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Sneeze Fetish Forum

And the Sicky Award goes to...


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Disclaimer; I don't frequent this place anymore, so I probably won't be back to check on this, so I want y'all to have fun with this prompt: 

Have any of you caught some type of sick and have thought sarcastically, "thanks...thanks to whoever got me sick..." I always do, because while I have this fetish, I hate being sick. Absolutely hate it. I've been sick with bronchitis for like a week now, and I could die at any time, jk, but that's how crappy I feel. 

So the prompt is: The Sicky Awards--imagine you get sick, the germs chose you! You're the winner of this season's cold! Now, you've got to give your acceptance speech! Write a paragraph or two thanking everyone and everything that could have possibly contributed to you feeling miserable. I'll go first as an example, and since I'm actually sick. 

And the Sicky Award goes to...FlowerPower67!

Thank you, thank you. I want to personally thank Ms. T for coming to school sick and spreading her glorious cold germs everywhere. I also could not have gotten this amazing cold without the help of the wonderful students at school who don't wash their hands or cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze! It's barely the first month of school, y'all! We're already surrendering to the germs! I want to thank my immune system for holding out for at least the three-day weekend so I could possibly get better over the weekend, but to no avail. I still missed two days after Labor Day... I also want to thank my partner for taking care of me and having the upmost will power to not kiss me. I'm amazed that their immune system has managed to keep them healthy these past two weeks while I slowly die. I hope that this cold is the only one that knocks me down this school year...here's to being healthy! 

Now it's your turn to take this prompt and run with it! 

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