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Hello my fellow sneeze lovers 😊 This is my first time ever doing an observation on here but here it goes. 


I go go to a French-Immersion school which means half my classes are French and half are English. Religion is a French spoken class though, hardly anybody actually speaks French. My religion teacher is a petite young lady who is not married and looks around the age of 28. She has brown hair with slight blonde streaks. She is also the French gym teacher who obviously got forced to teach religion. 

It was a normal fall day in the month of October. The leaves were changing colour and the air was getting cooler. 

In Religion, we were watching a movie on the story of Moses. She (Who I’ll call Jo for this observation) showed no signs of being sick. I had only heard Jo sneeze once since the beginning of this semester and I was eagerly waiting for more. As I copy down notes during the movie, I just so happen to look up when I see her bend over. Sitting on a chair, she bends over to sneeze softly, almost like it was stifled into the elbow. It sounded like “hiiCh ew” the “ew” part lower then the rest of the high pitched sneeze. She says a quick “Excuser moi, pardon” which in english mean Excuse me sorry. 


For the next few days we continued watching this movie and she continued to sneeze at least once during the movie. Always followed by a quick “Excuser moi”. 


Hope you enjoyed enough for me to continue! 

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Thank you for the observation! Maybe she's sensitive to the weather change. 

Also, I'm heartily curious as to what type of class Religion is. It is focused around one religion in particular (like you would at a catholic school as such), or is it about various religions in general? 

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2 minutes ago, MzMental said:

Thank you for the observation! Maybe she's sensitive to the weather change. 

Also, I'm heartily curious as to what type of class Religion is. It is focused around one religion in particular (like you would at a catholic school as such), or is it about various religions in general? 

Thank you so much. My religion class is mainly based around the Catholic religion currently but in the past its been more based around other subjects like the Indigenous culture. Thank you so much again!

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Thanks for answering! I have another question, sorry it's not sneeze related but do you go to a religion based school or is this class a standard course for public schooling? I'm very intrigued by the education systems in other countries. 

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1 hour ago, MzMental said:

Thanks for answering! I have another question, sorry it's not sneeze related but do you go to a religion based school or is this class a standard course for public schooling? I'm very intrigued by the education systems in other countries. 

I do go to a religion based school and have since I was a child. Currently, I'm going to a Catholic secondary school down here in the great white north of Canada. Most of what we do is based of-of the Catholic curriculum. Thank you so much for your questions, glad you are curious!

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4 hours ago, Geni101 said:

Thank you so much for your questions, glad you are curious!ďťż

Thank you so much for answering them! ^-^

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Just a quick thank you to everybody who read my observation , just a quick addition to the details of Jo...


Jo never wears professional clothes always on her active wear(hoodie and track pants), obviously coming from her previous gym class. Her dark brown eyes always making a statement. Shes such a kind and gentle sounding lady yet, she knows how to handle our hectic class! Now back to the observation!


It was a normal beginning to the third period on Friday. Jo, coming to class late as usual, seemed normal. That changed soon after. A few minutes into the class, she was standing behind her desk in the back corner of the tiny little class. Don’t let that tiny class fool you! We have almost over 25 kids cramped in that tiny little class room. Jo, sitting at her desk, was sitting at her desk while we all looked at our phones. Suddenly, I hear a slight high pitches voice coming from her little corner. Hii CHew! I quickly turn my head in her direction, seeing her bent over like she had just sneezed. She says excuse me in her little French accent and continues to work on her laptop.I got so mad at myself that I had missed it! But, apparently today I was in luck! She begins to teach us a little when a girl walks into our class. I assumed she had just written a gym test since Jo stopped her lesson to grab the test. Then placing the paper on her desk, she headed out into the hallway. As a look into the hall way, sort of day dreaming, I see something I’d thought I’d never get to see. Jo’s head suddenly, slightly appears in the door as she sneezes a beautiful yet more forceful and uncovered. HiiSHEW! She doesn’t even acknowledge the fact that she had just sneezed. She just continued on bringing in the desk from the hallway back into the class. She continues to teach as I notice her voice a slight bit congested. There has been a pretty nasty cold going around our school so I was hoping she had caught that so I could hear more sneezes (it’s ok to hope your teacher gets sick... right?) Then, at her desk once again, I see her bend over once again. Then, another sneeze emerges from with in her. This time I can tell she trying to stifle it since, it was way quieter then her previous one. Hiii THew! Once again, followed by her little “Excuser moi”  (which, for people who don’t know French, once again means Excuse me”). As the bell for second period rings, I sigh knowing that if she was catching a cold she would probably be able to shake it off over the weekend. 


However, as I walk into my religion class third period on Monday, I notice a slight pink tint to her nose and cheeks. As she begins the lesson, I hear an obvious congestion to her words. Yet, she continued to teach like it was normal. Until, she had to blow her nose. As we are writing down the notes she begins to say, “as you can tell, I have a little cold” (obviously all in French but I’m too lazy to write it all). All I could think in my head was “LITTLE?You sound like your dying”. Of course, shy little me doesn’t say anything with I totally regret. Sad part was that she never sneezed during that whole class but there was a lot of coughing and nose blowing. 


Hope you enjoyed and tell me if I should continue!

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These obs are so great, I'm a total sucker for teachers sneezing.  I would love it when my teachers got sick back in high school.  How is she doing now??


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Thanks for everybody who commented! Jo has recovered from her sneezy cold that I talked about last time but, I’m still waiting anxiously for more.


Just a short little section today...


Today, third period, our class had been moved to the tech lab across from our actually classroom. We had to do an assignment on the computers about the history behind our first names. I love the tech lab because they have extra comfy seats that are just what you need after sitting on uncomfortable seats for long periods of time. Jo, sitting at the “teacher desk”, begins her lesson. After she’s all done talking, she goes sits back down comfortably into the chair. Today, for the first time I’ve ever seen, she wasn’t wearing track pants! You would be surprised as well if you knew her. Instead, she was wearing a loose shirt with jeans. I jut so happen to be daydreaming, watching her, when she sort of pushed herself away for the desk. Just then, a more forceful sneeze, comes from within her. “HISHH oo!”. It’s almost sounded as if it was a pretty wet sneeze. 

Sadly I didn’t hear anymore come out of her but I’ll be sure to write about it when I do 😄

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I would love to hear how she blew her nose! I'm getting the vibe that she must be a very ladylike soft dainty one blowing her nose?

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On 12/3/2018 at 12:46 AM, luvsfemalehonks said:

I would love to hear how she blew her nose! I'm getting the vibe that she must be a very ladylike soft dainty one blowing her nose?

Yes, she definitely is!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, what a day. My day starts if so boring but by the time I reach Religion I’m always a slight bit excited  because I’m hoping to hear Jo sneeze and well, she’s an amazing teacher. 


Today, Jo almost reminded me of Miss. Grundy from Riverdale if you know what I mean. But, the moment she talked I knew that today, I had the biggest chance to hear her sneeze. Her voice filled with congestion, she begins to explain to us what we’ll be doing for the day. I honestly have no idea what she said because I was just focusing on how congested her voice was. Today, instead of all being cramped in our little class, our session took place in the tech lab so we could work on our projects. This was especially lucky since we all got to choose where we sat. Of course, I had chosen the seat directly beside where Jo was sitting. 


My best friend was sitting behind me and let me tell you, we weren’t doing our work at all. Listening to music, I always had one ear bud out to listen patiently for a sneeze. She coughed a lot and every few minutes would she would snif her nose ever so slightly. Then, just as I turn around to talk to my friend, I hear that O so familiar sound. Aaa Ch-u! Her sneeze almost killing me! The ch sound was higher pitched then the rest. I was so excited but also hoping for more since.... I was talking to my friend and didn’t get to see it. She blew her nose quietly always turning to the wall almost like so no one could see her blow her nose. 


There was 20 minutes left of class, we began to pack up our backpacks even though that definitely pisses her off when we do that. Just then, my friend tried to show me a picture on her computer when a hear, once again, that beautiful sound. Aaaa ch-u! Once again the ch sound higher then the rest making it very girly. I got so mad at myself, I couldn’t believed I’d missed it!! I turned around and stared at her hoping for just one more . She never sneezes in two but I was praying for just one little look. Just then, her arm quickly raises to her face and a AAaa CH-u comes out! It was so beautiful and I couldn’t believe I’d finally seen it!! Just then, one of the kids asks a question about the project we were doing. Her answer was SOOOO congested I couldn’t believe it! I was like in sneeze heaven... if that’s a thing 😂😂


Anywho, can’t wait for tomorrow, don’t think that cold is going to go way anytime soon!!

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8 hours ago, Geni101 said:

Wow, what a day. My day starts if so boring but by the time I reach Religion I’m always a slight bit excited  because I’m hoping to hear Jo sneeze and well, she’s an amazing teacher. 


Today, Jo almost reminded me of Miss. Grundy from Riverdale if you know what I mean. But, the moment she talked I knew that today, I had the biggest chance to hear her sneeze. Her voice filled with congestion, she begins to explain to us what we’ll be doing for the day. I honestly have no idea what she said because I was just focusing on how congested her voice was. Today, instead of all being cramped in our little class, our session took place in the tech lab so we could work on our projects. This was especially lucky since we all got to choose where we sat. Of course, I had chosen the seat directly beside where Jo was sitting. 


My best friend was sitting behind me and let me tell you, we weren’t doing our work at all. Listening to music, I always had one ear bud out to listen patiently for a sneeze. She coughed a lot and every few minutes would she would snif her nose ever so slightly. Then, just as I turn around to talk to my friend, I hear that O so familiar sound. Aaa Ch-u! Her sneeze almost killing me! The ch sound was higher pitched then the rest. I was so excited but also hoping for more since.... I was talking to my friend and didn’t get to see it. She blew her nose quietly always turning to the wall almost like so no one could see her blow her nose. 


There was 20 minutes left of class, we began to pack up our backpacks even though that definitely pisses her off when we do that. Just then, my friend tried to show me a picture on her computer when a hear, once again, that beautiful sound. Aaaa ch-u! Once again the ch sound higher then the rest making it very girly. I got so mad at myself, I couldn’t believed I’d missed it!! I turned around and stared at her hoping for just one more . She never sneezes in two but I was praying for just one little look. Just then, her arm quickly raises to her face and a AAaa CH-u comes out! It was so beautiful and I couldn’t believe I’d finally seen it!! Just then, one of the kids asks a question about the project we were doing. Her answer was SOOOO congested I couldn’t believe it! I was like in sneeze heaven... if that’s a thing 😂😂


Anywho, can’t wait for tomorrow, don’t think that cold is going to go way anytime soon!!


That sounds so beautiful! I’m glad you got to witness this. It would’ve only been better if she commented about her sneezes after! Maybe she will one day? 😉

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  • 2 months later...

It’s been a while but I am finally back with another observation. Semester 2 has just recently begun which means all new classes. Luckily, it just so happens that Jo is my physical education teacher this semester! 


We started our health unit recently which mean more class time, not really any movement. 


Shortly after class had begun, I just so happened to look over in Jo’s direction. Suddenly, I get to witness the most beautiful uncovered sneeze I’ve ever witnessed from Jo. It was louder then usual and completely uncovered. 


Almost like “ aaaaCHew”


The ew is always quieter then the rest but the ch was louder then usual. 


It almost blew her off her seat which made me laugh to myself. 


She let out a little “wooow” and a bunch of kids said bless you.


I can’t wait to see even more from her and my other new teachers this semester!



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