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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Article 13


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I’m just wondering, does anyone know what’s going to happen to the forum once this internet censoring is put in place? If we lost net neutrality will we no longer be able to access the forum? I’ve heard rumors that once this new bill is put in place we won’t have access to a lot of websites.

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Okay, let's not panic yet. There's an EU parliament election this year, and with new people there could be a revote or a rewriting of it.

Also, from what I can tell, after trying to read through some long and winding political documents in my second language, memes and gifs are exempt. This whole bill concerns for-profit sites, like Youtube, Facebook and Google, but the forum, and sites like AO3 for example, are non-profit sites. I suppose if we directly upload copyrighted material such as music and videos and images from our computer to the forum, we're in a very dark grey area. But don't we always link from Youtube and imgur, for example? That means Youtube and imgur are the ones responsible for removing copyrighted material from their platforms. We as private users, might find it harder to find material than we do today, but our linking to those sites isn't illegal. From what I can tell, even uploading to those sites isn't illegal, but they'll crack down on it like never before because if Youtube allows a copyrighted video to stay up, they commit a crime. So expect it to be very hard to find uploaded material... until someone finds a loophole, because someone always do. :rolleyes: 


* I should add that I don't condone breaking any laws. 

** Unless it's to save a life. 

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