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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Posted on CL that I want a cold from someone


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Yeah... And the Reddit for my city singles but it's dead. CL was a hard sell. Said I really want to get out of a test or family event. Made a new friend but he's only super nauseous, feel badly for him, but I'm not into the v-warning stuff. I'll let you guys know how it goes if you're interested.... I asked to share a coffee or something.  I honestly don't want to get sick, I just want to sit next to them for a bit without inhibitions on either side about contagion (non sexual).  Is this going too far? Am I weird? Well, okay, for sure but.... What do you think? I got in an accident last year and it's hard for me to be independent most of the time so I can't just go hop on a bus or go to the store.  Ughhhh....

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If people out there want to try and get sick hey whatever, it's your body and you can do whatever you like with it, y'know.

But getting people to unknowingly participate in a FETISH for you under false pretenses without giving them the information they would need to make an informed decision whether or not they are comfortable with that and consent to it?  That's beyond Not Cool.

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2 hours ago, SleepingPhlox said:

But getting people to unknowingly participate in a FETISH for you under false pretenses without giving them the information they would need to make an informed decision whether or not they are comfortable with that and consent to it?  That's beyond Not Cool.


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Not cool. Doing this without their consent and knowledge that its a fetish for you is really shady and predatory. Don't do this.

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Please just be honest with people and let them decide to give you sexual pleasure or not.  Please don't be a creep.  The fetish is innocent but actively involving others without their informed consent is wrong.

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