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How to get into RPing?


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I used to RP a lot when I was a teenager, almost exclusively with friends I had made online, but in the past few years I've done it infrequently. I always found it a lot of fun, and I've never RP'd within the fetish before. I was wondering how to get back into that, and how y'all who do RP on the forum go about it? Let me know!

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RP-ing used to be easier until a couple of years ago, when the forum had its own chat (including the possibility to chat privately). Now there are the open RPs in the relevant sub-forum, or otherwise something I've done is simply to RP by PM, which ensures privacy and control over who takes part. Or you can always use an external messaging service like Hangouts or whatever strikes your fancy, really. I find RPing by PM is good because it allows you to keep the whole thing without having to copy-paste, save, etc.; two RPs which I've done, we've subsequently ended up posting them on the open forum as stories.

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If you have access you should go to the subforums under the adult or youth board. I believe both have a "seeking RP partners" subject where you can look for partners and post your ideas. If you can't get in to either, contact one of the admins and they'll help you out if if they can :)

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just basically find someone whose writing you enjoy, who enjoys your writing too, & see if they want to rp or not

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Hey Yuurei!

So, after you become validated (you’re pending right now), you’ll have access to the adult board. There is a rp request topic. You post in there and see if anyone is interested in rping. You can include a story idea, gender of characters, preferences in how you rp, length of replies wanted, hard limits, and what platform(s) you want to use. It’s best to talk in detail with a prospective rp-er before you begin so you can find a good match. Or you can read previous requests, find one you vibe with, and send a pm to the poster. Oh, and there are some people who like to rp fandoms as well. 

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  • 2 months later...

Actually, I didn't start rping until a girlfriend of mine encouraged me to. We did a bunch of stuff over Skype that started simple, but slowly got saucier as our relationship went on :P

After her, I looked out for other people with my kink to see if they would rp and I found a really nice guy whom I still do rps with to this day :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/27/2018 at 3:21 AM, Yuurei said:

Sounds good! Thanks everyone for your help!


I know I'm pretty late dude, but I would love to RP with you. I've been looking at like your art and stuff, and I've been looking for new creative type friends and you seem cool! I have a lot of OC's as well, and would love someone new to talk to. I tried to DM you but unfortunately you haven't been fully validated yet so you can't receive messages. But I'd be willing to figure out some other way if you have another. You on Deviantart maybe? 

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@Usagi I am on DA but I keep the SF on the down-low, so I don't think I can share it here. It's too bad there aren't admins around much nowadays to validate people! I'll keep thinking and figure out a way to get in contact.

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2 hours ago, Yuurei said:

@Usagi I am on DA but I keep the SF on the down-low, so I don't think I can share it here. It's too bad there aren't admins around much nowadays to validate people! I'll keep thinking and figure out a way to get in contact.

Oh well you can follow me on my kink account there, and I won't out you. My watchers are hidden from view anyway~. I wouldn't want that for me so I def wouldn't do it for you. I honestly genuinely like your art wouldn't mind more SFW stuff! If you're uncomfortable though then yeah, I understand if you'd prefer a different method. 

Edited by Usagi
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@Usagi That could work! Though is it against forum rules to provide that sort of info? I honestly can't remember ^^;

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you can't provide any contact info on the boards, it's gotta be through DMs or linked on your profile 

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1 minute ago, •.*°•☆. Q .☆•°*.• said:

you can't provide any contact info on the boards, it's gotta be through DMs or linked on your profile 

Got it. Thanks for clarifying.

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