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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezy day


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So I had another allergy Attack today to dust. There’s just something about dust that just makes my nose itch like crazy so I sniffle,sneeze,blow my nose and wipe it all day. Today it was really bad,my allergies started at 9am and they’re still relentlessly going at me as I type this at 9pm. As I type this I’m scrunching up my nose and wiggling it to stop another sneeze from happening. My sneezes are so itchy today and they sound like “HAESSHOO” and “HE..HE...HAESSH” and if I’m allergy sneezing then I tend to sneeze about 3 times in a row. My nose keeps itching and I keep sneezing and I can’t stop. I must have sneeze about a hundred times today as I used up 3 of the travel packs of tissues. Even my nose blows have been so wet and snotty. I sneezed mid conversation with someone and it was so embarrassing. I was saying something to her and I just went “HAESSHOO” “HE-HA-HASSHOO” without any warning. It gets even worse. My nose started to run at this point it wasn’t just running it was freaking Usain Bolting. To my horror I didn’t have any tissues on me so as I felt the snot drip out of my nose I had no choice but to turn around and wipe my nose on my sleeve. After that I quickly excused myself saying I had something to attend to. Once I got home I let myself loose and sneeze a good maybe 6 times straight going “HAESSHO”” HAESSHOOO” “HAESH” “HEESHOO” “HACHOO” “HAESSHOO” by the time I was done I had snot dripping down my nose and I was completely out of breath. So that was my allergic day,let’s hope it was my allergies and that I’m not coming down with a bad cold!!

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I'm also allergic to dust, so I sympathize.  Maybe take some allergy medicine and get a good night's sleep, so you'll be able to fight off a potential cold better.  Good observation and sneeze spellings!  I can almost hear what that fit when you got home sounded like (Bless you x 6!).  


Edited by Luisa39
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Oh my goodness!  Sometimes I wish I had allergies that would send me into uncontrollable fits, but sometimes I'm thankful I dont lol ;)  Great obs

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I recommend Zyrtec on those days. I have to take it lately due to winter allergies! I’m not a sneezy person but just last year and this year especially I’ve noticed the allergies. Sneezing 1-2 times every half hour or so isn’t fun for the one suffering, fun for people watching 😉. It feels awful, but it really does help and the sneezing stops and I feel better shortly after taking it. Good luck! 

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