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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Someone help me, please


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Hey guys, 

So I think I might actually die this week. I currently live with my grandparents my and grandpa is sick. I am cringing writing this obs, but I just need to get it off my chest or I might explode. 

Literally he is being super dramatic about it and all he is doing is sneezing and blowing his nose. It has gotten to the point where now he sticks tissues in his nose to walk around the house. My grandma thinks it’s hilarious and keeps telling me to look at it. Meanwhile I just want to crawl in a hole and die....   


How do you guys deal with your family being sick??? Is it just neutral for you all, or do you absolutely hate it like me?? 

Thanks for listening, friends. I just had to vent about this to people who would understand. 

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Gosh, that sounds so terrible! :puke: I really hate when my family gets sick, it's so gross that I just want to disappear. I mean, everytime they sneeze they're dramatic and make comments about it, ughhhh

Hope you survive this week lmao

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I can relate so much to this!!  I feel the same as you when I hear my relatives sneezing (especially female, I am into male sneezes and female sneezes irritate me unfortunately). When my mom was sick a couple weeks ago, she was sneezing a lot, I really wanted that to stop. My stepfather sneezes too, i don't feel that awkward as with my mom's sneezing, but his sneezes are just not my type. 

Hope you can deal with it! Wish you all the best and I hope he'll stop sneezing asap.

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2 hours ago, marina<3 said:

Hey guys, 

So I think I might actually die this week. I currently live with my grandparents my and grandpa is sick. I am cringing writing this obs, but I just need to get it off my chest or I might explode. 

Literally he is being super dramatic about it and all he is doing is sneezing and blowing his nose. It has gotten to the point where now he sticks tissues in his nose to walk around the house. My grandma thinks it’s hilarious and keeps telling me to look at it. Meanwhile I just want to crawl in a hole and die....   


How do you guys deal with your family being sick??? Is it just neutral for you all, or do you absolutely hate it like me?? 

Thanks for listening, friends. I just had to vent about this to people who would understand. 

Hey I dealt with this for ages when I lived with family. Essentially you just need to brave through it.

It's super uncomfortable at first and will never quite feel normal but if you just act like it's the most mundane thing in the world and look at/hear it, etc instead of ignoring it, it will be way easier to handle 

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Oh my Lord. The worst! Don't worry you are definitely not alone, we all feel your pain. This helps you not at all, but it's gotten easier for me to deal with as time goes by. I'm just less reactive and more able to just keep a mental barrier up. But none of my family goes on and on about it, or - gahhhh! - sticks tissues in their nose!




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