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Oh no, I'm sorry! That always does feel so unjust. I went through a phase when i was getting one cold after another, and Chinese medicine (acupuncture and herbs) finally stopped it in its tracks. Made the cold i had disappear and I didn't get another for a long time. I thought I had the cure-all but I've had mixed results since!

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Ugh, I sooooo hate this. Hate it hate it hate it. I can't remember if it was last year or the year before, but it was recently, I kept getting sick in the span of weeks. I think the thing that's helped me the most has been taking a Vitamin C supplement called Aedorygil that you can easily get here in Mexico; You have to take one vial of it in a glass of water every week for a month. I still get sick but I've noticed my colds and allergies are a lot less severe. I've had respiratory problems ever since I was a kid so colds, allergies and the flu can be brutal for me, but that really helped. I don't know fi there's a similar supplement in the USA but if you can take it,  it can help even if it doesn't outright prevent you from getting sick. 

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In our house it's been one cold after another since August. Some days it seems totally unfair, but both my kids are in school for the first time, so their immune systems are definitely getting established.  Hope you feel better super soon. Good time to just rest and relax if you can so your body can heal.❤

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It's probably been fifteen years or more since I had that happen to me - with the same illness that is, I've gone from one illness into another - but either just SUCKS. Like you haven't already spent all your time and energy on recovering from the first one, and then you get it BACK?? That's like the worst refund ever, I'm just sayin. 

Get better soon! :hug: 


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I'm so sorry to hear that! Personally, I've never had a back to back illness like this, but I am a frequent flier with the progression into bronchitis! My colds turn into that fairly quickly if I don't take care of them just right (sometimes even still, despite my best efforts). I hope you get to feeling better, get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids! 

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this just happened to me! we've had 2 significant temperature drops over the last 2 months and as soon as I recovered with one, I caught another :lol: 

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