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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Unbelievably sneezy night (self, F)


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The pollen counts have been off the charts here. A few days ago I woke up with itchy eyes and a completely stuffed up nose. I get allergies on and off, but this was an intensity I've never experienced before. All day I was dealing with that itchy throat and soft palette feeling that no amount of water seemed to soothe. I went through a box of tissues blowing my nose. I added another allergy pill on top of the 24-hour one I'd already taken the evening before. I even stopped in at the pharmacy to get some nasal spray. The sneezing was frequent but not debilitating...mostly just occasional singles and doubles. I spent most of my day hunkered inside with my windows shut, so I couldn't really understand why I was suddenly so hayfever-y...it's still a mystery!

By the time I was ready for bed, I was feeling a little bit less stuffy and itchy. I took my 24 hour allergy pill and settled into bed. Of course, lying down made my congestion come back and I tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep or get comfortable. I blew my nose repeatedly, scattering my nightstand with used tissues. Frustrated and itchy, I got up to go to the bathroom and tried a squirt of the nasal spray I'd bought before. It seemed to clear up some of the congestion on one side and feeling some slight relief, I went back to bed.

This was where things got truly exhausting. Now my nose felt like it had a little clear pocket of itchiness on the right side of my sinuses, sandwiched in between growing congestion. I climbed into bed and blew my nose again. The itchy spot seemed to burn and suddenly I started to sneeze. Once, twice, three.....four, five times in a row. Itchy, harsh hah'TSGH! sounds. Of course, the sneezes caused my nose to get clogged again. I gave another blow. Again, the itchy spot flared and I was sneezing once more. I had fits of doubles, triples, up to five or six in a row which is very very rare for me (I'm usually a double sneezer but never get full blown fits like this where the sneezes are back to back....usually they're much more spaced out). At once point they came so harsh and fast that I felt my back tingle and I thought "this is it...I'm in my 30s and I'm going to throw my back out by sneezing" lmao.

Finally after several more trips to the bathroom for water to try to soothe my itchy throat and many many nose blows and sneezes later, I basically passed out sometime around 2am from straight up exhaustion. When I woke the next day, I was still very congested and felt like I had a terrible allergy hangover. Thankfully I'm mostly back to myself now except for occasional bits of stuffiness and maybe 6-10 sneezes scattered throughout my day. 

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Sorry to hear that you were so uncomfortable but thanks for sharing your obs. I hope you're feeling better.

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8 hours ago, Dusty15 said:

At once point they came so harsh and fast that I felt my back tingle and I thought "this is it...I'm in my 30s and I'm going to throw my back out by sneezing" lmao.

Oh the joys of getting older :lol: Strange that your sneezes were so different - I have always wondered whether different allergens can elicit different types of sneezes (ie. more violent, more prolonged)

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