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Hi all,

As many of you may know, we have had a bit of a chink in the cable of the validation process recently as our admins have been absent through various reasons, other commitments etc. 
I've made a temporary return to staff to help out. Thank you so much to the rest of the staff for making me feel welcome on the team :) .
The last time I was a staff member was a fair few years ago, and the back-end has changed significantly in the meantime, so please bear with me whilst I get familiar with the interface. The staff is responding to messages as usual, but please be aware there might be a delay as we are tackling tasks that have built up a bit over time.

At the moment, the queue of unapproved registrations has reached 4500+. To vet an account takes between 1-3 minutes each, so that adds up to between 75 and 225 hours continuous work to clear that queue. 
As we are unfortunately all volunteers and between us we only have so many hours a week we can commit, we will prune the registered accounts and only go through the most recent ~250.

Important: If you have registered between May 2020 and early July 2021 and are not able to post yet, please register again. Your initial registration has been/will shortly be deleted, so the duplicate account rule does not apply in this specific instance.

Apologies for the inconvenience and please bear with the staff whilst we tackle the backlog of admin tasks!

Many thanks and happy foruming!

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