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Should I tell my girlfriend about the fetish?


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My girlfriend and I are in love, so I don’t think her opinion of me would change. That said, I’m still scared as hell. Should I tell her? What are some of y’all’s experiences with telling partners?

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Depends on a lot of things! How much do you trust her? Have you spoken about sexual things before? Was she comfortable with those conversations if they did happen? Do you expect this relationship to last?

 If the answers are, "I trust her enough that i think she would not to blab to the whole school about it if we fight or break up, we have spoken about sexual things before and she was very comfortable with them, and I expect to be in a relationship with her for a long enough time that telling her would be worth it to me personally" then yaaas, tell her!!

If the answer to any of those questions, especially the first three, are different than these, then noooo, do not tell her. 

Edited by •.*°•☆. Q .☆•°*.•
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I can't advise you one way or the other, but I can tell you this, should you have any doubt: If you DON'T tell her today, you can always tell her tomorrow. But once you tell her, you can't UNtell her. So if you're not sure? See how you feel the next day. You might be happy you didn't,. you might wish you did. At least then you'll know.  I've done it both ways, and both have their advantages and there drawbacks.

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I agree with pretty much everything everyone has mentioned. 

I think being open with a partner is positive for a relationship. Learning about each others' more intimate, embarrassing feelings, interests, and experiences is bonding. I think just make sure there is trust there and that you are being emotionally safe. Best of luck.

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I've actually done a bit of training in couples work, and I can say that big secrets tend to cause a rift in a relationship-- that being said, I wouldn't exactly call a fetish a "big secret". If it's something you're uncomfortable sharing for any reason, I think it's okay to hold off without feeling guilty about being dishonest or a bad partner. If you do feel comfortable, it could be an opportunity to become closer to your partner through the display of trust :)

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Honestly, I'd say no.  It totally depends on the person, but my ex got this mental block and stopped sneezing entirely.  Notice I said ex...:(

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I think there’s pros and cons to telling her. Like she’d know that you were into her sneezing so she’d probably be willing to let you indulge which is obviously a plus. 

I’ve only told one person about my fetish, and it’s my best friend. On the one hand, it was great to have someone to share the secret with and to vent about fetishy stuff to, but looking back I kind of regret telling her. Since she knows that I get turned on by sneezing, I feel extremely uncomfortable sneezing in front of her now, and I haven’t done so ever since I told her. Also, whenever I’m with her and someone we’re talking to sneezes, she’ll always give me that “was that good?” look, especially if it’s someone of the opposite sex that sneezed. 

I personally enjoy sneezes more when the person sneezing is unaware of the fetish, which is why I never plan to tell a romantic partner about it.

I would say think very carefully and consider all the pros and cons of telling her before you make your decision. Good luck on whatever you decide!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I say go for it! There's nothing to be scared of. Over the years, i;ve told several people, including my Wife who is now deceased, and also my current Girlfriend. We are completely in love with each other, and she will do anything to please me. By The Way, i know i haven't posted here in ages, i'm one of the elder statesmen of the forum. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain! Take my word for it, if she really loves you, she won't think any different of you.

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