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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Post Shower Sneeze (OC, Clint)


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Hello hello! Someone said they'd like to see my OC Clint sneeze shirtless... and I have no objections to drawing that 😂


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Whoa..this is awesome..:drool: 

Edited by SneezyHolmes
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I haven’t pulled this emoji out for a long time...


And I scrolled up from the comments to see it so the first thing I saw was the happy trail and nice chest hair. This was too hot! Thank you for sharing! I love everything about this! The build, water on skin, the method he uses to cover, concentration and closed eyes, the sneeze spelling, etc!

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Here we go again with this hunky dude sneezing up the joint! I freaking love Clint so much can’t wait to see more of him!


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