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The "Lack" of Female Material: What are we talking about


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This was raised by a couple of people, and I wonder what is meant.

Historically (and I would not be surprised if it was the same currently) male *stories* do outnumber female stories.

But .wavs and .vids???  More male????  Honestly?  Truly?  Granted, I know that due to various factors (algorithms, creepers, people putting in children within collections, general reporting, etc) that there might be fewer vids than in the past.  I know that there are also some .vid/.wav makers who have moved towards monetary (which is their prerogative).

When people are making this statement are they **only** talking about free material, are they **only** talking about BRAND NEW stuff?  I'm just honestly curious, because I have looked at both and it is SOOOOO easy in my opinion to find female .wav and .vid material- tons and tons and tons, (even celebrity and show clips of all just female) whereas although male material *has* been increasing (and that is great- thanks gents! ;) ), it seems that there is much fewer things out there.  **NOTE** - I am NOT complaining about lack of **any** material. I honestly feel *very* lucky.


I swear that the cause of this thread is NOT to flame or "troll" or shit-stir.  I honestly am extremely perplexed as to how (other than just whining and greed) that people would say that.  And since I have even seen people saying it who aren't people who are constantly asking/demanding, I've had to re-evaluate- maybe there actually IS a difference in amount currently :huh: 

I just still would love to have some actual definition as to what people are talking about when they talk about "amount of material" - let's keep written material out of this though- because that I can absolutely concede that there has been and is an imbalance of m to f things out there.  Are we talking all material, new material, .wavs too, or just YT vids, number of creators, "real people" material vs. television or compilations?  What is factored in to get the comparison numbers?  I have never done any statistical measures (and I won't- don't have time :P ).  I am simply going by what I have found when I have searched at various times.


Help me out.  What am I missing in this discussion?



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As far as videos go, when I am looking around, I mostly find female videos. But that is just my experience. And I would agree that the stories and obs sections probably have more male material. But I don’t believe that there is a “lack” of female material. Not really sure how that came about. But I guess if it isn’t the “type” of female material they want, then they might feel this way. Not sure. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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2 hours ago, tma said:

Help me out.  What am I missing in this discussion?

My guess is that "not 100% what I want" is being equated to "no one is posting female content anymore." :lol:

I also think women who post content publicly probably get a lot more harassment than men (and take down their accounts as a result). You would not believe some of the disgusting, violent messages I've received through YouTube. 

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43 minutes ago, matilda3948 said:

I also think women who post content publicly probably get a lot more harassment than men (and take down their accounts as a result). You would not believe some of the disgusting, violent messages I've received through YouTube. 

Same. There's one guy who holds a vendetta against me (I banned him when I was on staff because he was 30+ years old and had videos of babies as well as toddlers and children sneezing saved to his favourite playlists) and every time I post a new video on YouTube, he reports it for spamming, and so YouTube take it down and issue me with a warning for going against their rules. Plus, I have gotten some really gross and creepy messages from people on there. Not to draw a correlation, but they've all been males :rolleyes:

I think matilda is right when people just have tunnel vision. If they can't lay their hands on the content they want immediately, that means there is no content out there. Unfortunately, people tend to be selfish and entitled when it comes to content. We are incredibly privileged and lucky to have content so readily available to us, free of charge. Many other fetishes only have content that needs to be paid for. People seem to forget this, and become greedy with their demands. 

I just wish people appreciated what they had, rather than just complain about how there is nothing they like. It just frustrates me. 

(also this isn't directed at the OP; it's at other nefarious members of the community, both on and off the forum.)

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I was going to say the same thing. I think some people will see "a lot of male content" and equate that with "no female content" just because it isn't what they want. If I'm being honest I think there's also a (potentially unconscious) element of homophobia to it, where being made to look at, or sometimes even just think about male material feels "gross" to them, so they lash out a bit.


But ultimately I do feel like the main reason is just the lack of instant gratification. It's not a zero-sum game. More male content doesn't necessarily mean less female content.

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24 minutes ago, PuddinPop said:

Unfortunately, people tend to be selfish and entitled when it comes to content. We are incredibly privileged and lucky to have content so readily available to us, free of charge. Many other fetishes only have content that needs to be paid for. People seem to forget this, and become greedy with their demands. 

I just wish people appreciated what they had, rather than just complain about how there is nothing they like. It just frustrates me. 

Very much this, and also I think Blah brings up a good point regarding low-key homophobia. It's fine if you have your preferences, but if the opposite of that incites you to complain when there is a literal slew of evidence in the contrary, I'm a bit skeptical. What's your beef? If it's not your thing, just don't look at it, and for fuck's sake don't whine about what two decades worth of content has managed to compile for a very, very specific kink. Instead be grateful that anyone is out here catering to your horn at all. 

Side-note that the people who complain about this tend to be either unvalidated members of the community who don't give a fuck about who's behind the keyboard/mic/camera, or else long-term twerps who have never been properly socialized. Even if I take some issue with some members, this kink is definitely a group effort and it's very much on you to give as much as you take. Are there not enough F fics out there? Write some! Are there not enough M vids? Encourage the dudes in the community that their contributions are wanted and appreciated! For fuck's sake don't devolve this into an Us vs. Them thing, because that's never solved anything. 

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I started typing a longer reply to this thread, but I can't really add to the excellent comments already made.

So I'll just say that the notion that "there is no female content out there" is about as preposterous a statement as could be made.

That's all.







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Y'all have made some great points.  And I think that it is horrible when creators get treated like crap and to get threatened... that just... I cannot even fathom. 😲

And, yes we are honestly SO fortunate with our creators (of all types).  And, seriously, even when new creators don't "produce" what floats my boat, I still think that it is awesome- because it WILL float someone else's.  If there aren't any new material that "does it" for me for a while- that's just down to my own quirks of very specific preferences within preferences. - Absolutely right that it should be up to US to make or encourage what we want to see in ways that build up the entire community.

I also LOVE that people got me thinking about that when more of certain things pop up that aren't necessarily your favs, that sometimes people take that "more for others" and have it rurn into a "less for me" idea, and as y'all pointed out, that simply isn't true.  More can just be more.

❤❤ :pounce:

I look forward to more discussion.  Love you all!!


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I'm floored that people are actually bitching there isn't enough male content. Dude wtf do you mean? Female content rules the castle in the kink community. Finding male content is a daunting task when you want it. 

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I haven’t got much to add to what I already wrote here. If you just scroll up and down the forum for half a minute, the idea that there is ‘no / very little female content’ turns out to be as preposterous as that there is ‘no / very little male content’ (and yes, both these claims have been made more than once in the recent past). In some categories there is more male than female content; in others there is more female than male content; in all there is an absolute f*ckton of both female and male content, regardless of the exact proportion between the two. This is broadly as true of other platforms (YouTube, Tumblr, etc.) as it is of the forum.

As for the reasons why the opposite can seem to be the case, it may be entitlement, as has been suggested, but it may also be an entirely human instinct: what you want more of is never enough, and what you don’t care about is always more than enough, by definition. We are all guilty of that at one point or another, especially when it’s about the kind of content which one naturally wants more and more of. So let’s not condemn each other too harshly, but also let’s keep our feet on the ground and not throw around claims that have no basis in reality. Let’s be happy with what we do and what we get in this pretty wonderful place - and if there isn’t enough of a thing, let’s make more instead of complaining!


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People also need to keep in mind that there are times when someone isn’t sick, isn’t suffering from allergies, and is giving their nose a rest from inducing. And times people get busy. 

And I agree that we need to encourage and uplift our contributors and content creators. It’s time to stop lurking so much. That’s another reason people stop producing content. I don’t like commenting on YouTube for obvious reasons, but there are other options. 

 Honestly though, there is so much content on both sides. I see cold sneezes, allergy sneezes, induced sneezes, muggles inducing for our community, face-to-face sneezes, spray on cd sneezes, fantastic scenarios, and new people creating content because they just want to contribute to the community. It’s all free and it’s time taken out of the content creator’s day. 

I doubt we are going to get the point of view from a complainant though. 

Edited by Reader
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Like others have said, I think there are more female wavs/vids but there are more male stories.  I have my own theories why this is.  Has anybody really been saying recently that there is a lack of female content?  Because honestly I think the opposite is true.  There is probably more female content out there now then there has ever been.  Even if a few of your favorite female clip aggregator youtube channels happened to be taken down. 


On 12/13/2018 at 10:51 AM, PuddinPop said:

Many other fetishes only have content that needs to be paid for.

Sneezing almost has the opposite problem, where the best content often can't be bought it can only be randomly stumbled upon.  Because while creating content for most other fetishes involves something that anybody can easily do, a truly great sneeze or a sneezing fit isn't something that everybody is able to easily produce. 

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I feel like I'm balancing uncomfortably in this thread a bit, because I don't personally like male sneezing, and I would of course always want to see more female material, not to mention material that suits my own very specific tastes, fiction in particular. But to say there's NO content, or that there's BAD content (which I've seen said around here lately, and it baffled me, because wow, the quality of most things posted here is just amazing), I can't say that. Do I want to see more of what I enjoy personally? Hell yeah. Who doesn't? But is there a lack of material? Oh God no, not by a million miles. Just because I personally don't like something, isn't the same thing as to say there's nothing, or that what exists is bad. 

Somebody mentioned that there are proportionately more female videos/wavs, but more male fics. This has a very simple explanation: it's because most of the content creators are female. Therefore, the majority of videos and wavs created are female. But the majority of stories are male, because most females are more into male sneezing than female and they, understandably, write what they enjoy themselves. What's the point in creating arousing stuff that doesn't get you aroused, unless what you create earns you something in return that you do enjoy? Or to give back to the community. But when you create material to give back to the community, you do it to give back to those who have already given things. And I say "given things" knowing that not everyone can make vids/wavs, art or write fiction, but there are always other ways to give. Give of your time; participate in discussions, help out around the forum, put in two extra minutes to realise that the content creator is a human being and the content doesn't magically appear out of nowhere. It takes time and effort to create, and nobody wants to be treated like a piece of meat. Even in a fetish community. Some non-demanding, non-creepy appreciation goes a long way. And why people don't want to show their faces? Well... those who ask that, do they show their faces? In sneezing videos? Why not? Oh... I think there's your answer. :rolleyes: 

Now, to be fair, I have to say I haven't seen the "lack of female material" topic up for discussion for a while, but I might just have missed it. I don't go through the boards as thoroughly as I used to anymore. But it has been a frequent topic in the past, that's true. 


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22 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Now, to be fair, I have to say I haven't seen the "lack of female material" topic up for discussion for a while, but I might just have missed it. I don't go through the boards as thoroughly as I used to anymore. But it has been a frequent topic in the past, that's true. 

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I don’t know why it won’t let me quote and then write stuff of my own in the same post... Anyway: the subject came up a few days ago in the YouTube thread, where two (I think?) users complained that there was no female content. (Yep, you read that right.)

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3 minutes ago, gryffin said:

I don’t know why it won’t let me quote and then write stuff of my own in the same post... Anyway: the subject came up a few days ago in the YouTube thread, where two (I think?) users complained that there was no female content. (Yep, you read that right.)

Ooooookay… well, that... I don't know whether to laugh or cry. :lol: 



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I agree what is mostly said on here, I also want to say is that the amount of Lady youtubers who make new visual sneezing videos, is hard to find, but,  I blame that on the mostly males that harass speak badly, disrespect, steal from, or those who treat the creators as their own personal " sneeze material generating slaves" of sorts, or making demands, instead of  asking the creator once or twice politely for a certain feature of content that they produce.  And for those individual users who do treat content creators like that, it's their own fault that it appears to them that not as much content is created, they scared off a large amount of lovely people that would have otherwise would have contributed original new visual content pertaining to females sneezing.

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I agree with what others have said regarding tunnel vision and specific tastes. I know that over the years I've become much more picky than I used to be about the type of fetish material that I like. When I was in my teens and new to everything, there was also less material in general available. So as a combination of everything being new and less being available, I was consuming, and enjoying, a great deal of what was out there. Then over the years due to a combination of being spoiled by an abundance of material, and just my own tastes refining as I've gotten older, it actually feels like it's more difficult to find material that I enjoy despite there being more of it available.

However, I generally always acknowledge that I have a hard time finding material that I like rather than say that there isn't much available in general. It's unfortunate that the fandoms I tend to gravitate towards have never been very popular on the forum, so of course there's not going to be that much available. It's why I used to prefer original over fanfiction, but for whatever reason, original just doesn't do it for me a lot of the time anymore. So it might be very hard for me personally to find fics that I like but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot out there. And there's always older stuff that I'll go back and read from time to time.

Then with wavs, well I guess I've been listening to those more frequently again than I used to because I've had such a hard time finding fics that  I like. To me, it seems as if there is a lot more female material out there than male. Now as others have said, in regard to wavs/vids, this might actually be true, but that doesn't mean there isn't a large amount of male wavs out there too. With me, I think I tend to be pickier about the type of male sound I prefer and am much less picky about the types of female sounds that I enjoy. So that combined with there being actually more female material available, can make it seem like there's very little male wavs/vids, even though there's probably plenty that just aren't to my tastes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a feeling those posts regarding lack of female content were very much raised 'in the moment'. When you're in the mood, whatever your gender/preference, is there ever truly enough of your preferred content :lol: 

However, in terms of the forum I do think that the active heterosexual female posters outnumber other groups on here, and material posted is an obvious reflection of that. Remember that the forum is not the only source of sneeze fetish material... :D 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heh...so, um....I kind of came into this expecting a shitstorm, but now I'm left almost speechless by how mature people are being about the topic here.

Now, just so you guys know where I'm coming from, I'm friends with a guy who's been banned from this site for a long time (like before I was even old enough to be on this site, AFAIK) and from what he told me, this site seemed to dislike it quite a lot when he talked about double standards regarding the amount of female vs. male content here. Again: I wasn't here when that went down, but apparently it was bad enough to drive him away / get him banned / etc.

I personally don't mind if there is more male content than female; as one user said, there's already a ton of female content out there anyway and I'll be able to rock my socks for years to come with that content alone ;)

Dirty jokes aside, I do get the frustration, but (as a male) I can admit that sometimes men will, ah...talk dirty to women--VERY dirty to women--if something a woman does arouses them enough for them to feel like there's a personal attachment between the two of them. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you I'm not guilty of acting like someone I thought I loved was my property; I've been there and it's not a good mental state to have--but for whatever reason, males seem to get more possessive when they're attracted to something than females...for the most part. TL;DR - some men will do ANYTHING if it means they can beat their meat some more--much moreso than with most women.

One person mentioned how a lot of lurkers here feel very selfish and entitled when it comes to what's posted here. I'd also like to add: possessive. It's unfortunate, but it just seems to be human nature that when you like something, you want to own it--even if that something happens to be a person.

Now do I feel like there is more male content than female? Well, yes, but not for the reason you think. As far as I'm concerned, there seems to be more male content simply due to the fact that there are a lot more women on this site now than there seemed to have been in years passed and I think it's drowning out more of the female content that was posted here in the past. Ergo, a lot of the "new" stuff may be male, but the "popular all time" stuff is more likely to be female. At least that's my two cents.

But hey, tma, thanks a bunch for bringing this to light. Maybe this community's not as sour as I thought. :)

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5 hours ago, Hybrid Rainbow said:

Dirty jokes aside, I do get the frustration, but (as a male) I can admit that sometimes men will, ah...talk dirty to women--VERY dirty to women--if something a woman does arouses them enough for them to feel like there's a personal attachment between the two of them. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you I'm not guilty of acting like someone I thought I loved was my property; I've been there and it's not a good mental state to have--but for whatever reason, males seem to get more possessive when they're attracted to something than females...for the most part. TL;DR - some men will do ANYTHING if it means they can beat their meat some more--much moreso than with most women.

One person mentioned how a lot of lurkers here feel very selfish and entitled when it comes to what's posted here. I'd also like to add: possessive. It's unfortunate, but it just seems to be human nature that when you like something, you want to own it--even if that something happens to be a person.


Uhhh... this is exactly what one calls male entitlement. It's cultural and it sucks balls. Personally, I tend to ignore the whining. Because that's just what it is, whining.

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18 hours ago, Hybrid Rainbow said:


Now do I feel like there is more male content than female? Well, yes, but not for the reason you think. As far as I'm concerned, there seems to be more male content simply due to the fact that there are a lot more women on this site now than there seemed to have been in years passed and I think it's drowning out more of the female content that was posted here in the past. Ergo, a lot of the "new" stuff may be male, but the "popular all time" stuff is more likely to be female. At least that's my two cents.

So, to clarify, you *do* think that there are more .wavs / vids *currently* being put out that are male?


Interesting.  I personally didn't notice that, although there *has* been an uptick in male .wavs/ vids (thanks gents😊).  But hey, so long as a person isn't being entitled, greedy, demanding, acting like there is NO material, etc... I'm good.  


I just honestly didn't know if that was the case.

And no prob, I try to be civil (except every other Thurs when I break out my pasta and start whipping people with it.  :whip: 😉

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If we were just talking about this site, I might be inclined to say that male stuff outnumbers female stuff.  (Which could be for a number of reasons, and doesn't really mean there's any real dearth of female material, especially in the archives.  And honestly, it's hard to make a real count of everything, anyway.)  But if we're talking about the ENTIRE internet, then...

Then that's just silly.  I imagine the ratio is more or less equal if we include EVERYTHING.  It's just that it's spread out across who knows how many websites, blogs, tumblr accounts, and various video platforms.  Some of it's private and some of it's on dead web hosts (thank goodness for the internet archive 8 times out of 10).  Still, I would think there's plenty of material for everyone.

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There's no real point to me commenting on this thread at this point but this is always a very interesting topic... I could highlight the bias that comes from content not matching your preferences by saying that from time to time I feel like all the female content and all the allergy content here outnumber male and illness content but have I ever taken the time to count stuff to get any sort of an idea that isn't based on a vague feeling stemming from personal frustration? No. Literally every other fic and drawing and wav could be both male and illness but because I'm ridiculously picky and don't care for most of that either so all that content, save for the few things that actually fit my preferences, would get dumped in the pile of "not what I'm interested in" and then later the whole pile is given a generic label not based on what they content in it actually includes but what I generally don't care for. But I know I'm biased and I know there's plenty of content that is not about allergies and preferably is about some dude, and I also know everyone in this community (and in other kink communities) create content that pleases them and keeping yourself, as a content creator, happy is all that should matter. It doesn't matter if there is more content that goes against your personal preferences than content that fits them because no one is obligated to create content for you as an individual. No one is entitled to anyone else's hard work. 

As a side note (this has nothing to do with community and hardly anything to do with this thread) I made a dA account for another kink a few years ago because I started drawing for it. I told people they could suggest me characters to draw and I also said I wish to focus on men because with that kink the majority of the content features women and women only but there are plenty of people with the kink who are into men. Even so most requests I've got have been from horny straight dudes looking for more female content as if they weren't already drowning in it. 

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