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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Male obs (mmm!)


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On the phone with my darling very best male friend today and we are talking, his deep melodious voice regaling me with the events of the night before and a horrible dinner, making me laugh and then he paused, his voice hitched mid thought. An incredibly strong intake of breath and then 'Ahhhaaaachhhshaaahh' the begining ahh so lovely and the mid portion sounding rather wet and there was a quiet pause as I grew instantly aroused and hotter by measurable degrees finally purring, "Mmm why thank you and bless you." He was quiet for a sec and then said, "You are welcome and thanks, whew." Which then prompted me to ask, "Are you okay sweetie?" And he said , "Hmmm, I think I could be getting sick, I have not felt right the last few days."

Absolutely I was sorry to hear this in my heart of hearts as I would never want a dear friend to suffer; however there is always that unavoidable turn on which is far beyond my control of what his sneezes do to me inside...

Of course I told him in earnest I hoped he was not getting sick which is the honest truth and then I giggled and let him know that of course I would care for him if he did get sick. He laughed as wel and said, "Oh I know you will."

Apologies in advance for this next bit I must release something before I explode - Inuendo - sweet inuendo, sweet tease, delicious sneeze - he makes me crazy by degrees, giddy, warm and hot to the touch - oh Rico I love the way you sneeze so very much! - :P:yes: Kitty

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For the first time I think I may truly understand what this wonderful friend of yours does to you. Leaving you helpless; vulnerable against the oh-so-sweet-fire he starts at the very depths of your bodily existance. May your friendship be eternal.

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