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Do sneezes change from what causes them?


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So I noticed this about myself and wondered if I’m the only one.

So I found my sneezes feel different depending on what caused them. If it just a everyday random sneeze, which I rare for me sadly, it’s typically strong and fast with not a very itchy build up rather just enough to make me sneeze.

If I’m getting a cold however the sneeze has much more of a build up and is much more tickling before and even after. It’s also the only time I have ever sneezed double, which is still rare. These are also more satisfying for some reason.

I have no allergies sadly to compare with these two. 


Is the same true for any of you or do you always sneeze the same no matter the cause?

Edited by Light
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My photic sneeze feels completely different from any other kind of sneeze. It's like the tickle isn't in my nose, but rather behind my eyes. 

A random sneeze just comes, I get some warning a few seconds in advance, and I sneeze, and the tickle is gone. 

When I was very young, I always sneezed in doubles, then I sneezed in singles for about twenty years, and now I'm sneezing in doubles MOST of the time. All in all, I've gotten sneezier as I get older. 

Cold sneezes tend to be more powerful and both throatier/chestier. Don't know if that's obvious from the sound, but they definitely feel that way. There's more body movement too. It feels like they come all the way from the bottom of the lungs, somehow. And they burn. I've always thought cold sneezes, once the cold is a fact and not just "mayyybe coming down with something...?" feels like it does when you've gotten chlorinated water/pool water up your nose. 

As for allergies... ugh. I'm still new to actually having them in spring, but tree pollen only irritates my eyes. Hyacinths however, I'm definitely allergic to those. Not if I just pass them by, but if I sit close to one for a prolonged period of time, I definitely get a reaction. No rapid-fire for me, though, but slow-building, extremely itchy sneezes that get ridiculously wet and messy after a while. Nose, sinuses, throat and ears itch. Every year around Christmas my mom buys me a hyacinth. I haven't told her that I'm allergic because I'd rather take antihistamines and suck it up than initiate allergy talk with my mom, and I usually keep it a few days to play with, then throw it out. This year's hyacinth hasn't started to bloom yet, but it's right here in my window like a rude little invader. I think my throat has already started itching a little, but that might be my imagination. :flowers:

Edited by Chanel_no5
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On 12/18/2018 at 2:07 PM, Chanel_no5 said:

Cold sneezes tend to be more powerful and both throatier/chestier. Don't know if that's obvious from the sound, but they definitely feel that way. There's more body movement too. It feels like they come all the way from the bottom of the lungs, somehow. And they burn. I've always thought cold sneezes, once the cold is a fact and not just "mayyybe coming down with something...?" feels like it does when you've gotten chlorinated water/pool water up your nose. 

That's exactly what it feels like!

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