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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Almost obs from a co-worker


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There's a colleague of mine we'll call R who has a powerful sneeze. I'd guess she's in her mid-forties, short with a petite figure, but noticeably curvy in the sort of places you notice it. She's  sweet and genuine, but perhaps a bit too trusting and prone to getting into awkward situations which she's too polite to get herself out of again.

I've seen her sneeze quite a few times, and heard it many more - we work in adjacent departments, and she's audible a couple of rooms away. Her typical release is a fairly vocal "hhh-EHH", or maybe a three syllable "hhh-EHH-HU!", if the dust is really getting to her. She'll usually sneeze into one cupped hand, or half uncovered, half into her shoulder if both hands are occupied - her work often requires her to be carrying stacks or boxes of merchandise. R often jokes about how strong her sneezes are; even if I come round the corner several minutes after she's split the silence, she'll have a comment about it waiting. "Oh, did you hear my sneeze just now - wasn't it loud!". One night, at the office late, I was on my way to turn out the lights in what I assumed to be a empty room when, through two sets of doors, a strong "hhEEHHu!" echoed out. I poked my head in and R was giggling, "Saved myself from darkness with that one! Oh, I guess there's a positive to having such a loud sneeze sometimes!". I could only agree.

I've yet to see or hear anything more than a single from her, but she was complaining to me a few weeks ago that, of late, as soon as she gets on her bus home she seems to launch into an embarrassing and uncontrollable sneezing fit of 10 mins or more.  I've genuinely never instigated these kind of conversations with R - I wouldn't dare at work - she just seems to find it interesting or funny to discuss. I've no idea in which direction she lives, but I think I'll need to find an excuse to ride that bus some day.

Anyway, back to this evening. On my way out I nipped into a shared office to grab a bag I'd left in there. I opened the door to see R sat at a desk facing me, eyes closed, with the fingertips of one hand gently holding the very tip of her nose. Right as I came in, she was midway through a deep gasp, which immediately devolved into a kind of breathless squeal  - "Hhhooooh! Oh!". Teary-eyed, she released her grip on her nose and scrubbed at the bridge with two fingers, sniffing. "That was going to be massive!".

"You OK?", I smiled, though I immediately knew I'd startled her out of a sneeze, and was kicking myself for my poor timing.

"Oh, yes", she laughed, "My whole nose just suddenly got so... pepppery. And I was going to do one of my huge sneezes, but then I - ahh, haaahh..." She pantomimed a buildup, followed by a little pout of disappointment and a shrug with her nose-rubbing hand. "It just fizzled out. I lost it!".

I managed a witty enough response, I think, given that my mind was running around waving its arms in the air - "Ah well... I hope you find it again!". The word peppery was playing over in my head - I'd never heard it used it like that, and it seemed wonderfully evocative.

"Oh, don't worry - it'll show up." She looked up from her keyboard with another sniff and a watery blink through her eyelashes. "See you tomorrow?". The nose rubbing started up again. Much as I wanted to fabricate an excuse to sit down at the desk opposite and pretend to work, I did have places to be, so begrudgingly off I went.

I know it may seem like I've fetished-up the conversation but I swear that was her exact wording - even immediately after I found it hard to believe. Quite the experience!

Edited by poiub
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That was a great almost ob. I love the commentary, and how comfortable she was talking about her sneezing fits. Maybe she has a sneeze fetish too?

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12 hours ago, ThePokeFan599 said:

That was a great almost ob. I love the commentary, and how comfortable she was talking about her sneezing fits. Maybe she has a sneeze fetish too?

I always think the opposite. I could never, in my life, talk so openly about my - or anyone else's - sneezes, and almost every other fetishist I've spoken to is the same. So I very much doubt that this is the case. But who knows.

Anyway, nice (almost) obs~

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19 hours ago, poiub said:

The word peppery was playing over in my head - I'd never heard it used it like that, and it seemed wonderfully evocative.

That is the PERFECT word for what it feels like right before you sneeze! :omg:Oh man. I always thought "prickly" was the closest you could get, but "peppery" seriously beats it as far as description goes! 

Lovely observation! :heart: 


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On 12/5/2018 at 6:31 PM, PuddinPop said:

I always think the opposite. I could never, in my life, talk so openly about my - or anyone else's - sneezes, and almost every other fetishist I've spoken to is the same. So I very much doubt that this is the case. But who knows.

Anyway, nice (almost) obs~

I tend to agree, but then again I'm just a very private person in general. Some people get off on being exhibitionists, so who knows? :)

R acted no differently around me today though so I'd assume she hasn't seen this :p

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  • 2 months later...

What a lovely almost-obs :wub:. After a while of those sneezes and that kind of sneeze-talk, I’d probably take my chances and ask her out.

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  • 1 month later...

Good job on the witty response--I hope you two had enough of a laugh to defuse the tension, and hope she doesn't lose it next time.

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