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Sneeze Fetish Forum

a dream I had


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hi everyone! sorry i've been MIA -- i'm a student and the semester got super busy, but i want to start posting more often again :) 

I wanted to share this really weird dream I had with you all...


Basically, in the dream, I was watching TV in my house. In the TV show, there was a scene where a character sneezed (twice?) and another character blessed them. I don't remember the details (it was a dream, after all), but in the dream I rewinded it to watch the scene again (duh). Then, the second time I watched the scene, I heard my PARENTS from the other room -- kind of laughing at me, and one of them said something along the lines of "oh, i bet she likes that stuff."

I was MORTIFIED and I stormed into the room where they were and asked what they meant by that. I was completely embarrassed but for some reason that emotion displayed itself in the form of anger. I ended up having this whole confrontation with my parents about my fetish. Then my mom admitted to me that while she was giving birth to me, she sneezed during labor... Kind of random, but I guess in the dream, it was like "ahhh...maybe that explains the fetish?" I have no idea how that would even work though...just that I know I have had the fetish since I was a really little kid, so I must have somehow developed it as a baby.


Anyway this was a horrifying dream because I would never in a million years want to have this conversation with my parents. The idea of them overhearing a video I am watching and jumping to the conclusion that I have a thing for sneezing....terrifies me. Luckily I don't live with them anymore so that kind of situation is way less likely. On the other hand, the comment my mom made in my dream was interesting because I guess it shows how my subconscious is searching for an answer as to the origin of this fetish.

Have any of you had interesting dreams related to the fetish? Any bad dreams? 

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Only the very rare good dream about sneezing-- I agree with you in that I would be horrified to have your dream happen in real life haha

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That would be very terrifying if it happened in real life!

Usually my dreams about the fetish involve finding a new cache of sneeze clips or stories...and then I'm disappointed when I realize it was only a dream :(  

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That dream does sound scary... it’s a good thing is was just a dream! It’s interesting that you “learned” where your fetish came from in the dream though.

Every once in a while I’ll have a dream where I for some reason decide to tell everyone I know about my fetish, and then immediately regret it after and live the rest of my dream in pain and embarrassment, before I wake up and rejoice that I’m not actually stupid enough to tell my biggest secret to the whole world😅 

When I was about 7 I had a dream that my parents caught me trying to make someone sneeze at school, and confronted me about it. Back then I didn’t understand my strange fascination with sneezing myself, so I just looked down while they kept asking me why I would do this, and didn’t say a word. The next day, when I was POSITIVE my parents were gone, I tried to make that same person sneeze(I think it was a random classmate of mine), but this time the teacher caught me, reported it to my parents, and sent me home from school. My parents got even angrier at me, but luckily I woke up right around the point where they were confronting me about why I would do such a thing again. That dream ended up scarring me so badly that I still remember it after all these years...



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omg i've had a ton of sneeze dreams all the time, none of them are ever bad! it's great tbh. i've had mortifying irl discussions with my parents about it tho, so i think it balances out.

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I’ve had several dreams about getting “found out.” Not a lot of them, but definitely multiple. It’s really stressful. I don’t recommend lol.

On the other hand, the night before last while I was half-asleep, I had been thinking about if my all-time favorite celebrity crush was sick. And then when I actually fell asleep I ended up dreaming about it a bit. I was so disappointed when I woke up because 1. it wasn’t real and 2. I ended up forgetting pretty much the whole Dream extremely quickly. I just know he sneezed a couple times (forgot how though), maybe coughed a bit, and I had mentally described him as having a “bad cold” (even though it wasn’t that bad of a cold, I’m such a fangirl of his that I’d count it as one anyway). I really wish I’d remembered that dream. But it was very interesting that just thinking about it a bit was enough to get my subconscious to make a whole dream about it. That bodes well for future dreams lol.

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