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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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I’m sorry you feel so bad. I hope you feel better before the weekend ends and before the rush of school and life gets hectic. Also I hope that those that do come across you while you are sick are super sweet and caring. You’ve already done the best thing during a cold. Complaining to a non-fetishist about the cold. Am I right? So fun! 

To cool your nose down a bit, you could lightly wet a paper towel and then blow your nose. It won’t chap up your nose and it’ll feel nice. 

Anyways, Here’s some well wishes for a speedy recovery! ~~~~~~~~~

P.S. I’m so happy you posted that video. It was hilarious 😆 

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So sorry to hear that you're sick! It sounds like you deserve a good long rest. Drink plenty of fluids and take good care of yourself, lest it turn into something worse! 

Sending all the positive vibes ^-^

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10 hours ago, facet said:

for people who like coughs and fevers, this one is pretty swell on those metrics.

I would love to hear more about your coughs!!!

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Thank you! You did a great job! How long does the fits last for? Have anyone made  any comment about your cold?

I'm sorry you have a fever and nightmares!! Hope you will be able to get back to sleep soon!!

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