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Sneeze Fetish Community on Tumblr?


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I might be late to the party, but I had *no* idea there was a sneeze fetish community on Tumblr. Has it always been there? Do we know when that started up? I stumbled upon http://sneezestuck.tumblr.com/ and could NOT BELIEVE my eyes!!! I was pretty excited because I truly had no idea and there's quite a few sneeze blogs I think!

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Really??? I'm so surprised haha! That's incredible. I think I'll make one today then~ :thumbup: If y'all have any recommendations on who to follow let me know!

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I only became aware of the SF Tumblr community a month ago or so. I immediately fell in love with all the prompts, since I live for those. I made a Tumblr a couple weeks back but right now I’ve been really busy so I’ve just been reblogging things and making a terrible post every five days or so lol. My earlier posts were good but right now my imagination is fried. I’m going to be less busy very soon though, so I’ll hopefully be able to make actually decent posts again? But in general I do like the SF Tumblr community.

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I"m gonna ask you guys if we could all be apart of the tumblr protest today.  Basically we're not logging into tumblr for 24hrs so the staff can hear our protests on the NSFW ban through loss of traffic on their website, I'd really appreciate it.

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I don't use tumblr for fetish stuff, but I did log out last night shortly after the protest started.

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I have been casually browsing the fetishy side of tumblr in the past. Tumblr is not as easy to maneuvre as other sites, but I agree with @CeruleanBlue, the prompts are amazing! :heart: And there's some pretty amazing writing and art-work there, too!

Edited by Selene
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I've also been casually browsing the fetish-side of tumblr for a while (I spend a lot of time on there anyway on a personal account). I've been thinking about it for a while, but I'm yet to have worked up the courage to make an account of my own :lol: However, kudos to y'all in the community there! ^_^


Edited by MaiMai
Typing, yikes
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Yeah, I made an account and have been loving it so far! And yes, @Akahana I did get the memo and have been logged out since last night! :) Thanks for spreading the word though!

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Thanks for the information. I'm really hoping things with tumblr improve. It's the only social media site I really use anymore, and even if another site popped up that had tumblr's functionality or was something that in theory I liked even better than tumblr, it wouldn't have my follower base and the communities that I'm a part of on there.

At least I saw a post from the tumblr staff reassuring people that content wouldn't be deleted, but just hidden. I'm not sure if that's only until the end of the month or if that's going to be their policy long term to just hide stuff so you have as long as you want to appeal it. What I'd really like is the ability to appeal reblogs and other people's posts. It's not fair if you reblog something and the person that originally posted it might not be around anymore to appeal it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/18/2018 at 11:23 AM, Akahana said:

And now it's over but here's a post on how we're continuing it if anyone's interested :D


I don't have an account on Tumblr, but I strongly support your protest. I would've loved to read more, but this link won't show me anything, since it is labeled "sensitive matter". How ironic..... Anyway, I'm pretty pissed about Tumblr's recent policy, since it's ruining my....... ummmmm..... inspiration, to the story I'm currently writing. :/

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Over the years I've slowly collected a bunch of sneezing pictures and other fetish-related materiel... maybe I should start my own tumblr page haha

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So I actually do have a secret tumblr blog that I use exclusively for fetish stuff, but it's been inactive for some time now. I don't see myself going back to it because 1. that whole purge on Tumblr as of late has basically been the straw that's broken the camel's back in terms of things that turned me away from the site and 2. the majority of snzblr people there are just...wow, how do I even describe them? Insane doesn't even begin to describe a lot of them. Don't get me wrong; most of the people I've seen are completely rational....but you'll swear you've crashed on another planet when you get to some of those blogs--and by those blogs, I mean those that focus solely on gossip as opposed to just, you know, actually talking about our shared kink.

That said, if the site administrators were to fix their NSFW policies, I'd have no problem coming back to snzblr.

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