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Chalky Pastel Dust Made Me Sneeze, Self Obs (f)


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:D Been a while since I had a refreshingly long fit. *sniffles*

Well, I'm kind of in a rush today. Have a test tomorrow for a class that I'm not doing well in, and I also have a drawing due as well, so I guess you could say I've been kind of clumsy with my actions since I'm in such a hurry to get everything done. I fortell that in my near future, I shall be pulling another "all-nighter" possibly, we'll see what happens. Taking a break now to collect myself and write these obs. :blushing:

So, I'm working on this drawing for class, drawing the interior of something. A classic assignment. Anyone who has ever taken any kind of drawing class, even an intro one, I guarantee you've gotten this assignment. I can't tell you how many times I've been assigned to do something like this, but at least it's good that I have the experience and I know what I'm doing. My instructor's been downgrading me a little lately because he says my darks aren't dark enough, and I know he's right. I just couldn't seem to get them any darker, no matter how hard I pressed. Actually, I think I've been scarred for life from high school, where all the time my teacher kept telling me "It's too dark! Lighten it up some!" But, finally my drawing instructor gave me some good advice and that was to change materials. He said I wouldn't be able to get that kind of dark that I want with vine charcoal, and so he recommended that I get some black and white pastels. So, last week I went over to my favorite art store in this area and bought a set.

I hate any kind of chalky material...not because it makes a mess, I just hate the way it feels on my hands. Digging the little sticks out of their tray was a nightmare...it just feels so disgusting to me, but I deal with it. The drawing is going smoothly, Mr. Massing is right...the darks really do pop out when using this stuff, if only it didn't feel so yucky. Oh well.

The left side of the drawing I had worked on last night, today I was starting on the right side, and I'll do the middle when I'm finished here. I was shading a really big area...the door to my closet, and being the perfectionist that I am...I had to get it right. One long dark strip on the right, dark up top, fade to white, and then dark again. Putting my whole arm into it, I smudged and rubbed and smudged some more. My hands were covered in icky grayness. When I was done, I looked at my creation and smiled, knowing that I had gotten everything right, all of the lights and darks, near perfect, and good enough for me.

Then came my stupid mistake. Let me just remind you that I'm working in a dorm room. "Deluxe single" they call it, right...the place is about 4yds across, although I'm really bad at measurements. Factor in my bed, desk, chair, refrigerator, shelves...we're talking about a very confined space here. I blew all of the excess pastel dust off of the paper. Eeek. Bad idea. I glance up from my page as, I get an immediate tickle in my nose. I want so badly to rub it or do something to subside it, but....you guessed it, my hands were an absolute mess. I blinked a few times, as my eyes were watery and irritated and then finally I turned to my left and sneezed a powerful "HAH-AAAchiiishhuhhh!" I sighed in relief, thinking that would be my only sneeze. I've been sneezing in singles a lot lately...so I just didn't think much of it.

That really was a big sneeze though, left me sort of dizzy with tracks of tears along my eyes. I wiped them with the back of my hand and glanced back at my drawing again, sniffling a few times. Suddenly, I gasped feeling another massive tickle approaching. I stared at my hands not knowing what to do...it's not like I was going to be seen by anyone really except the people on my floor, if I were to rub my nose it wouldn't be that big of a deal I guess...but I didn't have time to decide, I sneezed a triple, really dry sneezes, and then a fourth came on strong, causing me to double over in my chair and knocked my drawing board right off of my lap. :blushing:

Slightly annoyed, I leaned over and picked up the board and my picture, stood up and walked them over to my bed, and laid it down on there. I then turned away and sneezed twice more and then a third time. I sniffled and sneezed a few more times, one right after the other. I would have made a wav if I had time to even think about doing so, but I just kept sneezing. :blushing:

I sniffled and rubbed my nose sideways with my arm, and then turned back towards my bed to where my drawing was. Oddly enough, it's kind of hot today, so I have my window fan on at full blast, which is right next to where my bed is, and my picture was getting ready to take flight. I sneezed once and then grabbed it, and the drawing board that it was sitting on, and put them both on the floor next to the refrigerator. I stood back up, only to soon have to double over with 5 more dry rapid fire sneezes, followed by a few thousand sniffles and a pinkish nose.

Feeling more sneezes on the way, I quickly grabbed my keys and ran to the bathroom to wash my hands so that I could at least touch my nose and relieve some of the burning tickles. Out in the hallway, I stifled one sneeze, which followed two more loud powerful ones, that I muffled as best I could with the crook of my elbow. Nobody was out there, thankfully...and the bathroom was deserted as well. I got in there and sprang to the sink, running my hands under the cool water and watched as all the mucky black dust seemed to melt off of them. Still washing, I glanced up at the mirror to see my oh-so attractive watery, red irritated eyes and runny nose. I sniffled and felt yet another bunch of sneezes approaching. I deemed my hands clean enough, turned off the water and without even drying, just threw them up to my face and sneezed into them powerfully about six times. My sneezes echoed throughout the place, and I prayed that nobody was on their way here.

I then stood there and just massaged my nose and eyes with my fingers for about a minute, then finally grabbed my keys and walked back to my room sniffling a few times on the way. I keyed in, sniffled and sneezed only once more, before I grabbed some tissues, blew and wiped my nose and then my eyes.

*giggles* Very surprising to say the least, and I still have half a drawing to finish tonight. :blushing:

Hope you enjoyed.

*Edit...finished products are sweet :)

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Wonderfully written, Susie. I love your description of the irritation. It says in your profile you love allergies, so do I, and you do a great job of writing about allergic reactions (I consider this kind of an allergic reaction... it's different from a cold, anyway).

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-blank mind-

-blank mind-

-blank mind-

-blank mind-

-blank mind-

-slowly reachin reality-

I shouldn't read that kind of stuff. It kept me fantasizing about being your tissue for three hours and a half, smiling dumbly, going :D and with my mom yelling at me about food getting hotter... or colder... who knows.


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Wow... I also like that dust or other irritant is causing the sneezes. And that you couldn't rub your nose or do anything to relieve the tickle... Thanks for sharing!

The drawing is very nice too.

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Oh I enjoyed it too! Especially those "Few thousand sniffles" and a lovely, runny, pinkish nose. ( :D omg... I can't wipe this smile off my face... maybe some coffee will melt it)

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I agree, that was a very nice observation.

But I think it would be nice if more people were to take notice of the wonderful artistic talent Susie has.

I think you drawing was wonderful, I exspecially loved the shading.

Thank you for sharing your work with us :D .

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I agree, that was a very nice observation.

But I think it would be nice if more people were to take notice of the wonderful artistic talent Susie has.

I think you drawing was wonderful, I exspecially loved the shading.

Thank you for sharing your work with us :blushing: .

:D I agree with Daphine. Very nice work Susie! If you had problems with darks before, it seems as if the new materials helped because they seemed perfect to me!

Thanks for sharing - the observation and the the great artwork!

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Thanks everyone for the compliments. You're all very nice to me...sorry, I'd say more, but I'm kind of in a "mood" today...but wanted you all to know that I'm appreciative, so thanks again.

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