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Male/Male Blessings


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I love just about every kind of blessing situation.  On this board I've heard some claim to have a particular love for hearing men say "bless you" to each other.  Can anyone explain what the particular attraction of the male/male blessing is?  Does it have anything to do with the fact that, typically, (straight) men in our society are not "supposed" to be so affectionate or supportive of each other? 

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I don't love male/male blessings exclusively but I do like that aspect of it, for sure. I think there is always something interesting about resistance and contradiction when it comes to romance and sex. Guys aren't "supposed" to be affectionate and caring to each other, so when they are, it is extra fun. And "bless you" is such a convention, an automatic response, that it hardly counts. But if you really look into it as we would, it is really quite sweet and caring. It says, I noticed you in a moment of helplessness and weakness, I am concerned about your health, and I am literally going to invoke God's blessing upon you so that you don't get sick or have a demon steal your soul. So definitely extra fun!

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I also love blessing situations, and for some odd reason I find the m/m blessing thing especially adorable. I honestly have no idea why, it just makes me melt... 

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19 hours ago, superimmunegirl said:

I don't love male/male blessings exclusively but I do like that aspect of it, for sure. I think there is always something interesting about resistance and contradiction when it comes to romance and sex. Guys aren't "supposed" to be affectionate and caring to each other, so when they are, it is extra fun. And "bless you" is such a convention, an automatic response, that it hardly counts. But if you really look into it as we would, it is really quite sweet and caring. It says, I noticed you in a moment of helplessness and weakness, I am concerned about your health, and I am literally going to invoke God's blessing upon you so that you don't get sick or have a demon steal your soul. So definitely extra fun!

Aww...When you put it like that, it does sound lovely!  Especially so when you picture male friends blessing each other's sneezes (rather than just a man blessing a random male stranger).

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I actually never realized much I liked male on male blessing until I read your post 😳

I think you pretty much got it though, I feel like as fetishists we view blessings as something that is sort of intimate/affectionate between people, so when we see men doing it with each other we feel as if they are being affectionate and close, even if they were just trying to be polite.

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I am a big fan of male/male blessing. And I guess everyone else pretty much explained a lot of the reasons why. To me, blessing is intimate, and when guys bless each other, it’s just extra fun! 

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