adorable! Thank you for the observation! About how many times did she sneeze during your visit? Im curious O.O

Maybe 10 times total? I didn't really keep count, I was distracted 😂. It was usually just singles and she was over for a few hours.

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Good observations, but I do feel bad for the girl if she really is constantly sniffly all through the winter.  Kind of makes me wonder if she has some sort of wintertime allergy.

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