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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Holding Back


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I decided to try something different. Hope y’all like. ★




Holding back a sneeze is difficult. 


First, you don’t even want to admit that it’s there. And there’s no reason it should be there. It’s nothing. 




It’s nothing. 




Oh dear.


Then you come to terms with the fact that it is there, teasing you, ‘you know it’s going to happen’, and you can’t withhold your attention from it or else it takes over. 


And trying to split your attention between it and the task, you feel your eyes start to water, and itch, and you feel it at the tip of your nose, so you wrinkle it up - then down - as if stretching it would ease the urge. 


But then it gets bigger. 


‘You can’t ignore me’. Your nostrils flare. And then you press the back of your hand against your nose, as you feel it grow to what feels like its tip of the iceberg - dedication. It won’t come that easy.


Rubbing it won’t make it much better. No, not if you don’t want to make it worse - touching gingerly, then applying more pressure, scrubbing back and forth. Harder, maybe? Not much help. Then you’ve got a nice rosy red nose, flushed in hue and perhaps even more demanding than before. 


“Ughh.... *snff*”


The nostrils wrinkle with soft sniffles, as the nose begins to run in attempt to soothe the irritation. And sniffles; short harsh intakes of air, can make the scene more interesting.


“*snff* huehh...”


The inhaling of more irritants causes to itch to make itself known once again, perhaps with greater annoyance - the situation becomes more flustered as itching only encourages the stream of thin mucus. A dreaded cycle. “Hheh... *snf!* ugh.” Rub, wipe. “*s-snrf*” 


Where are the tissues?


Breath rushes softly through your mouth. You need to blow your nose, or else this will only escalate... “*snrf* huh’-! *sdf*” Really, this is getting difficult to suppress.


And then as if something had taken over, an uncontrollable hitching breath passes through the lips. Unanimously, the eyes involuntarily narrow, and you feel the presence of the film of moisture. If you didn’t have to sneeze before, you definitely do now. Tissues or not.


And on the next breath of fresh air, as coolness rushes against the red, irritated walls within the nose - more short, choppy, hitching breaths. Breathing in, and in, and slowing the inhale, is this it? 


Not quite. Breathe out. 


The tingling sensation has frozen your facial expression, telling you now or never. Just do it. It’s going to happen eventually. But no. No, you’ve got control, complete control.


Hahh- *sdff* aeuhh...“ As a last resort, you start to rub at your nose again, pressing hard, pinching the itching nostrils together, and sniffling with frustration. This is agony. It’s such a hassle, why not just- “ihh,” The nostrils flare. Do they feel... puffier?  You don’t really know, but god, do they itch...


“Hihh, hhihh.... *snnrff* ehhh...” Breathe in, slow, cool air, ignore the vibrating tingle as it passes. “*snnrfff!*” Kind of like a pinching sensation, on the tip of the nose. With another sniffle, the itch seems to spark up suddenly, forcing the curled knuckle back up to try and settle it down. Rubbing back and forth with pressure. Ugh, it just wont leave. 


“Huhh...” Eyelids flutter closed. The hand finally drops. Nostrils flaring, glowing a sensitive red, the eyebrows furrowing. Damn it. Eyes shut, slowly, you shake your head. “Ahhuh,” It’s here. The annoying, teasing, itch has fully blossomed into an overwhelming tickle. You feel your chest start to swell with longer breaths that fill your lungs. “Ahh, *sdf* huhh-“


Oh dear. 


Quickly, your hand shoots back up towards your face. “hg’NXXGtchh!!-ieww... *snrf, snff*” Slowly, you open your eyes, sniffling softly. You blink gingerly, and quickly look downward, tiny tear drops caught in your eyelashes.




And so you sniffle, not too harshly, your attention now lingering on whether or not it might happen again. 






“*snff* ...”






Breath in, breath out. “*snrf*” One last good rub, full of closure and relief. “*snnff*”




Oh god.


“*snrf* .....ah’hihh-“ The tickle returns to its full extent, this time with advantage as your already tender nostrils start to wrinkle and twitch in protest. You try a last ditch attempt to resist, but it only lasts for a second or two before your breath is already pausing abruptly and your nostrils are flaring to life. And before you can think of another attempt to hold it back, the tickle grows back with an overwhelming urge- “nn’MXGkt!!-uhhhh.... *snrf*”




You sniffle reflexively, and more liquidly, blinking rapidly and the wiping tears from your watery eyes.






You don’t have to sneeze again. Okay? It’s nothing. ‘Please go back to being nothing.’ Slow breaths through rounded lips. In and out. 




You don’t have to sneeze again.




You don’t have to... Oh, come on.


“*snnrff* ughh.... ihh-! hehh- heh’- hg’isSCHhuh!! *sdrff* uhh...


Oh dear.

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I LOVE HOLDBACKS. This is my super weakness. Very well done! 

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I really like these little explorations of a specific part of the fetish :D As much as I love to see hold-backs, it is fascinating to read from the perspective of someone trying to hold back!

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Thank you for the feedback! ☺️ I didn’t expect this to get so many comments~

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  • 1 year later...

I love this story. Definitely not enough use of second person narratives in this archive, you navigate it so well! Beautifully done!

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