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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A thank you to all members (and especially our glorious leader)


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Dear forum. 

I am not sure where to post this as it'll (depending on where my ADHD takes me as I write this) probably swing around alot. 

I want to first of all extend my highest gratitude to @High on Lullabies for working tirelessly on this forum. Your work is that of gods.

Then I'd like to extend my deepest apologies to @Rook (amongst many others whom I've had somewhat regular conversations with (I'd tag y'all but my memory of names met the same fate as titanic) for having disappeared. Life took a turn, I made several huge mistakes. Mistakes that could very well have sent me to my maker.

I will be back online from Saturday afternoon (swedish time) for more communication as I'm currently on vacay in Budapest.  (realizing that this should probably be a blog post but hey, not finished yet) 

Lastly I would like to extend my arms for a huge group hug in celebration of getting the best forum on this planet back online! 

I may only speak for myself here, but I feel accepted and valid through this forum. From when I was 11-ish, with barely any English skills whatsoever, till today, a 25 year old man. You have all, always been there for me, in times where irl-people would bully and push me, or where life was dreadful. Thank you all! 


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