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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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So, I caught a cold on Thursday, which started as a sore throat and aching sinuses. Since then it has progressed to a horrible, head splitting mess. I've used almost 2 large boxes of tissues up by myself, just blowing my nose. My cough has moved down into my chest, and I've been sneezing all day today. Normally my sneezes are quieter, but because I'm sick they are a much loud "Hatchoo!!" 

I am absolutely miserable. The observation would be longer, but I can't think straight. Hope y'all are in better health! 😁

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Bless you!  I was the same way last week, because most of my co-workers were sick.  I hope those sneezes are productive and clear things out for you.:sneeze:

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Thanks you guys! Just as an update, cold has progressed to a productive harsh cough and I'm about halfway through box 3 of tissues. Went to the doctor and thankfully it isn't turning into bronchitis, but they proscribed an inhaler and some pseudoephedrine to clear everything up. Hopefully it helps!  

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Day 7 of this horrible cold. I no longer feel like death, but walking makes me dizzy, my ears are horribly plugged up and still congested. No idea why the medicine isn't working. Not very much sneezing anymore, but lots of sniffling and harsh coughs. 

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Sure hope you are feeling better soon. Sounds kind of awful, not really the fun kind of being sick. 😞

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