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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Getting over a cold (M)


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Hello! So, I’m currently getting over a rather unusual head cold; not only did I catch it from going ice-fishing with too little clothes on (I normally never get sick), but also, I’ve been sneezing up a storm, mostly singles with the odd double here and there, and all really wet. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but colds usually make me sneeze less than I would, when healthy, though there are tons of more false starts, and even this cold has had its fair share of them; though significantly less, than usually; so, maybe it’s the congestion, or something? I suck at spelling my own sneezes, so I’m just gonna say that they’re really strong, and really, really wet, to the point of most of them being actual raspberry sneezes; and leave the rest for your imaginations. Anyway, I’m almost done with this cold, so I can finally resume my normal life.

Take care and keep sneezing.


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Always a fan of messy, wet sneezes :) Is this your usual sneeze, or did you just have wet ones like these during your cold?

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Hi! Yeah, I sometimes have messy sneezes even, when I’m not sick, not always, though, but they’ve increased in frequency recently.

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