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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A, B, C, D


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Do you have a type A, type B, type C, or type D personality? Any memory that ties in to some decision made or some obstacle accomplished based off your personality type? If you have a partner or best friend, do you have the opposite personality type of that partner? Do you wish you had a different type personality? How does it relate to your fetish(es)? Are you closer to the parent that matches your personality type? Any other thoughts concerning this topic? 

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Oh my goodness, I'm so painfully type A and I honestly love it (most of the time). I've been taking 19 credits per semester since I started college on top of working two jobs, and if I wasn't so intense I don't think I could do this. However, I'm always really stressed out and anxious, and I barely sleep. I seriously have a major panic attack if I get anything below an 'A' on an assignment (maybe that's why it's called type A? Jk). There are pros and cons for sure. 

My husband is very type B and I think that's why we work so well. If we were both as type A as I am, I think we would have driven eachother insane within a week of dating. He's legitimately the only person that can calm me down. However, I don't see any correlation between my personality type and my fetish because he has a fetish as well, and it's just as intense as mine is.

You also asked if I'm closer to the parent that matches my personality type, and the answer is absolutely yes. My dad is even more type A than I am and I get along with him much better than my mom (type B). BUT... My sister is also type A and she gets along wayyy better with my mom (her and my dad butt heads). I think it depends on a lot of other factors. I imagine the actual reason I get along better with him is simply because we have similar interests, and my mom and sister have similar interests. 



Edited by Oceanmountains
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@Travel I didn’t want to paste a 73 question test, so I found a small one. A types are organized, follow a strict schedule, focus on logic more than emotions, high-achieving, and goal-oriented. (And are at a greater risk for heart disease due to stress.) B types are more creative/sometimes artistic, free-spirited, follows their heart over their head, messy, and laid-back. Of course, most people have qualities from each type but they do tend to lean toward one or the other. Here you go


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4 minutes ago, Reaper said:

@Travel I didn’t want to paste a 73 question test, so I found a small one. A types are organized, follow a strict schedule, focus on logic more than emotions, high-achieving, and goal-oriented. (And are at a greater risk for heart disease due to stress.) B types are more creative/sometimes artistic, free-spirited, follows their heart over their head, messy, and laid-back. Of course, most people have qualities from each type but they do tend to lean toward one or the other. Here you go


Thanks! I got B and judging from your description and the site's , I think that seems about right. I have a little bit of both. I'm definitely an artistic and creative person, I tend to go with my heart perhaps too much, I can be messy and also laid-back. But when things aren't working out, I jump into being a type A kind of person, trying to be strict with schedule and do things in the most straight-forward manner possible so they can be finished. My friends tend to be type B people too as have most of the girls I've dated. My parents are kind of the same way: My mom is very much a type B person with splashes of A, and my dad is a type A person with a couple of splashes of B. I get along very well with both of them, but we definitely have our clashes. 

As for my fetishes and kinks, I think I can see it reflected in them. I tend to express them in a very creative way through role-playing, writing, acting, things like that. So there is definitely a connection there. 

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@Oceanmountains Hahahahahah I did not see humor in that list for A types, but I’m gonna give you that joke because it flowed XD Here’s an example for how the fetish probably relates to my B type personality. The characters I like are Type A characters. Like authoritative leaders for example. Or the logical and stern person with every minute planned out suddenly becoming messy and disorganized because he’s sick and exhausted. And he arrives late. 

@Travel Right! You mentioned you had splashes of both. If you’re in a group among B types, the person closest to an A type among y’all would jump in that role. I remember jumping into Type A mode during circumstances that would hurt more if I let my emotions rule me. So I focused only on logic (not that A types only focus on logic). Do you find dating your own personality type a good thing? 

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The test says I'm Type B, but I feel like my partner and I have both Type A and B traits, him leaning more toward Type A. We fit together like pieces of a puzzle, being able to make up for whatever the other needs. 

In relation to my fetish, I definitely like the idea of a type A personality losing their control, slowly and steadily sliding out if their air of confidence and command. It's intoxicating. But I also find I love Type B (I think type B? Maybe a different type) females in my fantasies and such. Not so much males. I rather like the idea of a quiet, shy person being emboldened by their sneezing, particularly if it's in a sexual nature, like to please a partner. 

As far as the thing with my parents, I can tell you my dad is a Type B personality and he and i are very close, much closer than I ever have been with my mom. 

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@MzMental Oh, Type B people are socially active and love attention. So the quiet and shy type in a social situation would veer toward A types. A types are confident in their field and certain knowledge, but wouldn’t be as practiced in social settings as B types since they can be workaholics and wouldn’t go out as much. So it looks like you still like A types. 

(I feel like I should keep disclaiming that not many people are strictly A type or strictly B type because I’m sounding so stereotypical right now. )

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1 hour ago, Reaper said:

@Travel Right! You mentioned you had splashes of both. If you’re in a group among B types, the person closest to an A type among y’all would jump in that role. I remember jumping into Type A mode during circumstances that would hurt more if I let my emotions rule me. So I focused only on logic (not that A types only focus on logic). Do you find dating your own personality type a good thing? 

Not a bad thing but also not a good thing. One of my exes was a type B to extremes that didn't sit well with me, so that was one situation where my Type A splashes kicked in and that didn't sit well with her. I have to say that's why I often feel like I struggle to really fit with anyone since I'm either too "crazy" or too "dry" for people. I haven't found anyone who is comfortable with both aspects of me. 

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@spooky scary sQueletons 🎃 Just basically copied and pasted.

Type C people are deep thinkers and perfectionists. They want to know the how and why of everything. They don’t share emotions easily and it’s hard for them to make decisions. They show no assertiveness so they don’t stand up for what they believe in. And lastly, a people-pleaser by trade. 


The Type D personality is usually stressed, angry, worried, hostile and tense, all rolled into one. Creatures of habit that prefer for their day-to-day surroundings to remain the same. Type D people are often the ones who others turn to when looking for support. Compassionate individuals by nature, they tend to make some of the best friends and confidants.They generally have a negative view of life and are always suppressing their emotions. Natural pessimists, they are always waiting for the worst to happen. With low self-esteem and a fear of rejection and/or not being liked, they tend to keep their emotions inside and are consequently highly susceptible to depression.


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oh! i don't think i'm any of them?? i'm rlly particular & organized & chronically early like type A, but i'm rlly creative & free spririted & emotional like type B, but i'm rlly analytical and precise like type C! the only one i'm 100% not like is D bc i'm such an optimist, but i'm only half yes half no the entire rest of them

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I am definitely type c! I often wish I was more assertive and decisive,  but I can manage it when I have to. I was closer to my dad who was type b/c. My mom and sister are both type A. I find them very intimidating, but they come in handy when I need someone to take control of something I can't handle myself because it's too stressful.

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