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Photic Sneeze Reflex Makes for Dangerous Driving


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So, today I had to make a long, 5 hour round trip to pick up my cousin for the weekend. The driving doesn't bother me so much, but there's a lot of construction work on the highways where I live. Constantly. 

I also happen to have a decently sensitive photic sneeze reflex, particularly to sunlight. I had started my drive early in the morning, before the first rays of the sun had even considered peaking over the horizon. However, I just happened to be headed east on my journey, which means I got the pleasure of watching the sun rise. Unfortunately, this means my nerve endings were assaulted with the glimmering beams of the sun, making my nose tickle something fierce. 

As the sun rose, I could feel the impending sneezes begin to build, just as I was reaching a high construction area, at the bottom of a large cliff face. The roads were very narrow, leaving little room for error in your driving, and a long, wide curve was coming up just under the rocks. Luckily this meant I had to reduce my speed anyway, to be safe, so I wasn't going 80 mph, but I still did my best to stop the oncoming barrage of sneezes I knee was lurking. Holding my finger firmly under my nose, hitching slightly, I held off as long as I could, keeping my eyes open as long as possible. 

Finally, as I was coming around the curve, I was hit with a small fit of about 6 desperate sneezes, maybe 7, I'm not sure I was trying not to swerve and hit other cars or the rocks, as I could not see. They were very much your typical "Hatchoo! Etchoo!" Except the last one which was a final loud "EEEHHHSSHIEEWW!"

As you can tell, I did not die, nor did I hit anyone else. Satisfied with the work it did on my poor nose, the sun continued to rise to a reasonable height at which it ceased shining in my eyes. It made me sneeze a few more times throughout the day, but none so intense (and mildly frightening!). 

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Wow - glad you manage to remain in control and live to tell the tale :) You say that was a 'small' fit - are your photic sneezing fits generally longer/louder than that...? 

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9 hours ago, NoV said:

are your photic sneezing fits generally longer/louder than that...? 

When I was younger, my sneezing fits used to be smaller rapid sneezes, with maybe 10 to 12 per. As I've gotten older, the amount I sneeze has lessened, but they've gotten a little harsher. I guess it always just seemed like a small fit because comparatively, I uses to sneeze more lol.

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22 minutes ago, MzMental said:

I guess it always just seemed like a small fit because comparatively, I uses to sneeze more lol.

I suppose I have always been curious of people who's sneezing quantity/volume changes as they get older because my sneezes have never changed since I first became aware of sneezing :D Thanks for replying :) 

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That's so scary, I can totally relate! I'm super photic and I've had quite a few scary moments driving. Luckily I don't sneeze in fits; just 1-2 at a time. Bless you, glad you didn't die😅

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2 hours ago, Oceanmountains said:

I'm super photic and I've had quite a few scary moments driving.

I have a fit every time I walk outside, so when I happen to be in the car as the sun comes up (which seems to be often lately), it is terrifying. 

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