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Biggest challenge when sick?


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Based on your job, what is the most challenging part of going to work with a cold?

For me, as a restaurant manager it is having to hold back sneezing/coughing near food or on customers, as well as having to wait a while to sneak away from customer view if I have to blow my nose when we're busy

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Uhhh, the fact that my ability to maintain a facade of a good mood goes WAY down. :laugh:  I'm pretty lucky in that I work in an office where I don't deal with the public pretty much ever, and I have my own space where many times I can spend a lot of time not being bothered because people have to physically go down a flight of stairs and down a hallway to talk to me face to face and that's more effort than people want to put in a lot of the time!  But my job is also really boring and a couple people there get on my LAST nerve and it does take a lot of energy to pretend to be enthusiastic and friendly all day...when I'm not feeling well I just do not have that energy. :laugh:

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I wear a mask at work if I have a cold, or even if I suspect that I may coming down with something, since I work with a lot of immunocompromised patients.  Honesty, my biggest issue is that no matter how I wear that damn mask over my face, I'm constantly fogging up my glasses, which is really annoying :lol:   Other than that, the most challenging aspect of being sick is definitely feeling drained of energy , having difficulty focusing and concentrating (from being drained of energy), and having to excuse myself frequently to blow my nose, bc that's something I will never do around anyone else. Especially since my job stays pretty busy and fast-paced, that's definitely a major annoyance. :jealoussmiley:

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Teaching when my voice is gone. Maintaining a level of good energy for the students when in fact I just hurt.

Also I often having digestive pbs, and pain like that although not unbearable is a constant irritant, I have trouble keeping my patience and staying entirely available to listen or help the others.

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