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Eddie Redmayne and Zoe Kravitz (fakes)


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Eddie Redmayne and Zoe Kravitz did an interview recently where they pranked the interviewer by doing whatever the kids behind the scenes told them do to. Eddie is instructed to sneeze after smelling some flowers and ends up faking three sneezes!  Zoe is then instructed to sneeze as well and she fakes one. Eddie's are a little overdone, but overall pretty cute!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMmUqm_f71Q&t=118s -happens around 1:30

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Oh, now that is cute!! And using a handkerchief as well!

I want to go see The Crimes Of Grindelwald soon, and now I won't be able to stop thinking about this when I do!

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This was great! Their sneezes were awesome but the whole video was hilarious. I'm not sure if I buy the host wasn't in on it, but it was all very funny. 

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😂 I honestly can't decide whether I should be cringing or blushing at that, thank you for finding it! Oh and as snuffle-bunny said, he really got into it too and that was adorable. xD 

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Oh gosh, I can feel my inner teenager screaming over how good this is. :lol:  I used to casually look around to see if there was anything from him -- it's always, always satisfying when something like this happens to crop up.

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Haha! Omg, it’s one of those things where you love it but it embarrasses you at the same time. :lol: Thank you for sharing! 

Edit: I was so flustered I didn’t even critique his fakes! :lmfao: Definitely played up a bit, but for the most part they’re passable. I LOVE how they sound squashed down. 😍 I’m sure he has lots of practice with his horrible hay fever.

Edited by Spoo
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I felt so much second hand embarrassment for them that it was hard for me to get through the entire video... But both of their sneezes were really cute! And the fact that I have a huge celebrity crush on Eddie at the moment makes this video even better... Actually, if I had heard either of those type of sneezes in person, I probably wouldn’t have been able to know it was fake, so the acting was pretty well done imo. Thanks for posting! 

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