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It was a losing battle and Jaimie knew it. He couldn’t help a little gasp and instantly knew he would be in hot water.

Warmth from the steaming cup of honeyed lemon tea suffused Jaimie’s cupped palms. His forearms rested on raised, denim-clad knees, propped up as they were on the crossbar of the bar stool.

A chill embraced him, ran its fingers down his hunched spine, and he shivered against it. A hiss escaped clenched teeth as the movement sloshed a few drops over the rim and onto the backs of his hands. Carefully, precariously, Jaimie positioned the mug between his knees and hugged the oversized sweatshirt tighter around himself.

Jaimie sat in his favorite spot in his studio apartment, bar stool dragged over to the isolated middle of the room a few feet from the window. From this side of the glass, the stacatto of rainfall curtaining the glinting, twinkling skyline was beautiful.

He hadn’t meant to get caught in the deluge but there had been no avoiding it. By the time he dragged his sorry wet ass up to the apartment and dripped his way inside, the only thing on his mind was a hot drink. That, and getting out of his squelching sneakers.

Jaimie looked at the puddle trail that went from the door to the kitchen counter where he’d prepared his beverage, to the couch where he’d peeled off his soaked T-shirt and grabbed up his massive Uni sweater.

Now, hopelessly tangled in a cocoon of plush throw, the shivers were slowly subsiding. He wriggled his rain-wrinkled toes and reveled in the rising heat.

Suddenly Jaimie’s breathing became jagged, his chest rising and falling in quick rhythm. His chin bobbed, eyebrows raised, lips trembling, nostrils stretching.




Hot water, alright.

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Cute! I personally love the getting -sick-from-rain thing (ha and I suppose I am choosing to believe he is getting sick) so I am here for this and hope you have some more :sneeze::eat:

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