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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Handkerchief obs (M)


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I was at a cafe today and looked up when I heard a wet sounding sneeze, that classic messy part of a cold sneeze

The man was sitting at a table with three others. He was probably in his late 40s, short clean cut light grey hair, nice business shirt and jeans. Immediately following the sneeze he pulled a plain white men's handkerchief with some kind of black logo on one corner out of his jeans pocket and blew his nose.

He kept holding the hanky in his hands and after a few minutes coughed into it a couple of times before sniffing wetly. A minute later he blew his nose again in the handkerchief before putting it back in his pocket, kind of balled up not folded. 

I was only there for a couple more minutes and in that time he sniffled again wetly a couple of times.

From my experience I'd say he was probably on the day of having a cold right after the worst day.

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On 12/2/2018 at 6:15 AM, allergyboy2001 said:

Thanks for sharing! Was it a logo or a monogram, do you think?

Probably some kind of logo I think

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