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Maybe I have a cold...


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Yesterday afternoon I had a very wet and powerful sneeze and I've been sniffly all evening.

Today I woke up being slightly congested and my throat is a bit sore/tickly : I hope I'm not coming down with a cold!

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Little update : my throat is still a tiny bit sore and my nose has been getting a little stuffier during the day. Now it also feels a bit irritated. 

No sneezes but I had a little coughing fit because of a strange tickle in my throat this afternoon (which went away after drinking a glass of water). 

I'm soo sniffly and also a bit stuffed up...

Sometimes I need to blow my nose but I'm too embarrassed to do that since I'm with my family and I don't want them to know I'm (maybe) getting sick. 

It seems like I may wake up with a full-blown cold tomorrow! Oh no!

I'll keep you updated (and thank you all for your kind wishes!).

Edited by Zumil4702
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Update : today I woke up being more congested than yesterday,not to the point where I can't breathe through my nose but I definitely need to sniffle/blow it quite frequently (but I don't really blow now 'cause I'm self-conscious about it) because it's runny and stuffed up at the same time.

Not only that,my nostrils still are a bit irritated and red,I've sneezed only once so far (I stifled but it sounded snotty even though it didn't help clear my nose at all).

My throat is fine but my voice is starting to sound a little stuffy.

I think I'm catching a summer cold...

Edited by Zumil4702
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Update : I guess I wasn't catching a cold after all,as I feel better now,I'm not that stuffy anymore and I don't have any other symptoms. 

Maybe it was just allergies???

I have no idea but I think it's not a cold anyway.

Thanks everyone for the kind wishes!

Edited by Zumil4702
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