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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Allergies attacked me today


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Hey everyone I haven’t been on for a while because I’ve been so busy and my nose had been relatively good to me until today. So I started my day quite sniffly already when I was in the shower. My nose had been quite congested so in the shower this was when the sneezing started. Usually my sneezes are kinda loud and now there’s a new thing with my sneezes when I tend to sneeze in doubles. Like I’ll have a smaller pre-sneeze which would be a small “HISHSHOE ” followed by a bigger sneeze of the usual “HAESSHOO”. This continued throughout my shower and while I was getting dressed so I was just sneezing and sniffling miserably just going “HISH HAESSHOO HISSHHOO HAESSHOO” for a good maybe 15mins. Usually my sneezes are dry and not really wet but today was a whole other story. I kept wet sneezing with my nose filling up with congestion. I had one messy sneeze when I just sneezed and snotted into my towel with my nose just leaking everywhere. So the sneezing stopped after that sneeze. My Friend was sorting through some of her old clothes and I had made plans to help her. I took an anti-histamine and then halfway through sorting out the clothes my dust allergies attacked with a vengeance. My face was itchy,my eyes tearing and I was just ready to burst from sneezing and trying not to sneeze.I was such a sneezy mess that usually I could at least get out a sentence while holding back a sneeze but while I had been trying to hold back my sneezes this sneezing fit really snuck up on me. It was like when I was in the middle of saying something when I just went “HAESSHH HAESHH HAESSHOO” without any warning from my nose that I was going to sneeze until I was done sneezing. My nose kept leaking for the rest of the day so I had to keep either going to be restroom to blow my nose and sneeze in privacy or constantly pulling out tissues to wipe my runny nose. But I think this has even my biggest allergy fit this year that I actually looked like I had been crying when I saw how I looked in the mirror with red watery eyes and a red nose and blotchy skin and clutching tissues in one hand 

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Oh, my- great obs.

On 11/25/2018 at 4:49 AM, Macy said:

It was like when I was in the middle of saying something when I just went “HAESSHH HAESHH HAESSHOO” without any warning from my nose that I was going to sneeze until I was done sneezing.

Wish I'd been the one you were talking to when this happened!

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On 11/27/2018 at 10:22 AM, Juniebee said:

Oh dear, what did this to you ( dust, pollen, mold?)?

Bless you! do you have the mental block about sneezing/blowing your nose

I’m allergic to both dust and pollen so it could have been a combination of both. Yes actually I do especially about sneezing because my sneezes are on the louder side and I sneeze usually 2-3 times so I don’t wanna draw attention😂

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