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Could this be the start of something


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So at the start of yesterday I woke up congested and so I blew my nose into an already partly used large white handkerchief. It was a thick gurgly blow and my mucas was a a yellow sort of colour. Throughout yesterday I sneezed a few times but I had swapped my handkerchief to a dark blue patterned bandana type handkerchief and blew lightly into it.

This morning I woke up the same, congested a bit and so I blew again and filled my dark blue bandana handkerchief with thick yellow mucas.

I'm now onto my second white large handkerchief of the week and just coughed a bit and blew my nose, again my mucas being yellow.

Could it be the start of a cold or something? I'll have to keep you all updated

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I love it when men use handkerchiefs to blow their noses! I will use one on occasion myself. Whatever you have going on, hoping your not too miserable! 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well it didn't really last long, only a couple of days and I'm now back to blowing clear mucas into my hankies 

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/19/2018 at 8:50 PM, Hankyrick said:

So at the start of yesterday I woke up congested and so I blew my nose into an already partly used large white handkerchief. It was a thick gurgly blow and my mucas was a a yellow sort of colour. Throughout yesterday I sneezed a few times but I had swapped my handkerchief to a dark blue patterned bandana type handkerchief and blew lightly into it.

This morning I woke up the same, congested a bit and so I blew again and filled my dark blue bandana handkerchief with thick yellow mucas.

I'm now onto my second white large handkerchief of the week and just coughed a bit and blew my nose, again my mucas being yellow.

Could it be the start of a cold or something? I'll have to keep you all updated

Bless you. Was this the usual cold that you catch during December? 

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