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Sweet begginning & hot end


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I saw her moaning while passing the threshold of our flat. Her high-heel shoes slam on the floor


‘ Hello, sweetie ? Hard day?

- Yeah...and I’ve sore feet ‘


A complice smile lights up on our faces...Nothing more is necessary for me to take a small basin from under the cupboard, to fill it with tepid, salted water.


Her beloved, tiny and gracious feet went out from her shoes. Her toes are full of corn and callus, her soles are sadly dry and her heels full of deep and painfull chaps. Each soft movement continue to make her moan.

With caution, as I would do with a fragile, premature newborn, I dip her delicate feet in the hot water.

While she’s relaxing, I look for a towel, massaging oil and cream.

Exhausted and touched, she looks at me with her wonderful smile as I take her ankle, put the towel on my tighs and begin to massage her feet on a regular and expert gesture.
My short fingers go up and down on her painful soles, in order for the oil and cream to penetrate the skin make little circles with each of her toes. ….

- ‘Poor dear, you’ve run a marathon all day long...but tonight, I’ll take care of you...personally’

My voice was hot and sweet..and I had a bigger smile while feeling her shivering….but she shivered too longly...too regularly to be a thrill full of promises for the night to come….

‘What’s wrong, love ?’

‘- I don’t feel well...I’m cold, I’m cold and I feel dizzy.’.

I put my finger into the basin...the water is still hot….Something is definitely wrong with her...Removing her feet from the water, I dry them with the towel and take her to our bed.
While stretching her on the back, I see her becoming white like snow and shivering, with teeth chattering.

« Have you eaten something strange ? Tainted seafood ? »

- No, sweetie...I...I...ATSHEWWW


She barely had to time to sweep her face away from mine that a huge blast of sneeze bursted form her little, red apple-like nose.

- Don’t worry, love...I’ll take care of you….’ did I say while helping her to go under the covers.

Kissing quickly her burning-up forehead, I go to the bathroom and come back with a long, glassy mercure thermometer.

‘Open your mouth, Snow White’.

My voice faded in a soft and intimate tone while she does what I asked her, revealing her thin and regular lips and her perfectly white teeth.

Putting the thermometer under her tongue, I take her small and gracious wrist and cuddlle it while gazing her ovale dark tired eyes.

The glassy instrument in her mouth shivers at the same rythm as she does. I cannot extract myself from this magical view...until my phone’s alarm ring, marking the end of the 5-minutes timeframe.

Taking away the thermometer, I stare at the level of the blue thin line….

‘ How much do I have ?’ she asked with a weak, croaking voice.

‘ 39,4 °C (102.92 °F)’

She sighed at this unpleasant news as , leaving her to to go the kitchenI fill the kettle with water.


‘ What d’you do honey ?’


‘Herbal tea...Will help you to recover’

A strong and husky coughing fit impeded her to react as I come back with the promised cup of herbal tea, a wet napkin and an ice bag.

While giving her the steaming and orang-and-ginger smelling cup, I gentle put my hand on her shoulder in order to make her lay down in the bed, putting pillows beyond her neck and head.

‘Drink, love. You’ll recover tomorrow, I promise !

‘ Thanks Doctor’.

Her chuckle was low-pitched by her painful and irritated sore throat. She soon stop to shivers and we both fall asleep….

As the dawn is coming, I open my eyes and stared at her pinky face. No trace of flushs. I put a gentle hand on her forehead and she wakes up…
‘You’re okay ?’


Indeed, her forehead is normal and she nodds silently….while another kind of feverish look sparklez in her eyes….Her naugthy long fingers push back the thick covers and unveil to me her pink-linen-covered breast….

‘ For your reward...beloved doctor’….

Closing my eyes, we both deep into a very….feverish moment. But this time….No pathogenic agent is at stake….



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