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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sharing fiction w/ others to look ”normal”

I love Alan Rickman

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So I have several stories that are both regular fiction and fetish fiction. I feel my fetish fiction is so much better and easier to picture or imagine than my regular fiction. Plus, I find it much harder to write “muggle” fiction and get writer’s block much easier. Therefore, my fetish fiction is much more lengthy. I was considering sharing my fetish stories with “muggles” in real life...but how would I do that without seeming odd or suspicious (as in people finding me out)?

How can I make it seem more like a “normal” hurt/comfort story or something? I mean, I am a very caring person. Perhaps just alter it a bit and describe the pre-sneeze stuff a little less? But would that be enough? Because I want to share them with other people in person but don’t want things to seem too excessive. I’ve recently lowered the amount of sneezing in my new story “An Undeniable Writer” and am trying to focus more on plot and encorporate the sneezing into the plot. I also plan to do that more in the future. So maybe that would be better? Or maybe the ones with more sneezing could come across as more humorous to a “muggle”?

Any thoughts? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, whether you’re a writer or not!

P.S. If this is in the wrong place and should be in Observations, Stories, and Art, sorry! Staff can feel free to move it

Edited by I love Alan Rickman
Some things didn’t make sense
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I think it’s challenging to imagine how so-called muggles might react to a fetish story. For us, sneezing is something we’re hyper aware of, but it’s possible that for someone reading it without the fetish they wouldn’t even notice a few sneezes thrown in. I think a scenario where one character is sick and gets taken care of by the other makes perfect sense as just a standalone hurt/comfort story, and throwing in some sneezes might just add some detail and realism. However, you could maybe try to limit how much you describe the sneezes. In other words, if you’re dedicating a paragraph of description to one sneeze or fit and that is something that comes up a lot in your story it might seem odd. I think you could maybe get away with something like that, but only if it just happens once in the story. One very thorough description of a sneeze is just being detailed, but lots, especially if you don’t give that same level of description to everything else, would probably seem weird. 

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28 minutes ago, Anyone said:

I think it’s challenging to imagine how so-called muggles might react to a fetish story. For us, sneezing is something we’re hyper aware of, but it’s possible that for someone reading it without the fetish they wouldn’t even notice a few sneezes thrown in. I think a scenario where one character is sick and gets taken care of by the other makes perfect sense as just a standalone hurt/comfort story, and throwing in some sneezes might just add some detail and realism. However, you could maybe try to limit how much you describe the sneezes. In other words, if you’re dedicating a paragraph of description to one sneeze or fit and that is something that comes up a lot in your story it might seem odd. I think you could maybe get away with something like that, but only if it just happens once in the story. One very thorough description of a sneeze is just being detailed, but lots, especially if you don’t give that same level of description to everything else, would probably seem weird. 

Hmmmm, these are some great points, thank you for your thoughts! :) 

Edit: Just an add-on: Do you think a sudden lack of detail may be odd? There’s one story I’m writing to be a non-fetish story, and there’s one sneeze that leads to some light-hearted humor. Because you know I couldn’t completely abandon sneezing for a non-fetish story. And I didn’t want to be suspicious, so I actually think I did a bit less detail there than the rest. Everything is all detailed and then there, it’s basically just nose twitch, sneeze. I wonder if that may be just as odd now that I think about it 🤔

Edited by I love Alan Rickman
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Probably not. Most authors, if they do put a sneeze into the book, won't have a ton of detail about the sneeze regardless of how detailed they are with everything else.

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3 minutes ago, Bondi said:

Probably not. Most authors, if they do put a sneeze into the book, won't have a ton of detail about the sneeze regardless of how detailed they are with everything else.

Yeah, that’s why I’m thinking being kind of detailed, even if I’m detailed with other parts, may seem odd to a non-fetishist reader 🤔 Not sure though. Should I try sharing one with a good friend and toning down detail just a bit? See if they seem to think it’s odd?

Edited by I love Alan Rickman
I swapped my words
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Excuse me for posting twice in a row. However, I would like to ask @Anyone, @Bondi, and anyone else something else. What about sneeze spellings in “normal” fiction? Think I should leave them in or take them out? 

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If you want to fly under the radar, don't spell out sneezes. Or if you really want to have spelled-out sneezes, stick to the generic "achoo!". But the complex "fetish spellings" that we use here, well, that just screams that you pay way, WAY too much attention to sneezes. :lol: 


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1 minute ago, Chanel_no5 said:

If you want to fly under the radar, don't spell out sneezes. Or if you really want to have spelled-out sneezes, stick to the generic "achoo!". But the complex "fetish spellings" that we use here, well, that just screams that you pay way, WAY too much attention to sneezes. :lol: 


Lol okay that’s a really good explanation. :lol: Thanks for all the thoughts so far, guys! Really helps!

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Yeah, the original version of Pinocchio spelled out some sneezes as Etchi or something like that, and I've seen Achoo once or twice, but most of the time if sneezing appears in a normal story, it's not going to be spelled out. It'll just be stated he/she sneezed or something mundane like that and that's the end of it. 

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honestly your future self will thank you if you don't. you don't need to be perceived as someone who writes fics in order to be considered "normal" and belieeeeve me, people are most definitely going to know if you're serving up fetish fiction. just pretend you don't write or that you don't like to show people your writing if there's a nonfetishist person there.  

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Well, I talk about writing stories all the time. Heheh... Oops :lol: But I do have some non-fetish fiction, but it takes forever to write compared to fetish fiction since ideas are so much more difficult to get! And I usually still include a sneeze

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True. Maybe it’s just because I want to show my best work and because I have the fetish myself, it feels more like my best work because of the placebo effect. Haha. Maybe I’ll just take like the main idea of the plot for my newest story (minus the sickness) and turn it into a full non-fetishist story (with probably like one sneeze or so thrown in for good measure because I just can’t resist putting at least one in). But probably not the others. Too focused on the illness and allergies to pass as “normal.” Only just recently have I gotten more into fitting the sneezes into the plot than fitting the plot into the sneezes, if that makes sense.

Thanks for all your thoughts, guys! These have all helped me a lot :happysmiley:

Edited by I love Alan Rickman
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It's funny, every time I've tried to write fetish fiction, it's just awful, far worse than my "normal" fiction. 😂

Mainly because I really don't know how to make it work with the fetish. That's why I often like to work with a partner when it comes to writing fetish related stuff. But it's always hard because not a lot of people like writing about it. I suppose that if I have any advice it would be to just go nuts when you're writing, just write out your story or whatever you're doing, let that first draft breathe and live. Then finish it and upon revision you can see what's working or not and what you want to fix. Including how extreme you're being with the sneezes. Although perhaps that's something you can also use to your advantage by using the descriptions for comical or even dramatic effect, depending on the kind of story you're writing and its conflict. It's also possible your fetish fiction rings better to you because it's closer to your heart, and because you're dealing with something you enjoy writing about it. I suppose that would be another piece of advice: Write what you care about. 

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I thought I'd chime in here because I'm literally going through this experience right now. My friends know I write for an "online forum" kept completely vague. I write fanfic mostly, so I throw around ideas with one of my friends, and then take that and fetish it up for here which she doesn't know. She never asks to actually see them or if she does I say they are kind of private to our group. Which she never questions. Recently however I had a story I was working on that I was super stuck with so I decided to ask one of my close friends who is a really creative writer to look at it and tell me what she thought. And it was a full on fetish story, sneeze spellings, fits and all, just not over the top sexual, more h/c with lots of sneezing. It took me a while to work up the courage but finally I told myself, honestly she isn't the quickest at putting things together and there's no way that it would occur to her that there is anything weird going on behind the story. So I gave it to her, and she didn't bat an eye. Just gave me advice on some dialogue and direction to take it. So cool. I've shared a couple more with her to the same effect, she thinks they are cool and interesting and they don't seem weird to her. Like I said she's not the quickest to pick up things but I feel like if I keep giving them to her she'll eventually figure out the theme... So either I can back off on giving her more now, or I can play along and if she figures it out we'll have to have a discussion. Which frankly I don't feel overly terrified with her cause we're super close, she's very open-minded, and honestly would probably just find it fascinating. LOL So anyway, that's my story, if it helps at all.

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Not sure if this is applicable to your situation, but when I first started to get into (fetish) writing, I always had other stuff going on plot-wise so the snzing didn’t need to be at the forefront or even there at all. In two stories I posted here, ALL the fetishy parts (snz, description of illness, etc.) were colored blue in the original doc. So I could easily remove those bits to show my friends who’d been asking. I let them know I had removed stuff and it wouldn’t make as much sense, but they insisted on reading them anyway. Idk if this idea would be helpful, but that’s how I shared stuff I enjoyed writing with people I didn’t want to learn about the kink 

Edited by Ti🌸
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I've shared fetish pieces on AO3.org and FF.net. I think the main thing I did was make sure not to spell out any sneezes in work I was sharing off the forum. This lead to me just not spelling out sneezes in general when I write so I wouldn't have to write two copies, and to be honest after awhile spelling the sneezes out was starting to feel tedious. I pretty much only spell them out in my RP now which I'm fairly certain will never be posted outside of a fetish setting.

Another thing I tried to do was make sure I was posting a fair amount of work that wasn't fetish related and even posted a bunch of pieces that were h/c  or sics fics without any sneezing in them at all so it wouldn't look like sneezing stuff was all I was writing about. Even with all of that, I did still get one or two comments (on FF.net I think) about how much I write about sneezing and one person did even use the word fetish in their comment. So I don't know if those people that made those comments just hadn't read much/any of my other work that didn't have any sneezing, or if it still seemed really excessive in spite of all the other stories I posted.

Those comments did cause me a lot of anxiety, but I think I got over it after a week or two, and the majority of comments that I got were great. Because I tend to write about fandoms that aren't that popular on the forum, I think my work got significantly more attention off forum which was really nice. So I think if you post one or two pieces outside fetish sites, and especially if you don't spell out the sneezes, most people aren't automatically going to think it's fetish related. If you post a lot of fetish work, then you definitely have to be prepared for the possibility that some might think that, but the majority of readers probably won't. So if you think you can deal with a stray comment here or there, then I say go for it.

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5 hours ago, Shay said:

I've shared fetish pieces on AO3.org and FF.net. I think the main thing I did was make sure not to spell out any sneezes in work I was sharing off the forum. This lead to me just not spelling out sneezes in general when I write so I wouldn't have to write two copies, and to be honest after awhile spelling the sneezes out was starting to feel tedious. I pretty much only spell them out in my RP now which I'm fairly certain will never be posted outside of a fetish setting.

Another thing I tried to do was make sure I was posting a fair amount of work that wasn't fetish related and even posted a bunch of pieces that were h/c  or sics fics without any sneezing in them at all so it wouldn't look like sneezing stuff was all I was writing about. Even with all of that, I did still get one or two comments (on FF.net I think) about how much I write about sneezing and one person did even use the word fetish in their comment. So I don't know if those people that made those comments just hadn't read much/any of my other work that didn't have any sneezing, or if it still seemed really excessive in spite of all the other stories I posted.

Those comments did cause me a lot of anxiety, but I think I got over it after a week or two, and the majority of comments that I got were great. Because I tend to write about fandoms that aren't that popular on the forum, I think my work got significantly more attention off forum which was really nice. So I think if you post one or two pieces outside fetish sites, and especially if you don't spell out the sneezes, most people aren't automatically going to think it's fetish related. If you post a lot of fetish work, then you definitely have to be prepared for the possibility that some might think that, but the majority of readers probably won't. So if you think you can deal with a stray comment here or there, then I say go for it.

Good points! I write mostly original stories now instead of fanfiction, though, so fanfiction.net wouldn’t be the best choice. But I probably could get it on a site for original fiction. Do you know if I could change my username? I want to start off with a certain more anonymous name and share to just random people online, see how it goes, and then change it to be more personal and share with friends if things seem fine and comfortable

Edited by I love Alan Rickman
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I'm not sure. It would depend on the site you were using whether or not you could change your username. I'm not very familiar with archive sites geared more for original fiction. If you were to do it on a blog like Tumblr for example, then you could change your username whenever you want.

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if there’s one thing I’m thankful for every day, it’s that my 15 year old self kept fetish material secret

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2 hours ago, skater said:

if there’s one thing I’m thankful for every day, it’s that my 15 year old self kept fetish material secret

Hmmm interesting thought! I’m seeing what everyone says, and it’s all good to hear. I like all the sort of testimonies and short and long stories people are saying. Everything helps :thumbs_up:

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This is a great question, and very relevant to me, as I too am a writer who specializes in hurt/comfort fics.

I don't have much to add to the excellent suggestions here, but I do remember how nervous I was sharing fics with a "muggle" friend of mine.  But I somehow instinctively knew that to avoid being "found out" as a sneeze fetishist, I'd have to 1.) not spell out the sneezes or describe them in great detail, and 2.) have a strong plot with no "unmotivated" sneezes.  But, even following these rules, I had some anxiety, if you know what I mean.  Because I am hyper-aware of things like sneezes, it was impossible for me to send a story to my friend and then just act like 😐.




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