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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Told my boyfriend for the first time!!


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Been on this site for years but never had the nerve to post anything. 

Well on to the event. While on holiday 4 months with my boyfriend of we both had a bit too much to drink me more than him and thought to tell him well leave him guess about the fetish. Which resulted on me ending up telling him the next day. Was very accepting and induced the day after 😊. Then after the hol no sneezes til yesterday due to a mental block 🙄😒

Yesterday I had one sneeze from him which was stifled into his arm as he was playing on the ps4 so I didn't get to enjoy it 😭

Earlier today while we were laying in bed just cuddling he got all sneezy and sneezed two wet sounding sneezes into my chest, think I must have died from happiness right there 😍😍. Sounded Like two wet  'HAHTCHHH' s, so lucky to have someone like him. 

Hopefully will get more obvs off him

Plz be kind it's my first obvs 



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Awww I’m glad he took it well and even tried to induce for you. And yum for the chest sneezes! Hopefully he saw your reaction and won’t have any reoccurring mental blocks. 

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3 hours ago, Reader said:

Awww I’m glad he took it well and even tried to induce for you. And yum for the chest sneezes! Hopefully he saw your reaction and won’t have any reoccurring mental blocks. 

Very yum!! He def smiled when he seen my reaction so hopefully more posts to come 

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  • 1 month later...

That was so sweet the way he handled the knowledge of your fetish! And the way you describe his sneezes sounds hella adorable; you must be a lucky lady indeed ;)

Edited by Hybrid Rainbow
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omygosh i could never tell anyone! i told my sister when we were 13 (i think) and she thought i was joking. never telling anyone again 😂

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