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Excelsior! Remembering Stan Lee


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Stan Lee, former editor-in-chief of Marvel Comics, passed away Monday at age 95. He played a part in creating many pop culture icons which are revered today, including Spider-Man, Black Panther, the Hulk, and the X-Men, to name a few. He inspired countless people (including myself) to dream big and not be ashamed for who you really are.

In his honor, I would like to share my favorite Marvel memory, and I hope that others will do the same!

As a kid in elementary school who had just discovered Marvel comic book lore, I remember receiving Spider-Man 2 on DVD for my birthday. It was life-changing. As good as Tom Holland is, Tobey Maguire will always be the web-slinger I remember. Alfred Molina's Doc Ock is still my favorite movie villain of all time. The movie's train scene still gives me chills!


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I think we should all choose are favourite stan Lee cameo my personal favourite was Stan lee cameo in venom he was one of a kind I love you Stan lee you where a hero to me 

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Mine was Deadpool because they were actively avoiding but we knew it show up.  

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My fave was his first, the X-men movie since no one knew it was happening and never imagined it would start the trend that it did. 

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The movie wasnt great comparatively, but it was my first time seeing him, his cameo in the old Daredevil movie with Ben Affleck, I hope he was fully happy with his time here, he will be greatly missed😭

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My favorite is the one in Avengers: Age of Ultron, where he thinks he can out-drink Thor. That and the one in Deadpool. Stan Lee made me happy, and gave me hope for the future. RIP. 

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Sad to see him go and I hope the family's doing okay.

I love Marvel.  I love seeing Stan's cameos in the Marvel movies  (which I believe I've read that he filmed a few of them a year ago for movies yet to come out, so seeing new ones might be a bit bittersweet).  Man, I even like Striperella!

The man was a great showman.  A great ambassador for the comics community.  And he will be missed.

As for my favorite Stan cameo...I'm going to cheat and say Mallrats.  He was also fun in Big Bang Theory (even if you don't like that show).

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14 hours ago, normandy said:

Just found his Spider-Man PS4 cameo, and I gotta put it up there as a fav now

I forgot about that one that one caught me off guard I didn’t think he would be in it a nice surprise that game is amazing by the way 

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